The Link Between Sex And Imagination Flashcards
When we understand something without knowing that, without having any information about that
When something makes sense
Matter. We understand that our minds matter when it comes to sex
We’re quick to judge
мы быстры чтобы судить
Мы менее охотно ( мы менее склонны) учитывать роль воображениея
We’re less likely to consider the role of the imagination
Это помогает определить что ты хочешь
It helps define what it is you want
ты можешь подумать над этим перед тем как принять какое-то решение
You can think about that before having to make any decision
When something is that you have but you don’t do anything to master or get that
innate. It’s an innate immunity
(noun)When you want to reach something
a desire
When something is a reason for something or to do something
Stimulus. His father’s death was a stimulus to change his life
Ясно одно, но ясно одно: он предатель
This much is clear:
But this much is clear: he’s a betrayer
несмотря на, независимо от(2)
We’re going to the park despite the weather (we know that weather is good or bad)
We’re going to the park regardless of the weather (we don’t know what the weather is gonna be but we go
Я всё равно сделаю как считаю нужным
I’ll do on my thing anyway
воспользоваться возможностями
Выиграть от
benefit from
at a particular time in the past that you are talking about:
Things were different ()
Back then
When you have no ways, tools, means to solve a problem and it’s only one thing that can help you
a last resort
Это рассматривается как крайняя мера
It’s seen as a last resort
masturbation is often seen as a (when you feel really bad and have no strength or means to do something) act
desperate act
when you try to find out more about something by discussing it, thinking about it etc
exploration of the Moon is really amazing and interesting
Something that is (…) makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life:
empowering. This exercise is empowering for men
a sexual encounter (vaginal, anal, or oral sex) between two people who are not in a dating or serious relationship and do not expect anything further
a hookup
Меня поражает то, что вы согласны с ним
I’m struck by the fact that you agree with him
Это без преувеличения работа моей мечты
It’s quite literally my dream job
Я в прямом смысле чуть не умер со смеха
I quite literally almost died laughing
Я доверял всем своим друзьям но этим я создал себе только проблемы
I trusted all my friends but in doing so i made only troubles for myself
У нас не было выбора в этом деле( в этом вопросе)
We had no choice in the matter
an idea that is based on feeling and for which there is no proof:
I’ve got a(…) that something is gonna happen today
a hunch
через несколько лет после(в годы после) колледжа мое увлечение баскетболом только выросло
In the years after college my fascination with basketball only grew
You can use () to refer to a statement or comment that you have just made.
that way
Something that is () is expressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything.
нужно делать всё так, чтобы потом не было стыдно
You should do everything in a way that you won’t be ashamed then
Я сломал руку так что не мог шевелить её целый год
I broke my arm in a way that i could’ve not moving it the whole year
Я не буду заходить слишком делеко
I won’t take this too far
to become comfortable in a place or doing an activity:
settle into.Students settled into their desks and took out their notebooks.
After moving frequently during his first 14 years, he settled into a normal high school life.
in a way that cannot be explained or understood:
Inexplicably, the men were never questioned about where the explosives came from.
An experienced sailor had inexplicably disappeared in calm waters.
in a way that cannot be avoided
inevitably. It inevitably will lead us to big troubles
Тебе нужно погрузиться в свой разум так же, как ты это делаешь во время медитации
You need to settle into your mind the same way that you do during your meditation