The “Long” 19th Century World Flashcards
Chronology (the “long” 19th century world)
1789-1799 The French Revolution - three phases: moderate, radical, conservative
1815 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo & the Congress of Vienna ends
1833 Slavery abolished throughout most of the British Empire
1845-1851 Irish potato famine (c. 1.5 million died - c. 2 million emigrated)
1848 Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels issue a Communist Manifesto
1853 Commodore Matthew Perry sails into Tokyo Bay (1st visit)
1854 Charles Spurgeon pastor of New Park Street Chapel (later Met. Tab.)
1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species
1871 Unification completed in both Germany & Italy
1880-1914 Age of Western Imperialism (its great rise)
The French Revolution -three phases: moderate, radical, conservative (chronology)
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo & the Congress of Vienna ends (chronology)
Slavery abolished throughout most of the British Empire (chronology)
Irish potato famine (c. 1.5 million died - c. 2 million emigrated) (chronology)
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels issue “Communist Manifesto” (chronology)
Commodore Matthew Perry sails into Tokyo Bay (1st visit) (chronology)
Charles Spurgeon pastor of New Park Street Chapel (later Met. Tab.) (chronology)
Charles Darwin publishes “On the Origin of Species” (chronology)
Unification completed in both Germany & Italy (chronology)
Age of Western Imperialism (its great rise) (chronology)
Phases of the French Revolution
Three phases: moderate, radical, conservative
Where was Napoleon defeated
At Waterloo
Who issue the “Communist Manifesto”
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Who sails into Tokyo Bay
Commodore Matthew Perry
Charles Spurgeon is pastor of…
New Park Street Chapel
Who publishes “On the Origin of Species”
Charles Darwin
Albert Einstein
Mathematician & physicist
Congress of Vienna
International peace conference
Nationalism (3 things to know)
- A conscious bond (marked by shared glories/sufferings)
- The nation gives meaning to the individual’s life & actions
- Nationalism became a dominant force in 19th century European life
A conscious bond marked by shared glories/sufferings
What does the nation do in nationalism
The nation gives meaning to the individual’s life & actions
What happened with Nationalism
Nationalism became a dominant force in 19th century European life
FR revolutionary slogan (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Liberty, equality, and fraternity
Meeting of the Estates General (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Louis forced to call the Estates General
3rd estate took an oath not to disband until FR had a new constitution
A Paris mob stormed the Bastille (prison)
The “fish women” walk to Versailles
Monarchy taken to Paris
What do they do to King Louis (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
King Louis guillotined
Sans- culottes (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Wore pants
Wanted equality with the upper bourgeoisie
Committee of Public Safety (CPS)
What happened in the National Convention (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
There were factions in the National Convention (Jacobins vs. Girondins)
Armed sans-culottes surrounded the National Convention (FR govt.) & demanded the arrest of the Girondin delegates
What is the National Convention (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
FR government
What were the factions in the National Convention (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Jacobins vs. Girondins
What did the sans-culottes do related to the National Convention (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Armed sans-culottes surrounded the National Convention (FR govt.) & demanded the arrest of the Girondin delegates
Who surrounded the National Convention & demanded the arrest of the Girondin delegates? (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Armed sans-culottes
Reign of Terror (4 things to know) (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
- CPS (Commute of Public Safety) effectively a temporary dictatorship
- dominating the CPS was Maximilien Robespierre
- Marie Antoinette guillotined
- effort made to replace traditional Christianity
Reign of Terror (what is it) (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
CPS (Committee of Public Safety) effectively a temporary dictatorship
Who dominated the CPS (Reign of Terror) (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Maximilien Robespierre
Who did they guillotine during the Testing of Terror ( FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Marie Antoinette guillotined
What did they try to do during the Reign of Terror (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Effort made to replace traditional Christianity
How does the Terror end (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
The Terror ends with the Execution of Robespierre
What happens when the Terror ends ( FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Jacobin republic dismantled - FR leadership to the property-owning bourgeoisie
What happens when the Terror ends and the Jacobin republic dismantled (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
FR leadership to the property-owning bourgeoisie
What does Napoleon Bonaparte do (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power in a Coup
Who seizes power in a Coup (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Napoleon Bonaparte
FR Revolution spawned (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Total war
Terror as govt. policy
Revolutionary mentality
What happened to FR navy (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
FR Navy defeated/beaten at Trafalgar by GB Admiral Nelson
Who defeated the FR Navy at Trafalgar (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
GB Admiral Nelson
Things to know about the FR navy at Trafalgar (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
- FR navy beaten at Trafalgar by GB Admiral Nelson
- the Continental System would bar countries under FR control from buying GB goods - it failed
What did the Continental System do (in the context of FR navy defeat at Trafalgar) (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
The Continental System would bar countries under FR control from buying GB goods - it failed
Who does Napoleon invade and what happens (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Napoleon invades Russia; his forces victims of deception
What do they do to Napoleon (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Napoleon was exiled to Elba
Where is Napoleon exiled to (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
What does Napoleon do when exiled (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Napoleon escapes Elba, returns to FR
-dared the King’s forces to shoot their “emperor”
- British (Duke of Wellington) defeat Napoleon at Waterloo
What does Napoleon do when he escapes Elba (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
Returns to FR
Dared the King’s forces to shoot their “emperor”
Who defeats Napoleon at Waterloo (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
British (Duke of Wellington)
Napoleon’s rule (4 things to know) (FRENCH REVOLUTION)
-eliminated liberty of the press
- religious peace - toleration for Jews/Protestants
- provided a unified & efficient system of law
- economically he aided FR
Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRIALISM)
Refers to the shift from an agrarian economy
The shift from an agrarian economy (INDUSTRIALISM)
Industrial Revolution
Time periods (INDUSTRIALISM)
1st Industrial Revolution - began in Great Britain
1st Industrial Revolution (INDUSTRIALISM)
Began in Great Britain
Transformations (INDUSTRIALISM)
James Watt - the steam engine
Eli Whitney - cotton gin
Transport - railroads: possibly the most important element
The steam engine
Cotton gin
The steam engine (INDUSTRIALISM)
James Watt
Eli Whitney
Possibly the most important element of transportation
Urban, industrial working class
Urban, industrial working class (INDUSTRIALISM)
What did industrialization do (INDUSTRIALISM)
Industrialization accelerated urbanization
Romanticism hallmarks (WESTERN THOUGHT)
Realism (what is it) (WESTERN THOUGHT)
Representation of people/things as they are
Realism (people) (WESTERN THOUGHT)
Jane Austen
Charles Dickens - social concerns
Representation of people/things as they are
Jane Austen
Charles Dickens - social concerns
Jane Austen & Charles Dickens (WESTERN THOUGHT)
The freedom of the individual
Advocated the Dialectic: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis
• all reasoning (ideas) proceeds from a concept, to another contradictory concept, which gives way to the third concept that transcends and synthesizes both earlier concepts: Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis
• Hegel existence of the Absolute Spirit manifests itself as the Zeitgeist (“spirit of the age”)
G. W. F. Hegel
Hegel - Dialectic
The Absolute Spirit manifests itself as the Zeitgeist (“spirit of the age”)
Friedrich Nietzsche (WESTERN THOUGHT)
Proclaimed that “God is dead”
Who advocated the dialectic (WESTERN THOUGHT)
G. W. F. Hegel
Who proclaimed that “God is dead” (WESTERN THOUGHT)
Friedrich Nietzsche
Socialism (SOCIALISM)
The means of production are owned not by private individuals, but by the community
Forms of socialism (SOCIALISM)
Many forms of socialism exist both in theory & in practice
- all communists are socialists, but not all socialists are communists
Marxism (MARXISM)
A school of socialism based on the writings of Karl Marx
What did Marx publish (MARXISM)
Marx published “Communist Manifesto”
“Communist Manifesto” (MARXISM)
Called for a working-class revolution to overthrow the capitalist system
“Workingmen of all countries, unite!”
The essence of history (MARXISM)
Violence & struggle
Marxism goal (MARXISM)
Seizure of power by the working class & the destruction of capitalism (inevitable)
Marxism outcome (MARXISM)
No need for a state - it would eventually wither away
Observations/Critiques (MARXISM)
- economic forces alone will not explain all of history
- Marxists have not been able to sustain a viable communist economic system
Simón Bolívar
aka “the Liberator”
Venezuelan patriot/statesman
Who was also known as “the Liberator”
Simón Bolívar
Great Britain suffrage extensions
Gave voting rights
Reign of Queen Victoria
aka Victorian Age
Began rule at age 18
China conflict
First Opium War
Irish Potato Famine
The crop failed
C. 1.5 million died - c. 2 million emigrated
Mexican-American War
MEX lost nearly half its territory
Taiping Rebellion
China - massive civil war
Japan (5 things to know)
- Matthew Perry
- Tokugawa Shogunate
- Shogun: commanded the military - hereditary dictator (Tokugawa Shogunate, last)
- Daimyo: Japan’s feudal lords, vassals of the Shogun
- Samurai: Warrior retainers of the Daimyo
Matthew Perry
Japan - Tokugawa Shogunate
Commanded the military - hereditary dictator (Tokugawa Shogunate, last)
Japan’s feudal lords, vassals of the Shogun
Warrior retainers of the Daimyo
Sepoy Rebellion
aka Indian Mutiny
India - Sepoy Rebellion (aka Indian Mutiny)
Uprising against British rule - GB wins
(Sepoys: native Indian soldiers)
Native Indian Soldiers
Otto Von Bismarck becomes Prime Minister
Otto Von Bismarck
Known as the “Iron Chancellor”
Associated with Realpolitik - politics based in practical & material factors (power/self-interest)
Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)
MEX forces defeated FR troops
Meiji Restoration
Problem after Italian unification
The issue is Sectionalism
Franco-Prussian War
- French forces decisively defeated
- began 2nd Reich of the DT empire
- Results: Germany’s annexation of Alsace-Lorraine
What conflict resulted in Germany’s annexation of Alsace-Lorraine
Franco-Prussian War
Who was defeated in the Franco-Prussian war
French forces were decisively defeated
Age of Western Imperialism
Often would involve domination of political, economic, & cultural life
Focus of the era: Africa/Asia
Africa (Age of Western Imperialism)
African territory held by non-Africans
France, Britain, German, Belgium
Motives for imperialism (Age of Western Imperialism)
“White man’s burden” - paternalistic mission to spread Western culture to others
White man’s burden (Age of Western Imperialism)
Paternalistic mission to spread Western culture to others
Rule of Kaiser William II
Supported building a navy to rival GB
How was 19th C Russia different compared to W. EU?
The middle class remained tiny
Boxer Rebellion
Anti-Western uprising
An international force suppressed the uprising
Latin America
“Dollar Diplomacy” - describes the nature of US actions in L. America
Dollar diplomacy
Describes the nature of US actions in L. America
Russo-Japanese War
Russian/Japanese rivalry
RUS loses