Practice exam wrong questions #1 Flashcards
What is the prominence on the distal end of the femur that serves as an attachment site for the Adductor Magnus?
Adductor tubercle
What do you call the taxes an individual withholds and pays to the IRS for him or herself?
Self-employment taxes
A client with a common cold who seeks a massage 5 days after symptoms presented themselves:
is no longer contagious
People who perspire heavily should:
wear sweat bands and head bands
The purpose of standard precautions is to :
protect health care workers from BLOOD BORNE DISEASE
The nerves sensitive to temperature are ;
temperature receptors
Sensory nerves are also called A.) afferent, B.) efferent
Def; Movement around the center
def; a fibrous joint which two adjacent bones are linked by a strong membrane or ligament
syndesmosis joint
Def; a detailed, written plan that outlines future professional goals, continuing education, and self-growth opportunities
Career Plan
What do you call the taxes an individual withholds and pays to the IRS for herself?
Self-employment taxes
Massage has been shown to stimulate more rapid and elaborate development of this part of the brain which is related to memory
Stimulation of large-diameter fibers that suppress the sensation of pain transmitted by small-diameter fibers is known as:
hyperstimulation analgesia
A structure that requires caution on the posterior triangle of the neck is:
brachial plexus
A gap in the myelin sheath that aids in speeding the imulses is called
Node of Ranvier
Def; Node of Ranvier
A gap in the myelin sheath that aids in speeding the impulses is called :
Glomerular filtration is accomplished by what process?
One possible cause of delayed-onset muscle soreness is…
damage to the PNS firing pattern
If a client sneezes on a magazine, they might transfer pathogens to another person via:
indirect contact