the molecular and ionic basis of cardiovascular control Flashcards
describe intrinsic regulation of the cardiac muscle? 4
- Frank-starling relationship
- Increased contractility
- Long and stronger
- ‘more crossbridge means more of everything’
describe extrinsic regulation of the cardiac muscle? 4
- Sympathetic stimulation
- Faster and stronger
- No longer duration
- ‘extant crossbridge work harder and faster’
How does increased end diastolic volume (more stretch) increase the force of contraction? 3
- Increased overlap of thin and thick filaments
- Increased overlap leads to increased force generators
- More of everything
explain autonomic control of the heart? 3
- Isolated or denervated heart rate is around 100 beats pre minute
- The normal resting heart rate (about 60bpm) is due to tonic parasympathetic stimulation
- Heart rate is determined mostly by the slope of the pacemaker potential
how does the sympathetic control increase heart rates? 3
- Noradrenaline increased funny current (net inward current) = pacemaker channels, increases slope of pacemaker potential via Beta 1 receptor
- Noradrenaline increased calcium current= increase force of contraction
- Noradrenaline increased potassium current= delayed rectifier, shortens AP duration, allows faster heart rate
describe the funny current? 3
- Net current Is inward= technically it conducts both Na in and K out, non-specific monovalent cation channel, the reversal potential is -10mV, it is not a sodium channel
- HCN channel opens when membrane gets more negative, controls the slope of the pacemaker potential, NA/Ca exchange also helps with PP
- Sympathetic stimulation leads to an increase in funny current
what do alpha 1 receptors do when activated?
vasoconstriction in most organs and sweat
what do alpha 2 receptors do when activated?
less insulin and more glucagon
what do beta receptors do when activated? 4
- increase heart contractility,
- increase heart rate (funny current),
- increase skeletal muscle perfusion,
- cause bronchodilation
what are the different K+ channels in cardiomyocytes? 3
- Relayed rectifiers
- Inward rectifiers
- Ach-sensitive K channels
describe the neural action potential of after-hyperpolarisation? 5
- When voltage goes below -60mV, the inward rectifier K+ channels open again
- This causes the voltage to go more negative than at rest
- After hyperpolarisation (AHP): at the end of an AP the voltage inside temporarily goes slightly more negative than at rest, followed by a return to the resting membrane potential
- During the AHP, the delayed rectifiers are open during the AHP because they are slow to close. During the AHP, almost all the Na+ channels are inactivated. At rest, there is a tiny amount of Na+ permeability
- During AHP: the increase in K permeability and decrease in Na+ permeability causes the membrane potential to move closer to the EK
Why is voltage during AHP more negative than at rest? 3
- Both the delayed rectifiers and inward rectifiers are open during early AHP. The inward rectifiers open when the membrane is more negative than -70. The delayed rectifiers are still open during the AHP because they are slow to close. At rest the delayed rectifiers are closed
- During AHP, the increased K+ permeability and decreased Na+ permeability causes the membrane potential to move very close to the EK
- The refractory period when there is so much positive current leaving the cell, it is impossible to depolarise it again.
explain why the refractory period is effective? 3
- When it becomes nearly impossible to start a new action potential
- In cardiomyocyte, lasts for the duration of AP
- Protects the heart from unwanted extra action potentials between SA node-initiated heart beats. Extra Aps could start arrhythmias
describe T tubules and terminal cisternae? 3
- A system for storing and released calcium in response to Vm
- T tubules= invaginations of plasma membrane into myocyte, so membrane currents can be treating contractile machinery. Contiguous with extracellular fluid. Adjacent to SR, T tubule depolarises which is detected by the terminal cisterna, the terminal cisterna then sends the AP throughout SR
- terminal cisternae= enlarged area of SR contiguous with SR, specialised for storing and releasing calcium
explain E-C coupling? 4
- E-C coupling= the link between the depolarisation of the membrane and the consequent huge increase cytosolic calcium that leads to contraction
- Excitation= when a neuron stimulates a muscle cell
- The action potential per se does not control cardiac muscle contraction
- Diffusion of free Ca2+ into the cytoplasm is how a voltage change can cause a contraction