The Muscular System Flashcards
Does AEROBIC metabolism require oxygen?
Does ANAEROBIC metabolism require oxygen?
this describes the architecture of a muscle; referring to muscles that have fibers on sides of tendon (e.g. rectus femoris)
Concentric contractions happen when the muscle fibers ________ as tension develops
Eccentric contractions happen when the muscle fibers __________ against some resistance
Def; characteristic of muscle tissue where the fibers recoil and resume length
Def; muscle is able to receive and respond to stimuli (also irritability)
Def; muscle is able to be stretched or extended
Fast twitch fibers are _____ in diameter and fatigue _____
large; rapidly
Slow twitch fibers are _____ in diameter and ________ to respond to stimuli
smaller; take longer to
Def: mediated by the Golgi Tendon organs, this reflex inhibits muscle contraction, causing a stretched/contracted muscle to relax
Inverse stretch reflex
Isometric contraction involves A.) movement, or B.) no movement
no movement
Isotonic contractions involves ..
Def; sensory receptors sensitive to mechanical changes such as touch, pressure, movement, and vibration
Def; a group of muscles of the spine that extend the vertebral column and rotate it to the opposite side
Def; the connective tissue envelope around muscle fascicle
What are the deep muscles connecting the transverse process of adjacent vertebrae
Best describes fascicles that attach obliquely
Which of the 4 rotator cuff muscles rotates MEDIALLY
Which term best describes a sensory receptor within a muscle that monitors changes in the length of the muscles
muscle spindle
Which term refers to a jaw muscle that runs vertically
Medial pterygoid
What jaw muscle protracts and rotates the jaw to the opposite side?
lateral pterygoid
The endoplasmic reticulum of the muscle cell is called …
Sacroplasmic reticulum
What is a muscle contraction WITHOUT movement
the normal, sustained muscle contraction required to maintain position and posture
tonic contraction
What best describes the point of attachment of tendon to bone?
tenoperiosteal junction
What is the synapse between a motor neuron and a skeletal neuron?
neuromuscular junction
Anatomy; the deep muscle layer of the flexor compartment that flexes fingers 2-5
flexor digitorum produndus
Anatomy: the muscle of the anterior leg that runs to digits 2-5
extensor digitorum longus
What is the basic functional unit of muscle?