The mammilian brain Flashcards
What surrounds the brain
- meninges (membranes) surround the brain and isolates it from blood
What would happen if ablood vessel in the brain was damaged
What does a PET scan do?
- shows glucose usage and tells us which parts of brain is working
- Na/K pumps and synaptic transmittion uses ATP made from glucose
How does the brain develop during embryonic development
One end of the neural tube swells
What are the main sections of the brain
hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
bumps of brain surface
crevices on brain surface
Wrinkly brain means what
more wrinkles = more grey matter = more unmyelinated neuron parts (connections) = more intelligence
white matter
axons in the brain (myelinated)
grey matter
synapses outside the brain (unmyelinated)
Brain stem general
The “reptilian part” of the brain the controls basic life functions.
It is the master switch and turns other parts of the brain on and off.
First and last area to show activity in life
Structure and parts of brain stem
- thickening/larger area where spinal cord meets brain
- smallest part
- hindbrain n midbrain
medulla oblongata and pons control autonomic NS (HR, BP, digestion, swallowing, vomitting, respiration)
- connections between hindbrain and forebrain - it controls direction in which signals fire
- auditory and visual reflexes
What is reticular system?
Reticular activating system (RAS) regulates…
- sleep and awake
- sensory filtering (so you’re not overstiumlated)