The Multi Store Model - BMT Flashcards
What is the multi store model?
an explanation of memory that sees information flowing through a series of storage system
What are the three permanent structures in memory?
sensory register
short term memory
long term memory
What is:
coding - the form in which the information is stored
capacity - how much information can be stored
duration - how long information can be stored for
What is the sensory register?
an automatic response to the reception of sensory information by the sense organs.
What research supports the capacity of sensory register?
Sperling (1960) flashed a 3x4 grid of letters onto a screen for one-twentieth of a second and asked P’s to recall the letters of one row.
Found that the recollection of letters in the indicated row was high, suggesting all the information was originally there, indicating that the capacity of the SR is large
Negative evaluation of the capacity of sensory register research?
- Calculating the capacity of sensory memory stores often involves experiments where P’s have to evaluate cues that suggest a change in random wave patterns. However these only provide estimates of capacity and are highly artificial in nature and thus lacking in mundane realism
- Although evidence exits that the iconic store can hold about 15 to 20 images, the capacity of other sensory memory stores isn’t well studied, as they last so briefly and generally only at a pre-conscious level
Research into the duration of sensory register?
Walsh and Thompson found that the iconic sensory store has an average duration of 500 milliseconds, which decreases as individuals get older. This suggests duration of sensory memories is limited and dependent on age
Evaluation of research into the duration of sensory register?
- The brief duration of sensory memories is seen as due to their physical traces (engrams) fading quickly. This suggests a biological explanation for the duration of information within the SR
What is short term memory?
a temporary store holding small amounts of information for brief periods
What research supports the coding of short term memory?
Posner and Keele found P’s were faster in assessing that A followed by A was the same letter than when A was followed by a. Because the visual code differs with different case of letters.
Findings show that visual coding was occurring, which illustrates how codes other than the acoustic one occur in STM
evaluation of research supports the coding of short term memory?
- Although research shows that coding in the STM is mainly acoustic, other sensory codes such as visual are used too. Indeed, some stimuli like faces or the smell of food would be difficult to code acoustically
What research supports the capacity of STM?
Daneman and Carpenter found there may be individual differences in STM capacity. Varied between five and twenty items.
Evaluation of research that supports the capacity of STM?
- other factors like age and practice influence STM capacity and nowadays STM limitations are mostly seen as due to processing limitations associated with attention
What is Long term memory?
a permanent store holding limitless amounts of information for long periods
Different LTMs have different strengths, some can be retrieved easily, others need promting
Why aren’t some LTM memories accurate?
LTMs are not passive (unchanging) - over time they may change or merge with other LTMs
what research supports the coding of LTM?
Frost gave P’s 16 drawings in four categories, differing in visual orientation. The order of recall of items suggested P’s used visual and semantic coding, implying evidence for a visual as well as semantic code in LTM
Evaluation of research supports the coding of LTM?
- It’s difficult to see how smells and tastes could be coded semantically and reason suggests songs are encoded acoustically, supporting the idea of several forms of encoding in LTM
- Different types of LTM involve different brain areas, with research suggesting that they are encoded in different ways, which implies that there are varying forms of coding with the LTM
What research supports the capacity of LTM?
Wagenaar created a diary of 2,400 events over 6 years and tested himself on recall of events rather than dates, finding he too had excellent recall, suggesting LTM is extremely large.
Diary studies, however, are a type of case study and therefore not representative of the general population and there could also be an element of bias as people are testing themselves
What evaluation of research supports the capacity of LTM?
- Capacity of LTM is assumed to be limitless, as research has not been able to determine a finite capacity
What research supports the duration of LTM?
Goldman and Seamon asked P’s to identify odours of everyday products experiences in the last 2 years and odours not experienced since childhood. although identification was better for more recent odours, there was significant identification of less -recent odcours, suggesting duration of olfactory (smell-based) information in LTM is long lasting
What evaluation of research supports the duration of LTM?
- Sometimes information in LTM appears to be lost, but may be a problem of access to the information rather than it not being in LTM
- the type of testing techniques used may affect findings from studies of duration of LTM. Recall is often better when asking P’s to recognize stimuli, rather than getting them to recall stimuli
What research supports the duration of STM?
Marsh found that if P’s weren’t expecting to have to recall information, STM duration was only between two and four seconds which suggests duration of STM is affected by the amount of time taken to process information
Evaluation of research that supports the duration of STM?
- There is little in the way of research evidence considering the STM duration of other forms of stimuli, like visual images
What are positive evaluation points for the Multi Store Model?
- The MSM was the first cognitive explanation of memory and thus was influential, inspiring interest and research and formed the basis for the working memory model leading to a greater understanding of how memory works.
- The model is supported by amnesia cases. Patients either lose their LTM or their STM abilities, but not both, supporting the idea that STM and LTM are separate memory stores (i.e. Scott Bolzan)
What are negative evaluation points for the Multi Store Model?
- The MSM is oversimplified, as it assumed there are single STM and LTM stores. Research indicate several types of STM, like one for verbal and one for non-verbal sounds, and different types of LTM like procedural, episodic and semantic memories.
- Cohen (1990) believes memory capacity cannot be measured purely in terms of the amount of information to be recalled. Some things are easier to recall, regardless of the amount to be learned and the MSM doesn’t consider this.