The Life Stage: Early Adulthood Flashcards
What is the EARLY ADULTHOOD age range?
19-45 years old.
What PHYSICAL developments occur during early adult hood?
Reach physical peak.
Metabolic rate slows down.
Physically what can happen later on in early adulthood to a women’s BODY?
Natural and permanent stopping of menstruation.
Physically what can happen later on in early adulthood to a mans BODY?
Sperm count falls.
Fertility rate decreases.
Intellectually some people within the age range 19-25 are what?
Still in education like university.
Emotionally what do people develop during early adult hood?
More intimate, deep relationships.
What does marriage create within a relationship?
This life stage is when _______ will occur the most as ________
Start to make families.
Fertility is at its max.
How will a persons SOCIAL life be?
Active social life.
Friends from school, uni, job, partners friends.
Gain more…
Earn more…
Income, as you will have a job.
More commitment…
Rents and mortgages to pay monthly.
How can children impact a relationship POSITIVELY?
Bring couple;
More Trust.
How can children impact a relationship NEGATIVELY?
Make couple;
Financial problems.