The Korean War Flashcards
From 1948 – 1950, there were frequent clashes along the 38th parallel, initiated by both North and South Korea. Why was there a civil war (war within groups in a country) between North and South Korea after WWII?
Both North (communist) and South (democratic) governments considered themselves to be the government of the whole of Korea. Both wanted to unify Korea under their rule.
Korea was divided after WWII because communist USSR and capitalist West were engaged in Cold War and both wanted to spread their ________ ___ _________ in Korea.
sphere of influence
USA needed to strengthen Japan after WWII to protect USA’s trade interests in the Pacific & to contain spread of communism in Asia Pacific. What did USA provide Japan with? List 2.
(1) Economic Aid - US opened it markets to Japanese exports and transferred massive technology
(2) Military Aid - militarily protected Japan & US naval bases in Okinawa.
(The ‘umbrella’)
Which 2 significant developments in Soviet Union and China in 1949 changed the course of action towards Korea?
(1) Soviet Union had the atomic bomb - atomic parity with USA (can offer aid to North Korea without threats from USA)
(2) Communist victory in October 1949 in China - ally for Soviet Union in Asia
What conclusions did Stalin and Kim made as a result of Dean Archeson’s Perimeter Speech in Jan 1950?
Korea not of strategic importance to USA, an attack on Korea will not invite USA’s interference.
As a result of developments in Soviet Union and China in 1949, USA changed its foreign policy and deemed Korea as strategically important. What was this policy?
Policy of containment on a global level
NSC-68 (National Security Council Report)
How did Soviet Union support North Korea which increased North Korea’s confidence to wage war against South Korea?
(1) provide advisors to train the North Korean People’s Army
(2) Provided heavy equipment
Why was USA involved in the Korean War? Provide 3 reasons. (Start with ‘Fear of …’)
(1) Fear of spread of communist influence to South Korea
(2) Fear of domino effect - if South Korea fell to Soviet influence, the rest of Asia Pacific becomes vulnerable
(3) Fear of US/US losing credibility if no action was taken towards an aggressor
United Nations (UN) was involved in the Korean War, providing leadership, organisational skills, strategies, manpower and equipment with the aim of freeing South Korea from being occupied by the North. Which strategy saw them pushing the North Korean forces out of South Korea?
Inchon Landing, September 1950
Why was General MacArthur dismissed by President Truman?
MacArthur brought China into the war by defying Truman’s order not to provoke China. He confronted the Chinese by moving close to their borders, threatening China’s sovereignty.
Why was there a strategic & military imbalance at the start of 1950, with North Korea having a strategic and military advantage over the South? List 2 reasons.
(1) South Korea not included in USA’s defence perimeter
2) USA provided only light weapons (did not trust Syngman Rhee whose reign of terror in the South concerned USA
Outbreak of Korean War is a content concept. List as many words / phrases associated with this concept.
(1) increased aggressiveness
(2) increased military strength to wage war
(3) increased resources to wage war (as a result of occupying more territories or as a result of help from another ally)
(4) increased tension, fear
(5) increased confidence (as a result of having more resources or help from an ally)
What was Kim Il Sung’s aim in the Korean War?
To reunify Korea under communist rule
What was Sygnman Rhee’s aim in the Korean War?
To reunify Korea under democratic rule
What did Stalin do in Feb 1950 to avoid a direct involvement in Korea?
Pushed the responsibility of helping North Korea to China - signed the Sino-Soviet Alliance
Why did USA support Syngman Rhee’s South Korea and provided light weapons to him?
Syngman Rhee was anti-communist
Why was USA wary of Syngman Rhee and thus only provided him with light weapons? List 2.
(1) Syngman Rhee initiated a series of frequent border clashes with the North before the start of war
(2) Syngman Rhee’s reign of terror in eliminating communists in the South (jailed about 30,000 alleged communists & executed them when North invaded the South)
Why was there a growth in Japan’s defence industries during the Korean War?
Japan became the production and supply base for US/UN forces during the Korean war.
What was the impact of the Korean War on Korea? List 3.
(1) loss of lives (560,000 Korean troops; 3-4 million civilians dead, wounded or missing)
(2) 80% of Korean factories, transport network destroyed
(3) families separated
(4) Korea permanently divided at the demilitarised zone (38th parallel)
Some saw the Korean War as a failure for USA. Suggest 3 reasons why USA was seen to have failed.
(1) did not manage to roll back communism in North Korea - North Korea remained communist
(2) provoked aggression from China which came to the aid of North Korea - North Korea remained communist
(3) The aggression from USA and aggression from communist camp increased tensions, arms race
(4) Korean War resulted in loss of lives and permanent division of Korea