lipid metabolism and pathways Flashcards
what are the biological functions of lipids? 4
- essential components of cell membranes (phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol)
- intra and inter cellular signalling events (precursor or steroid hormones)
- energy generation and fuel storage (triglycerides)
- metabolism (bile acids)
what are triglycerides? 4
- storage lipid
- constitute 90% of dietary lipids
- major form of metabolic energy storage in humans
- hydrophobic in nature
describe the metabolism of triglycerides? 3
- depending on metabolic requirements there are 2 major metabolic pathways
- TGs broken into free fatty acids and glycerol. oxidation of fatty acids in the mitochondria to release energy in the form of ATP
- synthesis of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA (joined to a glycerol molecule for storage)
what are the 3 stages to achieve complete oxidation of fatty acids?
- removal of glycerol and oxidation of long fatty acids to 2 carbon fragments in the for of acetyl-CoA. this is beta oxidation (oxidation of a carbon atom at a particular position relative to the carboxyl group
- oxidation of acetyl-CoA in the citric acid cycle
- transfer of electrons from reduced electron carries to the mitochondrial respiratory chain
explain beta oxidation of fatty acids? 4
- occurs in mitochondria and peroxisomes
- 1st step- fatty acids activated to CoenzymeA (cytosol)
- 2nd step- transfer of acyl groups across the mitochondrial membrane (rate limiting step)
- 3rd step- progressive oxidation of fatty acids by removal of 3-carbon units to form acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle
explain fatty acid synthesis? 4
- occurs mainly in liver and adipocytes
- long carbon chain molecule built up from 2-carbon units derived from acetyl-CoA
- occurs in the cytosol
- but acetyl CoA is in the mitochondria!
how do we get Acetyl-CoA out of the mitochondria? 2
- the tricarboxylate transporter takes citrate out of the mitochondria.
- citrate lyase then makes ATP convert to ADP and CoA convert ti Acetyl CoA and this converts citrate to OAA
explain fatty acid biosynthesis? 3
- citrate–> ACetyl-CoA (carboxylation= rate limiting)–> malonyl CoA
- malonyl CoA and acetyl CoA both bind to fatty acid synthase
- a series of condensation reactions involving malonyl CoA adds further C2 units
what are the rate limiting control steps of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis? 2
- beta oxidation= transfer of acyl-CoA into mitochondria
- fatty acid synthesis= formation of malonyl CoA from acetyl CoA, catalysed by acetyl CoA carboxylase (subject to control by glucagon and insulin)
describe cholesterol? 3
- essential to life
- deposition in arteries is associated with heart disease and stroke
- in healthy organisms, balance is maintained between biosynthesis, utilisation and transport keeps harmful deposition to a minimum
what are the physiological roles of cholesterol? 3
- important lipid component of biological membranes
- precursor of steroid hormones
- source of bile acids
what are bile acids? 4
- polar derivatives of cholesterol
- aid in lipid digestion
- aid in lipid absorption
- aid in cholesterol excretion
what is the structure of cholesterol?
- amphipathic lipid (hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions) the OH does this
- synthesised from acetyl-CoA and eliminated as bile acids
- storage form is cholesterol ester found in most tissues (formation is catalysed by cholesterol acyltransferases)
what is the basic order for cholesterol synthesis? 5
- acetyl CoA
- HMG-CoA + HMG-CoA reductase
- mevalonate
- squalene
- cholesterol
what is the rate defining step for cholesterol synthesis? 5
- HMG-CoA+ HMG-CoA reductase
- cholesterol is feedback inhibitor
- mevalonate is feedback inhibitor
- target site for statin drugs
- reductase activity is regulated by insulin/glucagon
why do we need to transport lipids around the body? 4
- bring dietary lipids to cells for energy production
- move lipids from storage in adipose tissue for use in energy production
- provide lipids from the diet to cells for synthesising cell membrane
- carry cholesterol from peripheral tissue to the liver for excretion
how are lipids transported in the blood? 3
- short chain fatty acids are transported bound to blood proteins like albumin
- bulk transport of neutral lipids which are insoluble in water, requires special carrier proteins- lipoproteins
- neutral lipids carried in a central core with an outer layer of amphipathic phospholipids and cholesterol
give a summary of lipid transport? 4
- chylomicrons: deliver dietary Tgs to muscle and adipose tissue and dietary cholesterol to the liver
- VLDL: transport endogenous TGs and cholesterol
- LDL: transport cholesterol from liver to tissues
- HDL: transport cholesterol from tissue to liver= reverse cholesterol transport
explain lipid uptake by cells? 3
- chylomicrons and VLDL particles give up liquid (TG) to tissue by the action of tissue-bound lipases
- the liver recognises remnants of these particles by their ApoE content and takes them up for recycling
- LDL particles contain ApoB-100 which is recognised by cell surface LDL receptors