The Nature Of Law And Human Rights 🌍 Flashcards


What are the two kinds of Human Rights ?


European Convention on human rights

UN rights

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What are the European Convention on human rights protected under?


Human rights act 

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What are the five examples of European Convention on human rights?


Right to liberty and security - Freedom - C

Right to assembly - Q

Right to a fair trial - C

Expression -qualified - restricted 🚫

private life -qualified

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what is the meaning of Fundamental?


Rights Can never be restricted 🚫 

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Give an example of an UN right


Health care 

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What are the two types of human law ? 


Core - hard to restrict

qualified- Restrictions

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What goes against the right of expression?


Hate speech

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What are some examples of something going against the rights of a private life?



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What do judges do in human rights?


Interpret laws

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What does the government do?


propose law

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What do the House of Lords and the House of Commons do?


Make the law

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How does the constitution work on the basis on in the UK? Between who? 


On the basis of the separation of powers

Between the executive - Government

legislature- HOL and HOC

and judiciary

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What happened to the UK signed up to an international agreement?


Use their own law making methods to adopt theagreement 

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How have the UK incorporated the European Convention on human rights ?


Though The creation of the human rights act 1998

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What does the human rights act 1988 allow judges to do ?


Allows to judges to state that a national piece of law is incompatible With the ECHR and therefore must be adapted in order to still have legal status

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What does incompatible mean?


Does not follow human rights law

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What are the three cases under the impact of you conventions of human rights ?


Hirst v UK 🇬🇧

Wainwright v UK

A v SS for home department

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What is Defamation ? What are we wanting ?


Tort - compensation or injunction

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Where does defamation come from?


Defamation act 2013

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What are three things needed to prove defamation?

  1. Defamatory statement 
  2. Statement Must identify the person
  3. Must be published
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What is stage one of Defamation? 

what is a Defamatory statement?

What must it cause ?


Defamatory statement - 

Parmiter V Coupland - “Calculated to interfere with rep of another, by exposing them to hatred , ridicule or Contempt “

Must cause you serious harm

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What case tells us what to we need to consider in stage one?


Lachaux V Independent print

Scale of publication
Gravity of statement - how serious is the is the harm

Eurecro fuels V Szczecin- Includes financial loss

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What is the second page of defamation?

What is this enough for?


Statement Must identify the person - enough that the reasonable person can tell who it is 

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What is the third stage of defamation?


Statement must be published -

Websites - (Godfrey V Demon)
Tweets - (Monroe V Hopkins)
Blogs- (Cruddas V Adams ) 

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What’s are the three Defences to Defamation?
S.2 Truth- Main substance of article is true S.3 Honest opinion - Opinion that the reasonable person would have S.4 Statement of public interest- Ecocomou V Defreitas - key points - test statement - check validity Role of the Defendant- reasonable belief - was in public unrest Serafin V Malkiewcz - Time, tone , context , seriousness or artical (Depp V The Sun ☀️ )
What kind of law is Breech of confidence ?
Common law - coco V Clarke
What is the first stage of breech of confidence ?
Info which has confidence in it - Data parcel to you Address medical Tax
What is the second stage of breech of confidence ?
D Obliged Keep it confidential - Government , solitaires safe guarding Copy right info
What is the 3rd stage of breech of confidence ? 
Unauthorised use of data - Has to be accessed to it TLT v SS home - home office - published der atoms of asylum seekers
What are the three defences to breach of confidence?
Necessary to safeguard legal duty to do so consent - AG v Guardian
What case comes from misuse of private info ?
Campbell V MGN - Protect all medical data - always private 
What case gives us a two-stage test for the misuse of private info?
Campbell V MGN
What is the two-stage test for misuse of private info?
1. Did the claimant have a reasonable expectation of privacy? Campbell - medical PJSV News international - Impact on children Reid V Price - Sexual life in the secret 2. Does the claimants right to meet any privacy out with the public interest? Jaggard V Darling - Unaware of CCTV Mosley V News group International - Rights to private sexual life S + M Outweighs with public interest Richard V BBC - Raid - not in public interest Murray V Express- protect the pictures of children not in public interest
What case does Trespass to land come from? Quotes ?
Entick V Harrington - “Every invasion of property” “Wrongful interference with possessory rights”
What is the examples of trespass to land?
Crossing boundary Remaining on land going beyond what is expected on land Putting items on land - league against cruel sports v Scott  Airspace - Kelsen V Imperial Tabacco Bellow land
What must we have for trespass to land ?
Must have Intent to do action - No intent to trespass 
What are the four defences for trespass to land ? 
Content legal right gas electric water Police PACE necessity
What is Trespass ab initio?
Trespass after initial lawful entry
What is the first stage of trespass ab initio? 2 cases ?
Elias v Pasmore - seize evidence - must be linked with warrant Chic Fashions v Jones - Look for and take anything
What act does harassment come from?
Protection of the harassment act 1997 
What kind of offence is harassment?
Summary offence - 4 months
Where is the Harassment found under? Definition ?
S.2 - A course of conduct which amounts to harassment to the defendant which the D knows or ought to know amount to harassment 
What is the first stage of harassment?
S. 7 at least two occasions How far spread they are - Pratt V DPP - Challenge within six months
What is the second stage of harassment?
Harassment - R v Curtis - Unacceptable oppressive to such leads criminal liability Haydon V Dickenson-Is harassment persistent or deliberate targeted at another calculated to cause alarm for fear or distress can include others impacted Majroeski V Guy NHS - Can include work
What is the MR Of harassment?
DefendantMust to know that behaviour is harassment or ought to be- With a reasonable man believe
What are the defences to harassment?
Purpose of preventing or detecting a crime Law that allows it conduct is reasonable
What section and what year was malicious communication set in?
Section 1 1988
What is the two things needed for malicious communications? Under S.1
Send letters or other communications with intent to cause distress or anxiety Must have a Message which be indecent and be grossly offensive
What is the mens rea of malicious communications?
Intent to cause distress or anxiety to those receiving (targeted)
What section is the second type of malicious communication?
Section 127 MCA 2003- A person sends electrical communications Grossly offensive or indecent menacing characteristics Caused any such message to be sent (not targeted) - anyone reading feel offended DPP v Kingsley Smith- covers reposting of a message Chabloz V CPS - posting things on own YouTube channel DPP v Collins - wouldThe reasonable person see it as grossly offensive DPP v Bussetti - not Enough for it to be for bad or shockingly gross DPP v Chambers - Bad joke - bomb airport
What is the mens rea of malicious communications under S.127?
Defendant intended his message to be grossly offensive - aware it might be
What is malicious communications for?
Summary offences 
What is obscene publications under?
OPA 1959/1964
What is obscene publications?
When an article is published which is obscene
Go through the first stage of obscene publications what is an article? Section?
S.1 Anything that can convey a message includes sound and picture 
 Go through the first stage of obscene publications what is something that is published ? Case? Section ?
S.1 Distributed or circulated , Sold, hired projected R v Gavin Smith - Can only be one person
Go through the first stage of obscene publications what is obscene? What is the MR ? 3 cases ?
Seen to deprave or corrupt morality- morally rotten or unsound Reasonable person sees it as morally wrong MR - intent to publish R v Penguin books R v Peacock 🦚 - nature of society hard-core gay BDSM - not enough Handy side V uk 🇬🇧 - book recommended porn enough
What are the defences to Obscene publications ? Under what section? 
S.2 Public good - providing and Interest in science , literature , arts , learning judged by reasonable person D had not examined the article had no cause to suspect it was obscene
What is the first section of the online safety act of 2023 ?
1. S.179 - Offences of sending false communications Send a message False at the time of sending person intended to cause non-trivial (Not have to be extreme) psychological or physical harm
What are the defences to the online safety act 2023?
Person has no reasonable excuse Summary offence- harm no need to succeed ( happen)
What is the second section under the online safety act ? What are the three things needed to happen? 
S.181 - Sending threatening communication Person sent a message- any communication Conveys threat of death or serious harm - included financial At time of sending the person encountering the message fears the threat will be carried out
What is the MR under section 181 under the online safety act 2023?
You intentionally or recklessly cause them to fear 
What is a public order under?
Public order act
What is under section 1 of the public order act? What kind of offence is it and how long? 
S.1 riot indictable offence - 10 years imprisonment
What is the actus reus of S.1 riot within the Public order act?
Twelve or more individuals - must be present together Use or threaten unlawful violence - ( R v Roberts) (R v Birley) Would it cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for their safety ( R v Sanchez) -Hypothetical bystander would they fear for their safety Can charge 1 or 12 
What is the MR of section 1 riot under the public order act ?
Intend to use violence or awareness conduct may be violent 
What is the section 2 under the public order act?
Violent disorder 
What is the section 2 under the public order act?
Violent disorder Under the actus reus three or more people can charge one - R v Mahroof Same - Use or threaten unlawful violence  Same - Would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to pay for their safety - ( R v Sanchez) - Hypothetical bystander MR - same - intent the use of violence awareness that conduct may be violent 
What is the actus reus and mens rea of S.2 violent disorder under the public order act
actus reus three or more people can charge one - R v Mahroof Same - Use or threaten unlawful violence Same - Would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to pay for their safety - ( R v Sanchez) - Hypothetical bystander MR - same - intent the use of violence awareness that conduct may be violent
What is after S.2 violent disorder under the public order act?
S.3 Affray
What is the actus reus and mens rea of s.3 Affray Under the public order act?
Actus reus 1. Can be one person 2. same use or threat unlawful violence DPP v I - Must still be a victim 3. Same - person of resonable firmness present at scene - fear safety - Hypothetical bystander - ( R v Sanchez ) DPP v Leeson- Must impact Bystander
What is after section 3 Affray Under the public order act?
S.4 causing fear and provoking violence
What is the actus reus and mens rea under s.4 of the public orders act ?
AR - Use or display and distribute threatening abusive or insulting words or disorderly behaviour DPP v Clarke MR -In order to provoke Immediate unlawful violence or intend to apprehend immediate unlawful violence
What is after S.4 under a public order act?
S.4 a - Causing intentional of harassment alarm or distress
What is the actus reus and mens rea of s.4 a ?
1. Same - Use of threatening abusive or insulting words or disorderly behaviour Also displays 2. causes another person harassment alarm or distress mens rea To intend To cause another person harassment alarm or distress DPP v Chambers - Causing a disturbance Shouting nonsense persistently persistently rowdy behaviour
What is after s.4a under the public order act
S.5 Harassment alarm and distress use of threatening or abusive behaviour/words or displays anything abusive or threatening  Likely to cause harassment alarm or distress Mens rea - intent to be abusive or believe they may be
What are the defences for s.4 s.4a and s.5 under the public order act 
believe no one would hear 👂 Inside of a dwelling - no one would see 👀 Conduct reasonable
What is third part of for a public order? First section ?
S.11 organisers of an assembly must notify police/ authorities failure to do so is a criminal offence Key details to be agreed
What is the second part of public order part three? 
S.12 + S.14 police can impose conditions on your protest  Size location duration time of day access Props If a reasonably believed that there is serious public disorder serious damage serious disruption to life of community purpose for intimidation Brehony V MET Jones + ores V MET -Condition last for individual protest
What is the third thing on the public order part three?
S.13 - ban an assembly/Protest  Reasonably believe conditions will not be enough to keep people reasonably safe Jones v MET - Daily 
What is breach of the peace under? Cases ? 
R v Hinklin - Can carry on the rest if you need on imminent breach of peace will occur Eiseman Reynard v UK 🇬🇧- preventative arrest 
What is first part of part four for the new public order act 2023?  How long ? MR?
1. Locking on - attaching yourself another to a building object land or another persons Cause or can cause serious disruption to 2 more people or to organisation in a public place Six months if guilty- Can be guilty for being equipped for locking on intent to do so
What is the second part we can cause serious disruption Under the new public order act 2023?
Can cause a serious disruption by tunnelling Create a or are present in a tunnel Where you can cause serious disruption to 2 or more people MR - Intent to be reckless as to creating or being in a tunnel And equipped 
What is the 3rd thing after tunnelling under part four of the new Public order act 2023? Interfere ? Intent? Months ?
Obstructing major transport - obstruct individuals from constructing or maintaining transport networks Interfere with more apparatus Interfering with key national infrastructure Intents of being reckless - 12 months
What are the two at the parliament under investigatory powers? What do they allow ?
Regulator of investigatory powers act 2000 investigator powers act 2016 - applies for local councils , security services and police - Allows authorities to investigate people  
What do the regulator of investigatory powers act 2000 and investigator power act 2016 give the right to do? - Investigatory powers Case?
Rights - carry out surveillance physically follow track and individuals device PC phone gaming Internet interfere with devices undercover officers intercept phone calls data stored for 12 months- only if Secretary of State has requested a person has committed for suspected of a serious crime Data regulations and retention acquisition act 2018 Liberty 🗽 V UK 🇬🇧
What is the interpret data stored for 12 months- only if Secretary of State has requested a person has committed for suspected of a serious crime being allowed under ? -Investigatory powers
Data protection + retention regulations 2018
What do you do if you think you’ve been hacked under the investigatory powers?
Take issue to be investigatory powers tribunal claim is submitted in paper Judge will not hear any live evidence All is done via paperwork compensation or injunction
What is investigatory powers versus?
GDPR - general data protection regulation
What did GDPR replace?
Data protection act
What does GDPR have a duty to do?
Duty to protect personal data- Medical biometric personal data including name bank details
What does a breach of GDPR lead to?
Significant fine £100 million
What are the two articles on the breach of GDPR?
Article 4 - data should be freely given and transparent Article 16 - Allows Erasure
What can you request under the freedom of information act? What is state held info ℹ️ ? Article ?
Any personal data about self State held info - readily available Article 8 - protect rights to private life IPA - goes agains right
What sections under stop and search? police powers
S.1 PACE - Allowed stops and search over a person property of veichel - Do this if you have a reasonable suspicion they have offensive article of stolen property
What is after s.1 PACE? Police powers
S.1(2) - Public place- finding offensive weapons or drugs
What is after s.1 (2) public place? Police powers
S.2(9) - can remove A layer of outer clothing- Coat 🧥 and gloves 🧤 
What is after s. 2 (9) ? Police powers
S.1(3) Reasonable suspicion - Code 👩‍💻 A - circumstances facts evidence and cannot be based on appearance
What section is under process?What is told to the suspect? Police powers 
S. 2 - Name Station - purpose of search 🔦 grounds Search record given to suspect S can refuse to answer questions - (Rice 🍚 v Connelly ) But must be polite - (Kenlin V Gardener 💐) Can use reasonable force ( Kenlin)
What is the acronym for Code A ? GO WISELY ? - Police 👮‍♀️ Powers
G rowns Object W arrant card i dentity s earch record e ntitlement - Right to see copies l egal power y ou are being detained
What is after code under process section 2 under police powers 2 section
S.60 CJPOA - Allows senior offices to authorise indiscriminate searches for location or time S.44 Terrorism act - indiscriminate touches for suspected terrorism - Guillon V Quinton UK 🇬🇧- reasonable grounds
What is after section 2 process under the police powers?
What is under arrest under police powers? 2 positive? Case?
Without a warrant s.24 PACE or serious organised crime act purpose if person has committed an offence Is about to reasonable grounds to believe arrest is necessary Castonia v CC of Surrey - Arresting officer has to believe the suspect is committing it has to be necessary
What is the second thing under arrest?
Code G
What is under Code G ? 5 things
One element Reasonable grounds- must have evidence and circumstance Necessary - ascertain suspects name address to prevent physical injury - To protect others or property to protect child 👧 or vunrable to allow prompt investigation Prevent obstructing an investigation
What case is under procedure? S.28 PACE
Taylor V CC Thames Valley- Inform the person they are being arrested - S.28 PACE 
What do police have to do under procedure?
Identify self explain circumstances explain why they are under arrest Why arrest is necessary not free to leave give the caution
What is the quotes said by police when they arrest someone under Procedure?
“You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence If you do not mention something you later rely on in court Anything you do say maybe given in evidence” S. 34 CJPOA 
What is under S.30 PACE?Under procedure
Take suspect back to the police station as soon as reasonably possible (R v Halliwell)
What can police use under Procedure? police powers- Case?
DPP v Wood 🪵- Handcuffs
What code is used on the procedure?
Code G - record all info in a pocket book 🗒✏️- Time of arrest and giving caution
What is after procedure?
Arrest with warrant 
What is under arrest with warrant
Procedure is the same S.1 magistrates act 1980- Have to show warrant - if on bail- fail to surrender Miss court Suspected of crime evidence to prove the case
What is after arrest with warrant?
What is under custody? - police powers ? What section is the custody officer under?
Investigatory officer- DNA fingerprints- samples custody officer - s.36 - PACE Record personal details welfare Check if suspect understands charge Explain why you’re in custody cannot be part of investigation Log charges takes belonging see if detention is necessary lawyers authorised detention Read rights
What is after custody under police powers?
Your rights
What The first code is under your rights?
Code C PACE - Free legal advice Help with any medical issues Rest break food 24 hours in custody -have it checked at six and then every nine hours 96 hours with senior officer/magistrates approval Meal 🥘 breaks every 46 minutes every two hours- 15 minute break if interviews - reasonable discretion
What are the two things you are entitled to under code C?
Entitled to an appropriate adult 👩 - learning Need or under 18 Interpreter
What is the code and section under your rights - investigatory officer?
Code D - S.61 PACE -Fingerprints taken with or without consent- Higher rank officer 👮‍♀️  S.61 A - footprint S.63 - non-intimate samples - without consent S.65 - intimate samples - blood 🩸 and urine - senior officers authorities- required consent taken by doctor/nurse
What is after your rights under police control? 
What are the codes and sections under interviews? Police powers ? What are the three Cases ?
Code E/F- Three tapes - court evidence and defence S.76/78 - Cannot obtain evidence via oppression R v Samual - Right to a solicitor at every stage R v Aspinall -Appropriate adult needed for schizophrenia R v Argent - Right to silence 
What happened before 1998 ? under how do we enforce ECHR law?
Any human right case had to directly go to ECHR
What does the human rights act of 1998 tell us?
We need to challenge HR cases in domestic courts first 
What is the route that HR cases now have to take human rights act 1998? - under how do we enforce ECHR law ?
What do we have to consider under s 2 and what must be compatible in s 3 What will any incompatible law receive under s.4 under the human rights act 1998? ECHR
Due to S.2 must consider all judgements of ECHR S.3 - Primary and secondary law must be compatible with ECHR S.4 - any incompatible law will receive a declaration of incompatibility 
What do you have to bring under how do we import ECHR Law ?
Bring a case - 3 grounds procedural ultra vires - (Aylsebury Mushroom 🍄) Substantive ultra Vires - (Cure + Deely v C+ E) Proportionality - disproportionate - 
What is after we bring a case under how do we enforce ECHR law ? Protocol? What are the 6 steps ? What do we have to identify first ? 
Protocol 14- First identify whether it is a state or state body If so one judge 👩🏿‍⚖️ decides admissibility criteria If so three judges discussed case or seven if new case area Final challenge - Grand Chambers 17 judges Sent back to domestic court
What is admissibility criteria under? What protocol under how does the ECHR law work ? 
Protocol 15+16
What is under protocol 15+16 under admissibility criteria?
You must be a direct victim exhausted all domestic routes Cannot be anonymous Cannot be exact same issue as one before suffered significant disadvantages Lodged application within six months of final domestic court decision
What does the ECHR not have to follow?
What are the five remedies under how do we enforce ECHR law ?
S.4 Compensation mandatory order- You have to do something Prohibited order - You have to stop doing something quashing order - Charges dropped 
What is article 8? What do we have to see?
Right to private home and family life and correspondence See if it’s standing under s.6 and if they have been sufficiently impacted due to a state or state body
What things go onto private life?
Medical info relationships Photos and videos of you political viewpoints
What does article 8 (1) State under article 8 right to private life? 4 cases?
We all have a right to a private life (Niemietz V Germany 🇩🇪)-including work office work+ work relationships part of private life (Axon V SS of health ) - medical data is always private however age is a factor- will consider Gillick competence) (Paton V Poole ) - Photos and surveillance (Steinfield v SS of Education)- relationships private life civil partnerships previously only allowed to same-sex couples
How is Steinfeld v SS of education a breach of article 8?
Civil partnerships- Now the opposite sex
What cases come after breach of article 8 Stenfeld V SS of education
Mosley V NGI -Reputation Rooney V Vardy- WAGS PJS v Newsgroup- children’s reputation Richard V BBC -Homelife
What does family focus on under article 8? What should they enjoy ?
Enjoy uninterrupted relations with family Wider family networks
What does family under article 8 include? Case? Why no breech ?
Marriage  (Agyarko + Ikuga V ss of home department) - No breech they could enjoy their relationships in another country
What are the three cases under CSER law for family - Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility ? Under article 8?
(Gaskin V UK 🇬🇧) - right to find out about their family (Yousef v Netherlands 🇳🇱 )- Child custody - best interest of child 👧 (AB v SS of justice) - gender recognition rights - gender recognition act 2004 Impact of family - PJS v independent news group
What does Homelife under article 8 insure an interrupted right to?  What are the three cases that go over proprietary interest tenants rights and gypsies having right to home life on approved land - time approved
An uninterrupted right to enjoy your home (Khatun V UK 🇬🇧)-  includes proprietary interest Included tenants rights- Richard V BBC Price v Leeds - Gypsies only have rights of home life on approved land - time approved
What is correspondence under article 8? Example ?
Uncensored and uninterrupted communication Digital footprint 👣 
What are the three cases under correspondence under article 8?
(Klass v Germany 🇩🇪) - surveillance (Barbulescu v Romania 🇷🇴) -work channels can be looked at but where proportional Tele2sverige v Watson -State can only check devices and ask the storage if suspect serious crime-indictable offences Followed in Liberty 🗽 V UK 🇬🇧 Mobile / internet
How do we structure an article 8 essay?What do we invoke?
S.6 under HRA - state or body - Standing Invoke Article 8 against the state or body for failing to protect her from ***
What is Under article 8 [2] restrictions much be in accordance with ?
In accordance with the law (UK law must allow restriction)
What is AA10 Restrictions are protected by under article 8[2]?
Protected by HRA
What does law have to be under AA 8 [2] ? case?
Law must be clear precise and accessible - (Liberty 🗽 V Uk 🇬🇧 )
What is the second stage AA8 [2] restrictions?
Law must serve a legitimate aim
What are the four aims that must be served under AA8 [2]? What case has a wide margin of appreciation and why?
1. National security - protect the most - (Lender V Sweden 🇸🇪) -wide margin of appreciation - easier to justify 2. prevent crime + disorder 3. Protect the health and morals of state and society - (dungeon V UK 🇬🇧)- views against same-sex marriage 4. Protect rights of others
What is the third Stage AA8 [2] restrictions? Test? Case and quotes ?
Necessary in a democratic society to restrict proportionality test- (Observer + guardian V UK 🇬🇧 ) pressing social needs
What is article 10?
The right to freedom of expression
What kind of law is it?
Qualified - can be restricted
What does AA10 [1] protect? What does the C have to be ? Explain ?
Three aspects of expression Hold opinion Express ideas or opinions Received information Sufficiently impacted
What is holding an opinion?- What can it never be? Case? (AA10)
Any individual is welcome to their opinion we cannot determine their opinion CAN NEVER BE RESTRICTED 🚫 - University - sombrero case - hold opinion of culture
What does expressing ideas or opinion to show the freedom of? Case? (AA10)
Freedom of press to report an issue in public interest (Goodwin v Uk 🇬🇧) (Handyside V UK 🇬🇧)- allowed to shock offend and disturb others
What are the two kinds of margins of appreciation under article 10 under expression?
Wide - easier for the state to restrict Narrow - harder to restrict
What are the three types of expression under AA10? 2 cases? What is someone in public interest ?
1. Artistic - art 🖼 ,literature , film 🎥 ,clothing - wide Müller V Switzerland - Fetus as art Otto Preminger Institute v Austria 🇦🇹 2. Political- opinions of politics - harder to restrict - narrow (R v Mair ) (R v McAlpine)- lead to a Criminal offence 🚫 3. Public interest - people that are in public interest (Mosley v NGI) ( Richard V BBC) (Steel + Morris V Uk 🇬🇧 ) (Axel Springer V Germany) Notoriety of person Prior conduct Method used to obtain information ℹ️ Consequence sanctions Context/Form
What is the third stage of article 10? What do you have a right to ? Act ?
Received information- right to own information ℹ️- Freedom of information act
What can you request under receiving information ℹ️ AA10?
Request state held info
What case in receiving information in stage three of article 10 give us reasons as to how we can request state held info ℹ️ ?
(Magya Helsinki Bitzottsag V Hungary 🇭🇺 ) purpose of request Nature of info role of applicant Available
What is AA10[2] Prescribed by?
What does Law have to be? Under AA10[2]?
Clear and precise - (Lender V Sweden 🇸🇪) Accessible - (Liberty 🗽 V UK 🇬🇧 )
What does AA17 state? What is not allowed ? AA10[2] case?
Discrimination - hate speech not allowed (Garuady v France 🇫🇷)
What laws can be in force under AA17?
Defamation obscene harassment malicious communications equality act MPI AA8 protected by human rights act official secrets act Public order act 
What is the second stage to the defence of AA 10[2]?
Must serve a legitimate aim- Of law chosen under AA17 National security - (Hadjianastatsiou V Greece 🇬🇷 ) Public Safety /territorial integrity - ( R v Shyrler) Crime and disorder - (Surek V Turkey 🇹🇷) Protect Health and morals- (Handyside V UK 🇬🇧) ( Müller v Switzerland 🇨🇭) (Dulgerhiru V London Borough of Earling) Right and freedom of others - AA8 (Bedat V Switzerland 🇨🇭)-All articles must be equal And must be considered their individual facts Protect information and receive in confidence - (Guja V Maldova ) Protect the impartiality of the judiciary - (Sunday Times v UK 🇬🇧)
What is the third stage of AA10[2]?
Is it necessary in a democratic society? Proportionality test (Observer + guardian V UK ) (Pressing Social need ) AA8 v AA10 - Discuss Axel Springer case to help you out come role to conduct how info was received Noroity of the celebrity Consequence Sanctions For article 8 Campbell V MGM Richard V BBC Mosley V NGI PJJ v Newsgroup international
How do we do the introduction for article 8 evaluation? What kind of law?
Right to private ,family and home life as well as uninterrupted correspondence Qualified meaning it is restricted
What does article 8 impose on the state? (Eval) 
Positive and negative obligations 
What does the introduction for AA8 Eval have?
What are the three evaluations of the introduction of article 8? 
1. Private life is important - should it be restricted 2. No precedent - absurd cases because all decided differently  (Conner V Uk 🇬🇧) (McDonald V Uk 🇬🇧) - gypsies on land inspecting the facts decided definitely- unfairness 3. Margin of appreciation can operate on fairly- no two countries will be the same - states have less right of privacy However different values
How do we evaluate private life? Eval AA8 What has the ECHR done?
Wide term - no definition interpretation through cases Relationships- (Stienfield V SS ) medical (Axon V SS of health ) reputation (Mosley V NGI) photos - (Paton v Poole) Two large of a scope more individuals test courts see private life has been infringed  Thankfully the ECHR has recognised need for states to make a recognise their own Laws - Euthanasia (Nicklinson V UK 🇬🇧)
How do we evaluate family what is there no of ? AA8 Eval What is there a Changing in scope of?
No definition Marriage (Agyarko + Ikuga V SS of Home 🏠) - trafficking - (Q v SS of home 🏠) - courts Are refusing more entry protecting state - (Biao V Denmark 🇩🇰) Child custody ( Yosef V Netherlands 🇳🇱)  child right (Gaskin V Uk 🇬🇧) Changing scope of family - homosexuality (Frette V France 🇫🇷) transgender 🏳️‍⚧️ (EB v France 🇫🇷) complex rules - human fertilisation and embryology act -surrogacy IVF
Evaluate correspondence - AA 8 Eval what are states doing more of? How is this protected ? Act?
 restricting communication through law such as IPA However (Tele2Sverige V Watson) + (Liberty V UK 🇬🇧 ) - look to protect them- Limited state - only allowed to share communication with serious criminal are suspected UK change law - data retention acquisition regulations act 2018
What question do it ourselves after Eval of AA8?
Should we allow the state to have more powers to track under correspondence
What kind of article is AA10 ( Right of expression) under the evaluation? What should it never be?
Qualified can be restricted - expression should never be limited
What kind of obligation does article 10 have? (Eval) What is it state duty to do and avoid? What do they have?
Positive and negative obligation - state duty to protect and to avoid interference However states have different margins of appreciation - Can lead to inconsistencies -Shown in countries like Turkey - (Surek v Turkey 🇹🇷 )
What is article 10 right to express at a constant battle with? Inquiry? What does hacking tell us ?
Constant battle with AA8 -  (Bedat v Switzerland 🇨🇭) Long list of UK case law that shows reluctance to accept article 10 - (Campbell V MGN ) (Moseley v NGI) (PJS v International News group) (Richard v BBC) (Jaggard V Darling) (Murray v Express) Leverson enquiry- looks at press standards due to hacking - lack of trust due to the press - Is article 10 actually protected? other countries and more equality (Axel Springer V Germany🇩🇪 ) (Bedat V Switzerland 🇨🇭)
what is that a final line of in Eval art 10 ? What do we have to ban this? What do courts do?
Fine line between offensive shocking to obscene banned expression AA17 - Discrimination bans hate speech -(Garaudy V France 🇫🇷) Courts Look at the impact and try to prevent serious comments that indicates serious crime (Belkacem V Belgium 🇧🇪) -court of morality? ( Handy side V Uk 🇬🇧) (Otto Preminger Institute v Austria 🇦🇹)
What is there to much of under evaluation of article 10? Eg? Act? What is there? What does it hinder? What does one law govern?
Too much UK law The public order act - creates offences for causing harassment alarm and distress  - (DPP v Chambers) Range of defences - unclear nature - what is acceptable? Hinders over law such as obscene publications - (R v Gavin smith) And malicious communications ( DPP v Collins) - One law governs acceptable speech
What is the fifth expression under article 10 evaluation what is it what is its margin of appreciation? what does it lead to ? Careful line of? (EVAL)
Political expression - narrow as it only protects when it leads to a Criminal offence - (R v Mair) (R v McAlpine) Politicians face too much abuse - we don’t protect them showing with Jo Cox and Mr Berry Careful line - we need political expression for democracy
How do we evaluate risk and threat of online under AA10 Eval?
Law has not kept up with protecting people get online abuse- malicious Don’t have enough safeguards but UK is trying to do more - the online safety act 2023
How do we evaluate receiving info under article 10? What is the key criteria for? Case? Why is it fair ? Inquiry?
We have to Request for state held or personal - key criteria for access (Magya Helsinki Bitzottsag V Hungary 🇭🇺) Fair aspect of law- look at who is requesting Nature of it and accessibility Receiving info helps - with the democratic society instigate social change Grenfell tower inquiry
What is article 11? What kind of qualified is it? 
Right to freedom of assembly - Protest Qualified
What are the three rights under article 11? What is a breech?
1. Freedom to have a peaceful assembly - (Appleby V UK 🇬🇧) - public land - could take protest on public land (Cisse V France 🇫🇷) - Protest 🪧 in church ⛪️ 2. freedom to associate with others -join different groups - cause groups - political groups (Young James Webster V uk 🇬🇧 )-closed shop agreements are a breech (Renfern V UK 🇬🇧) - can join controversial political groups 3. Form or join the trade union - (Belgium Police 👮‍♀️ v Belgium 🇧🇪 ) -does not protect the union from being allowed consultation for law (Matelly V France 🇫🇷) - No blanket ban for military
What are the restrictions under article 11? 
Prescribed by law and precise - (Leander V sweden 🇸🇪) accessible ( Liberty 🗽 v Uk 🇬🇧)
What are the two laws and three sections we have under the restrictions of article 11?
Common-law - trespass passed to land Entick v Harrington - “Any unlawful interference with someone’s possessory rights” “every invasion if so slight” BOP - R v Hinklin - Immediate breach of the peace - (Eiseman V Reynard) statutes - Public order act criminal damages act 1971 S.144 LASPO - squatting Criminal justice public order act s.61- if you’re ready a trespasser on land Police can come and remove - if they have caused damage six or more vehicles 🚗 have used threatening or abusive language S.63- Police can stop a rave 20 or more - criminal offence if they returned within seven days S.68 - aggravated trespass -disrupt or obstruct any unlawful activity on land Criminal offence (DPP v Chiver) (DPP v Bower) S.70-temporary assembly - preventative section-stop someone before tress pass covers intended disruption or important land
What is stage two for article 11?
Serves a legitimate aim - National security - Laporte V CC of Gloucestershire Prevent crime and disorder - (Cisse V France 🇫🇷 ) Protect health and morals- (Lamella V Finland 🇫🇮) Rights and freedom of others - (countryside alliance v AG ) 2. Necessary in democratic society- proportionality -pressing Social need- Ezelin V France
What kind of right article 11? (EVAL) What does it need? Fundamental for?
Qualified rights - needs greater protection fundamental for democracy
What kind of obligation on the state does article 11 have? (Eval)
Positive and negative obligations on the state
What does article 11 having different margins of appreciation Ensure? (Eval) Case?
Ensues safety before anything else can be a problem with countries who have more expressive protection (Ataman V Turkey 🇹🇷) Unfair in some states use power of derogation Turkey 🇹🇷 Russia 🇷🇺 + Ukraine 🇺🇦 - Careful balance between over interference - tiptoe around starter (Navalnyy v Russia 🇷🇺)
What is paragraph 1/2 under article 11 Eval?
Pay for protest 🪧
What is paragraph 1/2 under Art 11 Eval What is it versus?
Pay for protest 🪧 Police funding cost of protest Vs right to free protest-difficult never have to pay for human rights some protest lead to major disruption Chris Packhom- walk for wildlife
What is paragraph 2 under article 11 evaluation? what do police now have ?
Public order - Too much law is misleading poorly defined confusing- Hard to know the difference between offences S.1 Riot S.2 VD S.5 s.4 s.4A s.5 (DPP v Chambers ) Police the right tactics to help combat now protest -Distinction rebellion - 600 of us over 400 were later said to be unlawful - MET - Over £1 million compensation
What is s.14 under article 11 Eval?  When must it be reviewed?
S.14 Condition must be put on protest -  but must be reviewed daily (Jones v CC MET ) “Serious harm or disruption”  - This is not defined so is a matter for Police - Lead to inconsistency     Police resources - 50,000 extra officers for protests
What is the Third point under article 11 eval? What is that a Clear battle between? Example? What is there a Clear rule of ?
Battle between police vs. Force of police - No real tactics - high level of Police brutality For examples death of Ian Tomlinson -clear rule of level of offence
What is the fourth point under article 11? Act? What does it limit ? What can the government do ?
Public order act 2023 -Limits right to protest and set offences originally the government can stop is “annoying” Shows the intent of government
What is article 5?
Right to liberty
What kind of right is article 5?
Core right hard to restrict.
What are the restrictions to article 5? What does everybody have a right to?
Art 5[1] Everybody has a right to liberty except under certain circumstances
What are the 6 circumstances under the restrictions of article 5 [1]?
a) conviction of contempt of court b) Detain person for compliance of legal order c) Arrest for purpose of detention before court on suspicion of an offence d) children undergoing education e) detainer of person preventing spreading of infection ( disease, diseases people of unsound mind ,drug addicts ,vagrants ) F) detained to prevent an authorised entry into country deportation /extradition
What three questions Do we have to ask ourselves if there’s a breach of article 5?
Standing If they’ve been detained for a long period of time, if detention was set by the state or arm no consent to that detention
What comes under conviction for a contempt court under article 5 [1] restrictions? What is set by prison? Section? Case? sentences ?
Prison - sentencing set by the state S.142 CJA Life sentencing as in (R v Vickers) Mandatory term sentence considered for parole (James Lee Well V UK) Hospital orders set by court (R V Pupolins)
What comes under arrest for purpose of detention before court on suspicion of offence under article 5[1] ? What orders ? Who enforces this ? For how long and case? What kind of arrest is necessary?
Control orders - TPIM - Terror prevention investigation measure - home secretary - power on suspicion terror How - Restraining orders electronic tagging ➡️ 2 years Residence requirement Restricting/monitoring Internet (Guzzardi v Italy 🇮🇹) isolated on island - unfair (SS of Home V JJ) - 18 hrs curfew - unfair (SS of Home v E) - 12 Preventative arrest- (Eisaman V Reynard) only as long as necessary
What are the other 3 things that the Home Secretary can impose through control orders under article 5 [1] ? What is it protected under? Cases ?
Crowd control match measures protected under the PACE public order act Power to kettle - ( Austin V CC of MET) ✅ 7hrs no breech (Moos v CC of MET) - needs of immediate breach of peace only as long as necessary Bail - bail act of 1976 Police powers - stop and search 🔎 s.1 PACE s. 44 terrorism act (Gillion Quinton V UK 🇬🇧) S.60 CJPOA -allows blanket search of area
What will never give rise to article [5 ]under restrictions and atreat for purpose of detention before court on suspicion of an offence?
Stop and search (Robert V CC of MET)
What is under PACE under article 5 [1] purpose of detention before court on suspicion of an offence?
Arrest and detention - 24 hours can be extended to 36 with senior S.61 S.63 S.65 magistrates approval needed- indictable offences (R v Haliwell) (DPP v Woods 🪵)
What is under children undergoing education under article 5[1] ? Who has choice until ? What can we link this with? Case
Children have parental choice until 18 (parental responsibility ) rehab impression with a (R V Thompson VVenables)
What care cases are under e) detaining a person to prevent spreading of infections?
Care cases - (Cheshire west V P) - best interest for patient (P + Q v Surrey council ) - reassessed - level of provision - necessary (Winterwerp V Netherlands 🇳🇱 ) - persistent - our mind continued provision must be necessary due to persistent condition (Ashingdale v UK 🇬🇧) - therapeutic - - breach does not receive therapeutic environment JE v DE /Re DE -breach of dementia patient Evan V Alder hey - forcing someone to stay in hospital 🏥
What comes under deportation and extradition under article 5?
Prison - 28 days prior to deportation (Shimovolos v Russia 🇷🇺)
What is article 5 [2]? What should everyone arrested being informed of? cases ?
Everyone arrested shall be informed promply in a language they understand and reason for charge (Christie V Leachinsky) - told reason for re arrest (R v Samuel) - breach no access to legal representation (Taylor v CC of Thames Valley) - reason given adequate
What is Art 5 [3]? What does the defendant have the rights to be brought before to test?
the right to be brought before a judge promptly to test the lawfulness of detention Right to be released on bail And to be tried in reasonable time
What is under bail under article 5 [3]? What are the three main powers of how long you can be held on the bail?
Bail - s.4 of bail act 1976 24 36 - senior 96 - magistrate approval
Under bail under the article 5 [3] how long can you be held for terrorism? What act is this under? case for indefinite detention?
14 days - protection from freedom act (Belmarsh case)
what case outlines the four reasons why Keeping some one on suspicion terrorism for 14 days under the protection from freedom act would be relevant? Under Article 5 [3] Bail
(Beghal V DPP) - 1) objective is sufficiently important 2) measure connected to objective 3) could a less intrusive measure be used such as bail 4) fair balance of the rights of the individual versus society
What can the state use under article 5 [3] bail?
Power of derogation
What is article 5 [4]? What are the two things we look at? What is under lawfulness of detention ? What are you kept longer for? Cases ?
Right to test the lawfulness of detention in court Access to court Lawfulness of detention - indeterminate - (no term) ( James Lee Wells v UK) Kept prison longer than sentencing - (Haney V SS of Justice )
What is the speed decision article 5 [4] decided by and as soon as ? Case?
court and parole board As soon as reasonably possible (Ex Parte Noorkoiv ) - breech
What is any breach entitled to under article 5 [5] ?
How do we start our article 5 evaluation? What kind of right is it? Why is it fair? Why is it unfair?
Core right Hard to restrict Fair ✅ - one of the most important rights Protects us from abusive powers of the state Unfair deregation can bypass human rights law Problematic in terror cases ( Belmarsh Case)
What are Police powers been under article 5 evaluation? Cases? Why is this fair? How is preventative arrest unfair?
Controversial (Austin V CC of MET) - authorised use of ketteling -reasonable (Moos v CC of MET) -only for as long as necessary immediate BOP May increase tension need to harm an abuse forced by Police shown in Ian Tomlinson - Need clearer structures how to deal Fair- as police need control during disorder and protests Preventative arrest - (Eiseman Reynard V UK 🇬🇧) - unfair contradicts innocent until proven guilty
What do we never engage with under article 5 evaluation? How may it be fair or unfair?
Stop and search (Roberts v CC of MET) unfair - may be detained unlawfully should be given a rise to Art 5 Especially with the UK‘s history of discrimination S.1 S.60 PACE - however fair - under PACE we can sue
What does article 5 evaluation have a long changing history with? Sections? Acts? - how are they Unfair?
Terrorism - long challenging history of how to deal with a suspect Unfair - S.44 terrorism act - blanket indiscriminate - led to larger discrimination - (Gillion + Quinton v UK) - unlawful searches are unlawful S.47A - allow such if you have a reasonable belief that an act of terrorism will take place Unfair Subjective how do you do having a reasonable belief? -
How long can you detain suspects for under terrorism under article 5 evaluation? However, what did Belmash say? Under what act?
Originally indefinite 28 days was unlawful so considered at 14 days current protection from freedom act 2012
What have we moved from the freedom act 2012 to under article 5 evaluation?
Beghal Criteria - fair looks at less intrusive measures And balance of rights Unfair - 14 days still too high and proportionate to other offences
What have sentences been under IPP sentences under article 5 evaluation? What kind of sentences do murderers get? Why may this be wrong? Case? What do sentences now have to have?
Very controversial InDeterminate -everyone deserves a second chance - rehabilitation - welfare of society (James Lee Wells v UK 🇬🇧) - tariffs
What does IPP stand for under evaluation article 5? What kind of terms did they have? what year? What did they have to apply for? Why?
Public protection services - early 2000s high terms had to apply for parole only release of safe
What are some people still doing even though IPP is phased out on the article 5 evaluation? What does this show? What is difficult?
Still in prison - show our challenges over how we detain offenders difficult balance between protecting public and right of individuals
What do we have to serious issues with under article 5 evaluation? What are the four things we look at? cases? What kind of mistreatment is under care and mental health? What does the prison report show? What are hospital orders trying to support?
How we treat those with additional needs Care and mental health - protection is not consistent - substantial mistreatment and abuse from those complex needs (Winterborne view) Prison - recent report show high level of Police discrimination and abuse for SEN and mental health needs - improve treatment and environment for individuals Hospital order - case so that was put trying to support the rights of patients ( Christie P V West ) (Ashingdale V UK 🇬🇧)
what are detention centres originally on the terrorism/asylum and the article 5 evaluation? What do they have a poor standard of? Example ?
Originally indefinite detention rights poor standard of human rights - Brookhouse panorama review
What did the Brookhouse panorama trigger under article 5 evaluation terrorism/ asylum? Are the measures why might be scrapped?
New rule to only be kept 28 days instead of indefinite Sending individuals to Rwanda very controversial - may be scrapped by labour
What is article 6? What kind of right is it?
Right to fair trial Core right Hard to restrict
What do we need to establish under article 6?
Standing under s.6 HRA - state body sufficiently impacted
What does article 6 [1] state ?
Any civil or criminal case you have the right to fair hearing at a reasonable time 🕰️ in public decided by impartial judge
What are the 10 things on the article 6 [1] ?
Civil rights criminal charge 👩‍⚖️ access to court Fair hearing Restrictions Representation Oral hearing Evidence reasons for the decisions Public hearing in reasonable time
What is under civil rights and the article 6 [1]? What does it challenge and what does it allow us to sue? What do we have a right to?
challenges legal rights And obligations allows us to sue in tort contact family right to a remedy
What kind of trial is under criminal charge under article 6 [1]? What are the two things that has to be and who is it decided by? Who do we protect?
Fair trial reasonable time decided by impartial judge Protect the presumption of innocent 😇 (Art 6 [2])
What is under access to court under article 6 [1]? What review is there? How long are appeals for?
Judicial review - standing 🧍‍♀️ Appeal - but restrictions time - frames - harassment - six months Tort - three years except historic abuse
What kind of litigant are under appeals under access to court article 6 [1]? When can they appeal on fact? What do the judiciary have?
28 days - vexatious litigants- sue the state for the sake of it Appeal on fact once Immunity of suit - judiciary 👩‍⚖️ (Osmon V DPP)
What is after access to court? What is there an equality of ? Art 6 [1]
Fair Hearing - equality of arms same opportunities
What does fair hearing not have to have under article 6 ? What AG ref? What kind of friends are used?
AG ref 82a 2000 - does not need to be the same standard of representation McKenzie Friends
what do we not have? case ? under article 6 [1] fair hearing? Why should it be given?
( Steel Morris V UK 🇬🇧) - originally no legal aid - in such complex cases should be given for equality 🟰
What is under restrictions on article 6 [1] ? What will be needed, but who is not told ? Who needs protection? (Case) What is there a presumption of? (Case) What is there a privilege of and who can interfere?
Special advocate for defendant will be needed - in terrorism related cases or national security - solicitors is not told Children need protection from humiliation ( T + V v UK 🇬🇧) Presumption of innocence - (Salabiaku V France 🇫🇷) Privilege of self-incrimination - anything you may say may be use as evidence - independent tribunal can interfere from silence 🤫 (Brown V Stott)
What is there no absolute right to under representation under article 6 [1]? What can people do? And what may people not get?
To representation ( Hammaton V UK 🇬🇧) Can self represent may not get a solicitor McKenzie friends AG ref 82 a 2000
What can you get for criminal cases and what is there a special advocate for under representation under article 6 [1]?
Legal aid for criminal cases, (Benham V UK 🇬🇧 ) Special advocate for national security (SS of home v AF )
What do we hear from both sides under oral hearing under article 6 [1]? Why?
Argument - the decision is based on evidence in court
What should the judgement be delivered to undee Oral hearing under article 6[1]?
Delivered to the defendant (Stansbury V datahouse 🏠)
What are the two restrictions under article 6[1]? Cases?
Children 👧 - (B+P v UK 🇬🇧) investigator powers act - 2016 Regulatory investigator powers act - 2000 Writing ✍️
What section is after under evidence under article 6 [1] ? Case? What is not allowed ?
S. 76 pace Cannot gain evidence from oppression ( R v Millier) Coerced or tricked (AG ref 3 of 2000)
What is allowed under in evidence? What act is this under Art 6(1)?
Hearsay can be allowed in limited capacity (Criminal justice act )
what is given under the reasons for decisions under article 6[1]? What does it help allow? Case?
Give reason for decision Help allow the appeal system to work (Brumarecu V Romania 🇷🇴)
What is after evidence on the article 6[1]?
Reason for the decisions
What may they be a restriction under reasons for decisions under art 6 [1] ?
Jury secrecy
What is under public hearing in a reasonable time? Who can watch the cases ? what restricts this under article 6[1]?
Case can be watched by the public However restricted if it’s a case of national security children family law cases
What does reasonable time not have under public hearing in a reasonable time under article 6[1]?
Reasonable time - no definition
Who else can use public hearing in a reasonable time and article 6[1]? 3 cases?
Independent impartial tribunal judge 👩‍⚖️ No jury, no judge - magistrate bias (Pinochet case ) (Sondler V UK 🇬🇧) (R v Young )
What is under article 6[2]? What is presumed under every criminal charge? Cases?
The presumption of innocence - every criminal charge- the presumption that you are innocent until proven guilty (DPPv Woollington) (Salabiacu V France )
What is under article 6[3]? What is minimal? What are you informed with and what do you get?
Minimal rights charged with criminal offences Informed of accusations against you - language you understand Legal assistants right to have a solicitor -(R v Samuel ) every step of the way -(police station rep)
What do you have adequate time for under article 6[3]? Case?
Adequate time to prepare for defence - (Ex Parte Polemis)
What do you have a right to be presented to you under article 6[3]?
Right to have it presented freedom from oppression R v Miller - S.76/78
What do individuals have a right to examine under article 6[3]?
Right to examine witnesses cannot be anonymous (Ibraham V UK)- safety interviews - on scene (Abdurham v UK) - clear with advice to witnesses ( R v Davis) -🚫 anonymous witnesses in court
What kind of law is article 6 evaluation? What is it protected by?
Core right hard to restrict - protected in law by the Magna Carta
What has the protection of article 6 being supported by under Eval? What needs to be addressed ?
Supported effectively by the UK - specific challenges that need to be addressed
What is paragraph one under article 6 evaluation?
Benefits of the UK system
Under the benefits of the UK system under article 6 evaluation, were appeals allowed? What is put in place to allow? When was this used positively?
Criminal civil law Reasonable time frames in tort and family allow - to allow individuals opportunities use positively in historical cases by timeframes have been ignored in the interest of justice ( R v Harris) ( Jimmy Savel)
Who can now sue under article 6 evaluation in Tort? Cases? However, what does this allow?
Police - (DSD v CC of Met) (Robinson v CC of Yorkshire) - holds them accountable - fairness in society Flood gates with funding 🌊
What does the judiciary have under article 6 evaluation? Case? What does it protect ?
Immunity of suit (Osmon V UK ) + protect legal processes allows us to allow judge to decide without pressure Protects impartiality
What are the six things under benefits of the UK system (Paragraph one ) of article 6 evaluation?
Appeal Tort protects under a fundamental aspects of UK law evidence oral hearing protect independent tribunals
What does article 6 also protect? (Eval) what is the beneficial to?l and what does it allow?
Other fundamental aspects - presumption of innocence (DPP V Woollington) Privilege of self incrimination Right to silence - (R v Argent) legal representation - (R v Samuel) Beneficial to law as it allows fair hearing
How must evidence be collected and what is it protected under article 6 evaluation? However, what can happen to some rules?
Collected in a Fairway - protected under s.76/78 PACE (R v Miller) Some rules can be questioned, especially with safety interviews, (Steven Fulchure )
What is oral hearing under article 6 evaluation? Except? How is this positive? How could it be unsafe ?
Largely protected - (Stansbury v DataHouse ) except cases of children (B + P v UK) and national security - (IPA 2016) + recognise we have to protect children from humiliation for child witnesses could be unsafe allows identity of info of national Security to be public
What is oral hearing of national security protected under?
Investigator powers act 2016
What do we protect under article 6 evaluation?
Independent tribunals - do not allow bias Sandler v UK (Pinochet case) (bushells case )
What is massively happened to jury trials? (Eval Art 6) What was also recruited to show inconsistencies ? What questions does this raise? what are there also issues with?
Massively scrutinise consistency and unfairness (R v Young) (R v Pryce) (R v Karakaya) TV show juries came with different decisions should be replaced juries ? issues with during nobbling (R v Twomey)
What is paragraph 2 under article 6 evaluation?
Legal aid
What is the mass of inequality of under article 6 Paragraph 2, legal aid? Under what law? What can individuals not do? cases?
Massive inequality due to cuts to legal aid (LASPO 2012) Can access court as they don’t have the financial means in civil law (Rights of women V SS of justice) - shows extent of government cuts judges are trying to be fair
What have judges also had to protect under legal aid article 6 evaluation? What does this create?
Complex cases- (Steel Morris V UK ) creating fairness
Under article 6 evaluation what has legal aid funding stuck by?
£1 billion
What has the current proportional of person represented by a solicitor has fallen by under article 6 evaluation legal aid? What is the quote by LJ Darling?
60% of 30% The doors to the court are like the doors of Ritz Hotel open to all
What is after paragraph 2 legal aid under article 6 evaluation?
Issues with rape trials
What is the first problem with witnesses under the issues with rape trial Under article 6 evaluation ? What is this due to? evidence? What does this arguable do ?
Protection of witnesses use video evidence support prosecution cases Low conviction and case rates - 2018 - 41,000 cases only 3600 charged Arguably prevent equality how to challenge evidence
What else is the issue under rape trials article 6 evaluation? Who proposed the solution and what is it? Case?
Question asked to victims in court to intrusive - makes them feel like that one’s been prosecuted Ann Coffey - rape trails - not allowed to jury (Ched Evans) 17-year-old Cork Thong case - questions on clothing lead to acquittal - jury may be biased form excessive opinions that should not be considered
How are terrorism cases treated under article 6 evaluation? What can we do if info gives rise national security? What can we restrict?
Definitely before and during court Give rise to national Security - we can protect info from being public - restrict evidence to the D on this Basis (Abdourahman v uk) - safety interviews - necessary however 48 hours can be excessive (Ibrahim v uk )- what individuals need to be clear evidence will be used - can restrict hearing need to protect society
what is under paragraph 5 article 6 evaluation? Case? What is it there an unfairness of? What do we have to prove who found this law?
(Nelson Hallom V Uk) - arguably unfairness with compensation scheme - for wrongful convictions Had to prove innocent or reasonable doubt - ECHR - found lawful In my opinion, unfair - goes against fundamental principles of perception of innocence found under article 6[2]
What should the UK have under overall evaluations of the ECHR/HRA?
own Bill of Rights
When did the UK join ECHR And when was it officially recognised, under the overall valuation of ECHR?
1970s Officially recognised in 1998
What are the three sections under the UK? Under should have their own bill of right under the evaluation of ECHR?
S.2 -domestic law must be read in the way that is compatible with the ECHR S.3 - cases - considered under the ECHR ruling S.4 - declaration of incompatibility
Who have criticise the ECHR and why under overall evaluation of ECHR?
Conservatives have criticised the ECHR for what they call a “mission creep” - convection is inferring with domestic law impacts of sovereignty
What did the conservatives want under the UK should had their own Bill of Rights under evaluation of ECHR? Quote?
Criminal charter - wanted a new bill of rights
What is the first con of the ECHR under the overall evaluations of ECHR? Case? how long was it for? What could we previously do? What was arguably be better?
1. Delay issue we had to exhaust all domestic courts first - (Wainright v UK ) - 9 years Previously cases could go straight to ECHR - why they had delays also Arguably better with Human rights act can challenge locally quicker provided judges considered ECHR
What is the second con under overall evaluations of ECHR? What are we meant to do? What do we have no duty to do? case? However, what did the UK not change?
Decisions are not automatically binding Consider ECHR law when there is a breach given declarations have no duty to change laws - (Hirst v UK) Did not change law on prisoners voting what is the point of the ECHR? ?
What is the third con under evaluations of the ECHR? What is not accountable citizens in the UK? What do they do? However, what can the UK do and what is not binding?
Undermined Parliamentary sovereignty Unelected judges are not accountable for citizens in the UK - make legal decisions that may impact them UK can leave the ECHR not automatically binding
What is the fourth con under the evaluation of the ECHR? How much does it cost and what would we do if they left? Where does this the argument stem from? What is happening to our legal aid continuously? case?
Cost - cost taxpayer billions If taxpayer were to leave, we would have a more cheaper effective service Argument stems from individuals can have a legal aid - don’t appreciate the process Legal aid is continuously being cut Abu Qatatda- £1.7 million
What is the fifth con of the ECHR eval ? What do conservatives argue? What Art? What did the UK foot? For what?
ECHR block us from deporting dangerous criminals Criminals are protected from deportation under article 8 from depotation The UK foot the bill for the security
What did Theresa made? Do how many appeals were made? What was successful under the fifth con of the ECHR evaluation?
Protected thousands - in 2011 1888 appeals against deportation 185 were successful
What is after the UK having their own Bill of Rights?
Bill of Rights
What did the conservatives want to introduce under the Bill of Rights under ECHR evaluation? To control?
The British Bill of Rights to control their own human rights legislation control restrictions on these rights
What are the six rights Conservatives wanted to introduce under the Bill of Rights under ECHR evaluation? Article ? What does it limit?
Supreme law making power Supreme Court to be the final court of interpretation Clearer test for deportation cases Clear definition of degrading treatment (Art 3) Limit the use of human right cases to only serious breaches Limit and restrict UK armed services to be responsible on the human rights provisions
What will all judgements of the ECHR be under the Bill of Rights under overall evaluation of ECHR?
Only be advisory
What are the positives of the conservatives thinking We should have our own Bill of Rights under the evaluation of the ECHR? (4) Cases?
Help reduce claims/ save money Allows us to make laws that impact our society - (Hirst v UK 🇬🇧) (James Lee Well v UK) Remove your European interference - sovereignty ✅ Greater protection
What are the seven disadvantages of the UK having their own Bill of Rights under evaluation of ECHR?
Too great of restriction serious breeches- only to limited unreasonable Increase risk of bias Politicising human rights not now impartial to poorly defined who can check government be so power Greater mis conducted arm services Struggle to entrench rights Government showing that they really want to limit human rights Protection - IPA - dangerous population don’t know enough about it
What does labour want to protect and what may have under bill of rights evaluation ECHR?
Want to protect HRA may have some security
What is after a Bill of Rights under evaluation of ECHR?
General evaluation
What is under paragraph 6 7 8 and 9 under general Eval under evaluation of the ECHR?
Para 6 - point of issue - article 8 - stretch of private life Para 7 - article 10 is not protected to get article 8 case law - (Bedat V Switzerland 🇨🇭) Para 8 - Art 11/5 - police powers- public order Para 9 - Art 6 - pretty decent except for rape trials - ann coffee
What did the Bill of Rights suggest under evolve of the ECHR?
Reform and opinion
What does the HRA of 1998 in bed under the enforcement of HR?
What does section 2 section 3 and section 4 of the human rights act consider? Under the enforcement of HR?
S. 2 - consider the decisions of ECHR S.3 - UK law has to be read in line with ECHR law S.4 - law goes against ECHR -issue declaration of incompatibility
What does the appeal need in enforcement of HR? What do they need to establish?
Judicial review in domestic courts - High Court Whether it was an arm or state body
What are the four extra points under Judicial review ? cases? three different kinds of grounds? under enforcement of HR?
Sufficiently impacted ultra Vires - illegality - beyond the powers Procedural - aylesbury mushroom case 🍄 unreasonableness - Wesbury case (Roger v Swindon NHS Trust) HR - proportionality (Observer Guardian v UK 🇬🇧) - Pressing social need
What is under protocol 15+16 of the ECHR on the enforcement of HR?
See if it’s a state or state body sufficiently impacted exhaust domestic courts direct victim can be the same victim Sufficiently disadvantage cannot be anonymous six months time limit from Supreme Court
What does protocol 14 look at under enforcement of HR? What if it’s a similar point of law?
Which court we go to Similar point of law - three judges New issue (7) Grand Chambers 17 final appeal
What are the four outcomes of enforcement of HR?
Declaration of incompatibility- (Hirst v UK 🇬🇧) Mandatory/prohibitory orders Quashing order - overturn a conviction Compensation
what are the two factors that play into decision-making under enforcement of HR?
No precedent in ECHR law margins of appreciation