Passive Vocabulary (The Link Between... Flashcards
It’s innately pleasurable
это врожденно приятно
reach for something 2
Дотянуться до чего-то или достичь чего-то
Arousal is a good thing
Arousal is when you feel excited
the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind(познание, процесс познания, когнитивные способности)
consider is a synonym of
think about
needing or wanting something very much
We’re desperate for this win
That really struck me
That really amazed me( i was amazed by that)
Because it’s so immersive, so evocative
Because it’s so amazing, so making you remember or imagine something pleasant
a blueprint is a synonym of
A plan
There was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing.
appealing is pleasing and attractive
For example, a person who just got out of the rain might tell someone about to leave that “You will want to have an umbrella.” If a road is blocked, they might say “You will want to drive this other route.”
By alerting someone to a future condition, you help them make informed decisions without stepping on their toes.
you’ll want to
to have or not have the chance to take part in something SYN be in/out of the running (for something)
Liverpool are in the frame for a place in the Cup Final.
out of the frame
In the frame