Overview: Class and Texts Flashcards
The Middle Ages: From Beowulf to the Canterbury Tales
- 1. Class
- 3 texts
- The Wanderer (debate, but not prior to 8th century)
- Beowulf (dated between 8th and 11th century)
- Canterbury Tales, “General Prologue (excerpts); by Geoffrey Chaucer (1387 - 1400)
Early Modern Period: New Worlds - New Horizons
- 2. Class
- 2 texts
- “diary” (excerpts); by Thomas Platter (1599)
- The Tempest; by William Shakespeare (published in 1623)
Restoration and Early Eighteeth Century: The Paradox of Liberty, Trade and Slavery
3. Class
2 texts
- Oronooko, The royal Slave; by Aphra Behn (1688)
- Robinson Crusoe; by Daniel Defoe (1719)
From Puritanism to American Romanticism - the New World: Political and Intellectual Independence
4. Class
5 texts/ poems
- Huswifery; by Edward Taylor (around 1685)
- In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet, Who Deceased August, 1665, Being a Year and a Half Old; by Anne Bradstreet (1678)
- On Being Brought from Africa to America; by Phillis Wheatley (1768)
- When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer; by Walt Whitman (1865)
- Some keep the Sabbath going to Church - (236); by Emily Dickinson (1864)
The Slave Narrative and Dark Romanticism
5. Class
2 texts
- The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (excerpts); by Frederick Douglass (1845)
- The Fall of the House of Usher; by Edgar Allan Poe (1839)
British Romaticism: A New Way of Looking at Things
6. Class
5 texts
- Mary, A Fiction (excerpts); by Mary Wallstonecraft (1788)
- Frankenstein (excerpts), Mary Shelley (1818)
- The Grasmere Journals (excerpts); by Dorothy Wordsworth (1800 - 1803)
- Lyrical Ballads, by William Wordsworth (1798)
- Preface (excerpt), selected poems; by William Wordsworth (1800)
7. Class
1 Text
- Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde; by R.L. Stevenson (1886)
American Modernism: Making it New!
8. Class
5 texts
- Of Modern Poetry; by Wallace Stone (1942)
- In a Station of the Metro; by Ezra Pound (1913)
- I, too, Sing America; by Langston Hughes (1926)
- Black Woman; by Georgia Douglas Johnson (1922)
- The Story of an Hour; by Kate Chopin (1894)
British Modernism: Fragments of Reality
9. Class
3 texts
- Eveline; by James Joyce (1904)
- Kew Gardens, by Virginia Woolf (1919)
- The Waste Lands (excerpts), by T.S. Elliot (1922)
American Postmodernism: (self)reflection on Reality and Genre
10. Class
2 texts
- Recitatif; by Toni Morrison (1983)
- The Babysitter; by Rober Coover (1969)
Postcolonial Period: After Empire
11. Class
3 texts
- Ruins of a Great house; by Derek Walcott (1953)
- Lawley Road; by R.K. Narayan (1947)
- Girls at War; by Chinua Achebe (1972)
- Post.Postmodernism in the 21st Centrury: 9/11 and Diversity
- Class
3 texts
- On crossing Brooklyn Ferry, September 11, 2001; by Carl Stillwell
- Citizen: An American Lyric (excerpts); by Claudia Rankine (2014)
- Toy Boat; by Ocean Vuong (2014)