The Leg Flashcards
Deep fascia of lower limb
-Crural facia-leg
-Extensor retinacula
Veins of lower limb
1) Great saphenous v.
-Ascends anterior to medial malleolus
-Posterior to medial epicondyle of femur
-Empties into femoral v. at saphenous opening in fascia lata
2) Small saphenous v.
-Ascends posterior to lateral malleolus
-Empties into popliteal v. in popliteal fossa
Anterior compartment of the leg
-Dorsiflexion (toes up to shin)
-Deep fibular n (L4-S2
-Anterior tibial a.
Lateral compartment of the leg
-Plantarflexion (point toes out), eversion (lateral side up)
-Superficial fibular n. (L5-S2)
-Fibular artery & anterior tibial artery
Posterior compartment of the leg
-Superficial group: plantarflexion (pointing toes)
-Deep group: plantarflexion, inversion (taking sole of foot and turning it medially)
-Tibial n. (L4-S3)
-Posterior tibial a. & fibular a.
Superficial group of posterior compartment of the leg
-Gastrocnemius m.
-Soleus m.
-Plantaris m.
Collective motion= plantar flexion
Inn= tibial n (L4-S3
Blood supply= posterior tibial & fibular aa.
O: Medial Head: posterior surface, superior to the medial condyle of the femur
Lateral Head: posterior surface, lateral aspect of lateral condyle of the femur
I: Attaches via calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) on posterior calcaneus
INN: Tibial n.
-Plantarflexes ankle
-Flexes knee
O: Soleal line (posterior tibia)
I: Attaches via calcaneal tendon on posterior calcaneus
INN: Tibial n.
Action: Plantarflexes ankle
O: Supracondylar ridge of femur
I: Attaches via calcaneal tendon on posterior calcaneus
INN: Tibial n.
-Plantarflexes ankle
-Weakly flexes knee
Achilles Tendinitis
Definition: Inflammation and degeneration of the tendon and its attachment to calcaneus
-Overuse injury, resulting of improper stretching and training (common in runners and sudden increase in activity)
Clinical Features:
-Gradual onset of pain during or after activity
-Pain in calf, above Achilles tendon
-Tenderness over calf, pain in passive dorsiflexion and resisted plantar flexion
-ROM and strength normal
Deep group of posterior compartment of the leg
Popliteus, tibialis posterior m., flexor hallucis longus m., flexor digitorum longus m.
Collective motion= plantar flexion, inversion
Inn: tibial n. (L4-S3)
Blood Supply: posterior tibial & fibular aa.
O: Lateral femoral condyle
I: Posterior surface of tibia and superior to soleal line
INN: Tibial n.
Action: Medially rotates the tibia
Tibialis Posterior
O: Postertior tibia, fibula, & interosseous membrane
I: Navicular tuberosity & medial cuneiform
INN: Tibial n.
-Plantarflexes foot
-Inverts foot
-Support medial longitudinal arch
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O: Posterior surface of tibia
I: Distal phalanges of digits 2-5 (plantar surface)
INN: Tibial n.
-Flexes digit 2-5
-Assists in plantarflexion
-Supports longitudinal arches
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O: Posterior fibula & interosseous membrane
I: Distal phalanx of hallux (digit 1)
INN: Tibial n.
-Flexes hallux
-Assists in plantarflexion & inversion
-Supports medial longitudinal arch