The Legal System And Criminal Law 🚓 Flashcards
What are the courts of first instance?
What is the order of the criminal court?
Supreme Court
court of appeal
High court-(Kings bench division)
How does an appeal in fact to go through the criminal courts?

court of appeal (fact or law)
crown ->fact or law
How does an appeal on law go through the criminal courts?
Supreme Court
Court of Appeal
High court - kings bench division
What are the two courts of appeal in the criminal court?
Supreme Court and High Court -Kings bench division
What does a magistrate find verdicts for?
Tribal either way
What is the limit sentence That a magistrates can give ?
12 months
What is the procedure for indictable?
You’re put in police custody for two hours but that time can be extended if the magistrates approve
then they decide if you should be put on bail - Which is a sign if their is a risk
and charged if there is enough evidence
Then CPS - crowns protection service takes over and barristers look over your case
however if the offences are too severe may decide on bail again with conditions
then you have your court appearance
What is the procedure for summary crimes?
Summons - your summons to court on a specific date for minor charges - If you fail to Go your face more charges someone’s through the posts are fine
if you dispute it you have to go to court
What are the two different instances in bail?
police bail
Givens police power - pre charge
Can only keep you on bail for 28 days. See if they have enough evidence
Court bail- covers power of mag
Before and after charge to see whether it’s right to issue arrest warrants or search warrants
Go through the eight marker bail (court )
factors to consider
The Court bail is under the bail act 1976
In S.4 States that the starting point everyone is allowed bail
Automatically not allowed bail if you believe you will have to surrender To custody
committed an offence on bail reasonably believe you may interfere with the witnesses or pervert the course of justice
serious offences previous serious offences
offences is connected the class a drugs test to take drugs assessments
Factors to Consider
seriousness of the offence
Past criminal record
strength of evidence risk to public
You have been in bail before if you meet the requirements you’re let out
Surrender passport
Curfew electronic tagging avoid area bail hostel regular police station appointment
Surety - Pay for bail in America 🇺🇸
Choose who pays for it if you fail to turn up to court and ensure you turn up otherwise you’ll be find

Is the procedure for tribal either way crimes before court?
First point case- starts in magistrates or crown
If start at Mag - deal with preliminary matters
check names address representation and bail
Plead before venue - Defendant plea
If plead guilty Magistrates have to decide if they have mode of hearing the sentencing powers to hear your case
If not send to crown for senatcing
Kept in mag for 12 months
If Magistrates have the sentencing powers you will receive your sentence or wait for sentencing report
- which is dependent on your financial background or home situation
If you plead not guilty You are made for trial hearing in magistrates if they decide to have the power to hear your case
if not the sent to Crown Court takes longer if they do have the power
def can choose which court they want to go to
You can be put to trail for 12 months maximum in the magistrates - 3 magistrates and be fined up to £500
In Crown Court- hear by jury sentence devisees but judge they have a full power to give you the maximum sentence or the maximum fine which is unlimited
if you have a jury specific to that case there’s more acquitted- More likely to be found not guilty
listen to evidence a decision by either magistrates or jury
Where do we get appeals from?
What happens if your appeal is based on fact?
Case goes to Crown Court
and it’s heard by Judge into magistrates only against verdict or sentence only
and if appeal is only done by defendant
What kind of sentences in mag not exceed and why?
The sentences in Crown Court cannot exceed magistrates power 12 months
Because limited to the mag maximum
What is the appeal process ?
In magistrates court - appeal to the Crown Court defence - against sentence heard by Judge
magistrates court can decrease sentence but never go against it in
law - go Kings bench division by three High Court judges- have is a great general public importance Crown Court leave
for appeal- success criminal appeal act - retrial with a a new JerryThe final few appeal can be against sentence
is awarded is unduly lientent
Where does the appeal from the Kings bench division is go to And what must it be?
Goes straight to Supreme Court
must be important point of law of general public importance
If you appeal from the Kings bench division what do you have to get and what must the judges think?
Have to get leave for appeal
judges must think you have a genuine chance of success
What is the process of appeals if it’s the defendant in Crown Court FACT?
Defendant of appeal in fact,COA against verdict of sentence
heard by three judges
leave for appeal - criminal appeals act 1995 leave? - genuine chance of success
COA can change verdict but it but can never increase the sentence
court of appeal can also order a retrical where decisions is unsafe
How does appeals my prosecution go? LAW ?
Can you put on verdict if there is a new complete evidence of guilt or jury nobbling bribery 
When can prosecution only appeal sentences?
If they are in duty lenient
R V Thompson Venables
What are the aims in sentencing MENT to do what section ?
s . 141 Criminal justice act - lays out the main aim is that a Sentencing may achieve 
What is the first aim of sentencing? Eg?
Aim is to do Retribution - punishable wrongdoing- eye for an eye - sentencing guidelines allow for proportionate sentences to crime committed
Murder - mandatory life sentence
What is the Second aim of sentencing eg?
Protecting the public
put dangerous individuals in prison
revoke driving