The Lizzie Borden Case Flashcards
•Andrew Borden
- Part of the Borden family (one of the 7 families who controlled Fall River economically)
- Descendants of settlers who arrived in 1638
- 126 Bordens, but not all equally wealthy
- unlike some relatives, had no inherited money
- Andrew made money making furniture, then coffins, then moves into banking
- In 1892, 70 year old Bank President
- Worth $500,000 (about $12 million today)
- But he is also cheap and tight fisted
Abby Borden
• Andrews 2nd wife o 64 years old o married Andrew when Lizzie was 2 years old after andrew’s first wife died o Emma and Lizzie don’t like her o Refuse to call her “mother”
Lizabeth Andrew “Lizzie” Borden
- 5’4”
- unmarried
- a bit eccentric
- But known as a good Christian woman
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
- “moderation on all things healthful: total abstinence from all things harmful.”
- social reform issues , including prostitution, public health, sanitation
- “Home Protection Ballot”
- Epidemic of middle class women shoplifters during this period
- Responding to feelings of deprivation
- Real or imaginary injustices, lack of prenatal love or support
- Rebellion against constricted roles
Prussic Acid
- August 3, 1892
- Lizzie goes to local pharmacy to try to buy Prussic Acid from pharmacist Eli Bence
- Speaks in quivering voice
- Doesn’t get it
Alice Russell
Friend of Lizzie
~Lizzie told here there are creepy people hanging around the house
~Lizzie thought someone is trying to poison her family
Bridget “Maggie” Sullivan
Borden’s live in maid
Manners in the Gilded Age
• Upper-class and upper middle class there was an obsession with manners • It was the way they were able to mingle and date within the high class society o It showed who could be trusted or not
Cult of Domesticity
o Women’s job to smooth out the rough rigid men
Social Darwinism
o Phrenology- shapes of the head mean different things
Andrew Jennings
Borden Family Attorney
• Hires a Pinkerton Detective named O.M Hascom to find out who did it
• Lizzie suggests unfairly grilled at inquest without an attorney when she was on morphine
• Lizzie being railroaded by overeager Fall River officials
• Calls Borden “this poor Christian girl
• Crowd cheers for the defense
Hosea Knowlton
District Attorney
• Summons Lizzie to testify in inquest into deaths (August 9)
• Veteran Prosecutor
• Ends inquest certain of Borden’s guilt
• Says lizzie had motive means and opportunity
• Has lizzie arrested that night
Judge Josiah Blaisdell
• Presiding judge says no lawyers during questioning
o Miranda is 70 years later doesn’t apply
William Moody
• Opens with chilling discussion of bitterness in Borden home
o She is not my mother my mother is dead
• Girls have bitterness against their father
• Prussic acid
• Alice Russell
• No stranger could have come and gone undetected
Justice Justin Dewey
- Gives the jury instructions
- May raise a reasonable doubt regardless of their place or standing in society
- Could she stay clam all morning after killing her mother first then wait a few hours for daddy
- Don’t be blinded to the testimony of the “experts”
- Total half hour of jury instructions many of which favor the defense