The Nature of Industry Flashcards
What factors impact managerial decisions?
- Relative size of firms
- Number of firms
- Tech and cost conditions
- Demand conditions
- Potential for entry
What is the N firm concentration ratio?
- CN = (S1 + S2 + … + SN) / ST
- i.e. Four-firm N = 4, typically used
- Answer will always be
What is the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index?
- HHI = 10,000 ∑(Si/ST)2
- Gives more weight than larger firms: more sensitive to industries with large variations in firm size
- Varies between 0 (perfect competition) and 10,000 (monopoly)
- Fewer firms and larger variations in market share increase H, indicating a greater degree of concentration
- More information than CN, but more difficult to calucalte
- HHI adjusts for variation in firm size, concentration ratio does not
What are the limitations of concentration measures?
- Global markets
- Does not take into account imports
- National, regional and local markets
- Relevant geographic market
- Industry definitions and product classes
- Technology differences within and among industries
- Demand, price elasticity and market conditions
What is true of differing technologies within industry?
- The same, firms will likely have similar cost strucutres
- Different, some firms may have cost advantage
What is the Rothschilds index and what does it imply?
- The Rothschild index measures the sensitivity to price of a product group as a whole relative to the sensitivity of the quantity demanded of a single firm to a change in it’s price
- R = Et/Ef
- Et = elasticity for total market, Ef is for the firm
- Varies between 0 and 1
- 0 - elastic 1 - inelastic
- in perfect competition most firms will have individual
elasticity approaching 0
- R = Et/Ef
What doe elasticity imply about differentiation?
A more elastic demand means less product differentiation
What factors affect potential for entry?
- K requirements
- Patents
- Economies of scale
- Networking effect - Facebook competitors
How is a firm’s price markup measured?
- Lerner Index
- A measures of the difference between price and MC as fraction of the product’s price
What is the Lerner Index?
- L = (P-MC)/P
- P = (1/(1-L))MC
- Perfect competition: 0
- Monopoly/inelastic goods: > 3,4
What is (1/(1-L)) in the Lerner Index?
the markup factor over marginal costs
Why might firms integrate?
- Reduce transaction costs
- Reap benefits of economies of scale or scopr
- Increase market power
- Gain better access to capital markets
What is horizontal integration?
- Merging two or more similar final products in a single firm
- Firms compete in the same market prior
- Reduces the number of competitors
What is a conglomerate merger?
- Integration of two or more different product lines into a single firm
- Also a merger between firms offering final products. But firms do not compete with each other in the same market before merger
What is structure in the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm?
Factors like tech, concentration and market conditions