The Learning Process Flashcards
A change in behavior as a result of experience can be defined as?
The learning process may include some elements such as verbal, conceptual and…
Problem Solving
While learning the material being taught, students may be learning other things as well. this additional learning is called…
Individuals make more progress learning if they have a clear objective. this is one feature of the principle of…
Things most often repeated are best remembered because of which principle of learning?
Principle of Exercise
Providing opportunities for a student to practice and then directing this process towards a goal is the basis of the principle of…
The principle that is based on the emotional reaction of the learner is the principle of…
Which principle of learning often creates a strong impression?
Principle of Primacy
Which principle of learning implies that a student will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute?
Principle of Intensity
Which principle of learning often determines the sequence of lectures within a course of instruction?
Principle of Recency
What is the basis of all learning?
Perceptions result when a person…
Gives the meaning to sensations being experienced
A basic need that affects all of a person’s perception is the need to
Maintain and enhance the organized self
Which factor affecting perception has a great influence on the total perceptual process?
Which factor affecting perceptions is based on the effectiveness of the use of a properly planned training syllabus?
Time and opportunity
In the learning process, fear of the element of threat will…
Narrow the student’s perceptual field
Which is one of the ways in which anxiety will affect a student?
Anxiety may limit the student’s ability to learn from perceptions
The mental grouping of affiliated perceptions is called..
Insights, as as applied to learning, involve a person’s
Grouping of associated perceptions into meaningful wholes
Instruction, as opposed to the trial and error method of learning, is desirable because competent instruction speeds the learning process by…
Teaching the relationship of perceptions as they occur
Name one way an instructor can help develop student insights.
Provide a secure and nonthreatening environment in which to learn
Which memory system processes input from the environment?
Sensory register
The use of some type of association, such as rhymes or mnemonics is best suited to which memory system?
How can recording be described?
The relating of incoming information to concepts or knowledge already in memory