The League Of Nations Flashcards
Armistice signed by Germany
Nov 1918
Peacemakers meet in Paris
Jan 1919
Treaty of Versailles
June 1919
USA votes not to join LofN
Nov 1919
Reparations figure set
April 1921
Germany joins league
Wall Street crash
Manchurian crisis
G and J leave the league
Abyssinian crisis
December 1934-5
When did italy leave
When did russia joim
What different parts of the league was there
The assembly, the council, the permament court of justice
What was the assembly
A member from each nation, met once a year
Where did the assmbly meet
Geneva in Switzerland
What was a weakness of the assembly
All decisions had to be unaminous
How many permnemt members were there meant to be in the council
Who were the permanent member
GB, france, italy, japan and the fifth was meant to be USA
How many non permanent members were there in the council
4-who were elected for a three year period
What kind of sanctions were there
Military(depended on the goodwill of members)
How many judges were there in the permanent court of justice?
15- elected bynations of the league
When did the council meant
Met several times a year and in emergencies
What ways could the judges deal with dispute *3
1) a hearing by an impartial country
2) a ruling byt he international court of justice
3) an enquiry by the council
Reasons for the leagues failure *3
1) The usa neverjoined, therefore weaker
2) Didnt let G or R at first
3) it wasnt very productive, eg the lyntton report took 1 year
When did italy leave
When did russia joim
What different parts of the league was there
The assembly, the council, the permament court of justice
What was the assembly
A member from each nation, met once a year
Where did the assmbly meet
Geneva in Switzerland
What was a weakness of the assembly
All decisions had to be unaminous
How many permnemt members were there meant to be in the council
Who were the permanent member
GB, france, italy, japan and the fifth was meant to be USA
How many non permanent members were there in the council
4-who were elected for a three year period
What kind of sanctions were there
Military(depended on the goodwill of members)
How many judges were there in the permanent court of justice?
15- elected bynations of the league
When did the council meant
Met several times a year and in emergencies
What ways could the judges deal with dispute *3
1) a hearing by an impartial country
2) a ruling byt he international court of justice
3) an enquiry by the council
Reasons for the leagues failure *3
1) The usa neverjoined, therefore weaker
2) Didnt let G or R at first
3) it wasnt very productive, eg the lyntton report took 1 year
What was the 26th article
That everyone had to agree
What was the article for collective security
What is an example of a small dispute that the league did fix
Greece and bulgaria
When did Wilson publish his fourteen points
Jan 1918