The Media Landscape 6 Flashcards
week 6
Media Globalization
Shift toward a media industry that crosses…
-The limits of time & space
De-massification of audiences
Instantaneous communication
-The limits of cultural boundaries
1. Traveling of products to distant/unintended markets
2. Exchange of elements among different cultures
3. Mixing of elements from different cultures into new
Cultural Imperialism
Media products of “the West” might dominate the rest of
the world
-Western media companies’ head-start
-Cheap exports to foreign markets
* Risks Western economic & cultural dominance
Dominance of U.S. values?
* But 4 oversimplifications
Film/TV versus print; diversity within media products; local media’s
continued popularity; and media effects
Net Neutrality
Principle that Internet Service Providers treat all internet content equally
Principles of Public Service Broadcasting & Critiques
Funding: license-fee, government subsidy, some advertising; mixed
models, but not commercial/private
* In exchange, several core principles:
1. Inform ourselves and others, increase understanding of the
2. Reflect and strengthen cultural identity through high-quality
3. Stimulate interest in/knowledge of the arts, science, and history
4. Support a tolerant and inclusive society, encourage
understanding of different cultures/perspectives
5. Facilitate public engagement & participation/citizenship
public should have the choice to pay, or not
* Risk of government influence/lack of independence
* Paternalistic: why should PSB decide what’s ‘good’ for the
content is out of touch with mainstream audiences
“Quality” as subjective, and elitist
Reinforces idea that access to elite social
circles is based on cultural capital
§Cultural capital = having ‘the right’ cultural tastes, knowledge,
Cultural Capital
Refers to having ‘the right’ cultural tastes, knowledge,
The cultural exception
Something unique about cultural products; shouldn’t be traded freely
4 Agreements about content restrictions
- Offensive content
- Pornographic content
Indecency v. obscenity, & more ‘benign’ objectification? - Violent content
For younger audiences, especially medium-specific - Copyright-violating material
Culture & social order
Alternative to cultural imperialism & “culture clash” lenses
“Asymmetrical interdependence” as better lens
Heavy influence of “West”, but strong local market priorities
* =contemporary culture as mix of differing influences
* Response of media conglomerates to
local resilience?
1. promote Western artists as ’global superstars’
2. invest in local talent, promote regionally / globally
3 questions for big tech
- Should they be gatekeepers of these cultural
products? - How transparent is their decision-making?
- How accountable are they, and to whom?
Adam’s smith’s invisible hand
The success/failure of products/ideas should be
determined by supply & demand