what is asthma?
a hyperresponsiveness disorder that causes reversible airflow obstruction
what are the signs and symptoms of asthma?
chest tighness dyspnoea difficulty breathing wheezing cough
what are some triggers of asthma?
air pollution cigarette smoke dust pet dander cockroaches mold pollen medications such as aspirin and beta blockers
outline the steps of hypersensitisation of atopic asthma?
person is exposed to allergen
allergen is picked up by APC and presented to a T cell
T cell differentiates into Th2
Th2 releases IL4 to produce IgE and IL5 to activate eosinophils
IgE primes mast cells
when re-exposed to the allergen, IgE cross binds mast cells
this causes release of pro inflamamtory mediators to cause bronchoconstriction and eosinophil recruitement
what happens when we get chronic inflamamtion is asthma?
permenant narrowing of the airways
what is extrinsic asthma?
a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction triggered by extrinsic allergens
often affects indivisuald with atopic Fhx
what is intrinsic asthma?
caused by viral infections, stress, exercise and smoking
why can NSAIDs trigger asthma?
as NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin production which causes increased leukotriene production = smooth msucle contraction of airways
how do we diagnose asthma?
mainly from symptoms
then initiate treatment and assess response
can do spirometry , reversibility testing, mannitol challege testing, PEFR for 4 weeks
blood gases
what is reversibility testing?
spirometry is done without any inhaled therapy before test (have to be off short acting beta agonist for >4 hours and off long acting beta agonists for >15 hours).
You then administer a bronchodilator and repeat spirometry about 15 minutes later to see whether you have a significance improvement (FEV-1 increases by >12% indicates a significant difference)
what is the problem with reversibility testing?
asthma is episodic so you may find no response on some days
what is the mannitol challenege testing?
spurometry with inhaling increasiny concentrations of mannitol
at the point where FEV1 reduces by 15%, we consider this the concentration required to cause bronchial hyperresponsiveness to mannitol
how do we classify asthma?
with frequency of daytime and nighttime symptoms, FEV1 between exacerbation and the degree that asthma interferes with life
what is intermittent asthma?
<3 episodes of daytime symptoms in a week
<3 episodes of nightitime symptoms in a month
FEv1 >80% between exacerbations
no limitations
what is mild persistant asthma?
> 3 episodes of daytime symptoms in a week (but not every day)
3-4 episodes of nightitime symptoms in a month
FEv1 >80% between exacerbations
minor limitations
what is moderate perisstant asthma?
7 episodes of daytime symptoms in a week
1 or more episodes of nightitime symptoms in a week
FEv1 60-80% between exacerbations
moderate limitations
what is severe persistant asthma?
multiple episodes of daytime symptoms in a day
episodes of nightitime symptoms every night
FEv1 <60% between exacerbations
extreme limitations limitations
how do we treat intermittent asthma?
SABA as needed
how do we treat mild persistant asthma?
SABA as needed
daily low dose inhaled corticosteroid
how do we treat moderate persistant asthma?
SABA as needed
low dose inhaled corticosteroids daily
how do we treat severe persistant asthma?
SABA as needed
increased dose of inhaled corticosteroids