The middle ages Flashcards
How long were the middle ages.
500 to 1500A.D.
What was the cause for the middle ages?
The fall of the Roman empire
The fall of the Roman empire meant…
no more police or army there main concern was servial
What were the major accomplishments of the middle ages?
The printing press advances in math, medicine, chemistry, weapons, and the rise of universities
How did Rome rise to power as the central authority for the Catholic Church?
Bishop Leo (in Rome) says that whoever is bishop should be the voice of the church
What authority does the Pope have according to the church? What scripture does the Roman Catholic Church base these beliefs upon?
He is believed to speak without error when speaking on matters of faith or morals.
Mathew 16:18And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
33-99 AD
The early church ( new Testament Church)
100-400 AD
The Ancient Church
500-1500 Ad
The Middle Ages Church
What are some of the distinctive beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church?
That mary was without sin
Transubstantiation-in communion the bread and wine become Jesus’ body and blood
Purgatory- A place of purification between death and Heaven
What was the root of Monasticism
Martyrs of previous generations inspired them to give all
Who was St. Benedict and what was his contribution to monasticism?
He created the idea/routine of pray and work
How did monasteries serve others and advance the gospel?
They copied and preserved the Bible
They the poor and sick that were rejected
What arguments from scripture could someone make for or against monasticism?
It is isolated and is not the most efficient way to spread the gospel.
What were the motivations that caused Christians to fight in the crusades?
To return Jerusalem to Christain control and to fight against the threat of islam coming closer
Were the crusades justified? Why or why not?
It was. The crusades were conducted by the state with the ultimate goal to achieve peace
St. Patrick
He was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland but God called him to serve and spread the gospel there so he went back.
He brought many people to God and converted many tribal chiefs
He was the governor of Rome and came from a wealthy family but he gave it all up and became a monk
He sent the first Missionary team to Britain
he was also responsible for many teachings in the Roman Catholic Church
Missionary in Germany
Oaktree accident
Persuades many people from England to join his mission work in Germany
Died when he did not attempt to fight back against a pagan army
John Huss
Was killed by being burned at the stake but stayed strong and never renounces his faith
Preached at his church in the language of the people instead of Latin
His death inspired 10’s of 1000 in the Czech republic
King of the Franks, doubled his kingdom by conquest
believed culture should reflect the beauty and glory of God
Forced the conquered to convert
The slaughter of innocent women and children, Jews, and Muslims was __Common/uncommon _
The first crusade accomplished/ did not accomplish its goal
It did accomplish its goal
the Muslims would soon unleash there own _____ ____
Holy war
The responce to this message of the pope was “Deus vault” or
God wills it