The Middle Ages: From Beowulf to Canterbury Tales Flashcards
The Middle Ages
- the longest period (about 100 years)
- between Antiquity (Greek & Roman Empires) and Modernity (Shakespeare)
- Stages: early, high & late Middle Ages
The Middle Age
- stages
- 600 - 1066 Early Middle Ages
- 1066 - 1272 High Middle Ages
- 1272 - 1485 Late Middle Ages
> importan distinction between literature before and after 1066 (cultural change)
Oral tradition
- oral transmission of the work
- not one version of a text (fluid)
- nuances and changes within texts (spoken)
The Wanderer
- bullet points
- not prior to the 8th century (ongoing debate)
> oral transmission - preserved in the Exeter Book (last quarter of the 20th century)
What type of poem is The wanderer and why?
- The Wanderer
- Elegy
- lamentation, sorrow, grieving, isolation
What is the setting like? What tone does it create?
- stormy seas, cold water, darkness (beginning of dawn), winter
> the setting implies how miserable the wanderer is
What can we infer about the culture of the time from this poem?
- warrior culture, everybody dies, he is alone
- decentralization of family
Warrior Culture
(3 things)
Pledge, boast and deed
- Pledge: absolute loyalty (comitatus)
- Boast: sign of courage (is the defiance and disdain of death)
- Deed: act, you prove your loyalty, courage and power
Manhood in the Middle Ages
- not talking
- no expressing emotions (toxic masculinity)
Why is the concept of Manhood ironic in the Wanderer?
- Man are not supposed to talk about their emotions, but the whole poem is about feelings, being alone and therfore miserable
How many speakers are in the poem the wanderer?
- two or three speakers depending on your argumentation
1. the wanderer (himself) - he wants to talk about loss
- his solution: talking about god
2. Narrator: - there is a switch in pronouns (> he)
3. The sage/ the wise man - Is there a wanderer and a sage?
- there are different opinions
- the Pagan culture is represented by the wanderer
- the Christian culture is represented by the sage
> Christian Monks/Scribes could have added the Christian opinion/ the sage and chnged it, copared to the usual oral tradition in the middle ages
> ethical conflict between the outlook of the wise man and that of the wandering warrior
Which formulaic writing traditions are in the poem?
- how we write
A-Verse (middle: cazura) B-Verse
Code signs Expectation
> Cluse in the A-Verse to what will happen in the B-Verse
> The B-Verse refers back to the A-Verse
- bullet points
- Old English Literature (650 to 1100)
- dated between 8th and 11th century
- Old English heroic poem
- set in Scandinavia
- consists of more that 3000 alliterative long lines
What genre does this text belong to?
- Old English heroic poem
- construction of the archetypal ‘heroic’ individual in binary opposition to the ‘villain’
Are there instances of warrior culture in the text?
- Pledge: Pledges his loyalty to the king
- Boast: I will kill Grendel
- Deed: Him actually killing Grendel
> line 282