the living world rainforests Flashcards
components in an ecosystem that are non-living environmental factors such as climate (temperature and rainfall), soil, water temperature and light
the ease of access to a place
Actions taken to adjust to natural events such as climate change to reduce potential damage and limit the impacts
Adventure tourism
a type of tourism that involves the travel to a remote or exotic location to pursue physically challenging activities such as hiking or kayaking
Animal adaptations - Squirrel monkey
- Large tail for balance in the canopy
- paws are like hands
- Strong, short size for jump power
Animal adaptations - Toucan
Bright colours to attract mates
strong claws
nests in tree holes
large, strong, colourful beak
the variety of life in the world or a particular ecosystem
global-scale ecosystems such as a tropical rainforest or deciduous woodland
components in an ecosystem that are living such as plants and fish
the continuous layer of branches in a forest, which in tropical rainforests hosts the majority of plant and animal species
Carbon sink
the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere
Causes of deforestation - agrigulture - cattle ranching
- rainforest is cleared for space for cattle to graze on
- Cattle is butched and sold for meat / leather for money
Causes of deforestation - agrigulture - crop farming
Rainforest is cleared to grow cash crops - soya beans, palm oil, tea coffee, sell these to HIC’s for huge profits
Causes of deforestation - Hydroelectric power
Huge rivers in rainforest have been used for hydro electric power resulting in rainforest being flooded
Causes of Deforestation - Logging
Rainforest is cut down so valuable trees like mahogany and teak is sold for timber less valuable trees are cut down for making paper
Causes of deforestation - Mining
Mines develop in rainforests resulting in trees cleared. Surface mining in large open pits is cheaper but scars the landscape
Causes of deforestation - Population growth
As the population grows people will need more space resulting in the rainforest being cut down for timber and space
Causes of deforestation - Road Building
Allows for other areas of the rainforest to be accessed by farmers loggers and miners resulting in more deforestation
the average weather over a long period of time
Climate change
a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature
an individual part or element of a wider system
managing the environment in order to preserve, protect or restore it
Conservation group
an organisation that helps protect threatened and endangered environments or wildlife e.g. the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
organism that eats herbivores and/or plant matter
Debt reduction
countries are relieved of some of their debt in return for an agreement that they preserve and protect their natural environments
organisms such as bacteria or fungi that break down plant and animal material
the cutting down and removal of forest
economic impacts of deforestation
- cash crops are planted and grown
- wood is used for wood and paper
a community of plants and animals that interact with each other and their physical environment
nature tourism usually involving small groups with minimal impact on the environment
emergent layer
The emergent layer is the top of the rainforest. The weather is hot, wet, and windy in this layer. The trees can be from 70 meters off the ground here.
Environmental impacts of deforestation
Deforestation is responsible for 24% of greenhouse gas emissions
extreme loss in biodiversity
more CO2 remains in atmosphere
an imaginary line that divides Earth’s surface into a northern and southern hemisphere
Extreme temperatures
temperatures that present challenges for people, animals and plants living in in certain environments
Food chain
connections between different organisms (plants and animals) that rely upon one another as their source of food
Food web
a complex hierarchy of plants and animals relying on each other for food
forest floor
The forest floor is the darkest of all rainforest layers recieving less thean 2% of sunlight. Decomposers, such as termites, slugs, scorpions, worms, and fungi, thrive on the forest floor.
Geothermal energy
energy generated by heat stored deep in the Earth
Indigenous tribes
native to a particular place, usually living in harmony with the natural environment, using resources without causing long-term harm
When trees/vegetation collects falling rain
International agreements
promises made between countries and/or organisations to mitigate the destruction of natural habitats
Nutrient cycle
on-going recycling of nutrients between living organisms and their environment
plant adaptations - leaf angling
leaves are often arranged in different so a plant avoids shading its own leaves
an organism or plant that is able to absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis
Selective logging
sustainable forestry management where only carefully selected trees are cut down
Slash and burn
a method of land clearing that involves the use of fire, which creates valuable nutrients to help plants grow, but can grow out of control and destroy large areas of forest
Social impacts of deforestation
- Housing will be built
- people living in the rainforest will struggle
Soil erosion
removal of topsoil faster than it can be replaced, due to natural (water and wind action), animal and human activity
Causes of Deforestation - Agriculture - Subsistence farming
a type of agriculture producing only enough food and materials for the benefit of a farmer and their family
actions that meet the needs of the present without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their needs
symbiotic relationship
relationship where both participant species benefit mutually.
e.g. Certain caterpillars produce sweet chemicals from dew patches on their backs upon which a certain ant species will feed. In return the ants vigorously protect the Caterpillar
people removed from one place and moved to another
When water held on leaves of vegetation is evaporated because of intense sunlight
Tropical rainforest
global-scale ecosystem mainly found close to the Equator, characterised by high temperatures, high rainfall and huge biodiversity
The understory layer is located beneath the canopy. The understory only gets 2 - 15% of sunlight. It is dark and humid here. The understory is home to smaller animals, insects, and snakes.
Wilderness areas
a natural environment that has not been significantly modified by human activity