The Life Stage: Middle Adulthood Flashcards
What ages does MIDDLE ADULTHOOD range from?
47-65 years old.
What can happen during this life stage?
A mid-life crisis.
Dramatic period of self-doubt caused by the passing of youth to late adulthood.
Feeling of grief and loneliness by parents whose children have left home for the first time.
Name some POSITIVES about this life stage?
Live is sorted.
- Children are grown up
- Financial income is steady
- Own your own house
- More free time.
Why might someone within this age category have more time and why is it good?
They don’t have children to look after.
May work part time.
More time to go out with friends, do hobbies, travel etc.
Name some NEGATIVES about this life stage?
Gain wrinkles.
Body may be getting tired.
Physically ageing process takes effect on the body.
Name 5 physical ways it does
Low energy.
Hearing and sight decline.
Skin becomes less elastic- Wrinkles.
Hair becomes grey.
Name one physical process age has only on a women’s body?
Natural and permanent stopping of periods.
Name one physical process age has only on a man’s body?
Men’s reproductive system decreases.
Reduction in testosterone.
Intellectually what might people want to do?
Return to education and study.
Intellectually what might people want to do?
Return to education and study.
Job within teaching industry.
Intellectually what will the brain do?
May not be as quick in remembering memories.
Emotionally hormones changing can lead to…
The changing of feelings and emotions.
Some people try to recapture their youth by…
Behaving in similar ways to people in early adulthood.
Dress younger.
Go out more.
Try new things.
Socially what will happen to people’s social lifes during this life stage?
Better social life’s, as children will have left home and become more independent.
Make new friends.
Quality time with family.
Their children.
For their grandchildren.