What is an ecosystem?
The living organisms (biotic) in a particular area, together with the non-living (abiotic) components with the environments.
What does GASMO stand for?
Grass - Ant - Mouse - Snake - Owl
What are globe scale changes?
Changes that involve the whole world e.g. climate change.
What are local scale changes?
Things which change a habitat e.g. the removal of a hedgerow.
What are some primary producers?
Ferns, Moss, Flowers, Fruit Trees, Grass, Deciduous Trees.
What are some primary consumers?
Squirrels, Deers, Insects, Birds, Rabbits, Rodents.
What are some secondary consumers?
Predacious Insects, Birds, Foxes, Owls and Hawks.
What are some tertiary consumers?
Wolves, Bears (omnivores).
What are biomes?
Global ecosystems.
What do biomes vary based on?
Climate, Vegetation, Wildlife.
What does interdependent mean.”
All organisms in an ecosystem depend upon each other.
What does biodiversity mean?
The variety of life in the world or a particular ecosystem.
What are Lianas?
Vines that use the tree trunks to support them as they try and reach the canopy.
What are Epiphytes?
A pla y that grows on the surface of another tree/plant and gets its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain water or from debris gathering around it.
What are Drip Tips?
The leaves are often smooth and glossy with pointed tips. Their shape allows the heavy raindrops to run quickly off the leaves.
What are Buttress Roots?
The tallest trees, called the emergents, are so high that they have very wide roots at the base of the tree.
The roots are shallow and spread over a large area as there is only s shallow and fertile top layer of soil.
What does the fruit do?
Many of the trees grow fruit on the tree trunks, not on the branches. This keys them delay growing branches until they reach the canopy.
What are Ferns?
Plants have large leaves to maximise the surface area for photosynthesis.
What do the flowers do?
Flowers are brightly coloured and sweet smelling to attract animals and insects which increases pollution.
There is a lack of wind within the tropical rainforest. This prevents pollination happening through wind.
What is Deforestation?
The permanent and usually large-scale removal of trees.
What are some facts about the Amazon Rainforest?
Largest rainforest in the world, Located in South America, Nearly 60% is in Brazil, Covers 8 million km(squared), Roughly 28x the size of the UK.
What are the impacts of deforestation?
Social, Economic and Environmental.
This is on a local and global scale.
The rates vary across the world.
What is Logging?
Logging contributes to a huge amount of Brazil’s economy.
It can destroy resources that countries depend on e.g. timber.
It can also reduce the attractiveness of an area to tourists who bring money.
What is sustainable management?
Meeting the needs of the current population without compromising the needs of future generations.
What are stakeholders?
People/groups with an interest in something. Normally this is for their own gain.
What are cold environments?
Places that experience temperatures that are at or below 0°c for long periods of time.
Where are some cold environments?
Polar biomes and Tundra biomes.
Polar biomes- found at the poles North = Arctic, South = Antarctica
What is permafrost?
Permanently or semi-permanently frozen ground.
What are some plant adaptations?
Bearberry, Caribou Moss, Arctic Poppy.
What are some animal adaptations for the cold environments?
Well insulated- thick fur, reduce amount of energy needed to keep warm.
Hibernate- conserve energy.
Migrate- move to warmer areas for winter (Arctic Terns).
Camouflage- Hide from predators/ catch prey.
What are some animals that live in cold environments?
Snowshoe Rabbit, Caribou, Tundra Wolf, Musk Ox.