Outbreak of War in Europe Flashcards
What were the aims of the League of Nations? List 4.
Remove Causes of War (M.A.I.N)
(1) Disarmament to prevent (M) (militarism)
(2) Provide a place to resolve conflicts to prevent (A) (formation of Alliances)
(3) Use peacekeeping measures to prevent aggressor from (I) (Imperialism / Expansionism)
(4) Allow people to choose their own government to prevent (N) (Nationalism)
What do we mean when we say that the League of Nations failed?
Failed to remove causes of war (M.A.I.N)
(1) Failed to get countries to disarm
(2) Failed to prevent countries from forming alliances
(3) Peacekeeping measures failed / collective security failed to stop aggressors
(4) Failed to allow people to choose their own government / people of the same group were separated and put in different countries
The main purpose of the League of Nations was collective security. What is collective security?
Members of the LON coming together (collective) to keep peace (security) by stopping aggressors using peacekeeping measures
Germans were not allowed national self-determination (form their own state and choose their own government) as a result of TOV.
What happened to many Germans as a result of this. Provide 2 examples.
(1) There were Germans in the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.
(2) Many Germans were forced to live in Poland because of the loss of Polish Corridor.
(3) Germany was divided with 12.5% of its population in other countries.
What words are associated with the content concept of ‘Outbreak of War’.
List as many as you can.
(1) Increase aggressiveness
(2) Increase tensions
(3) Increase size of military / armed forces / military strength to wage war (militarism)
(4) Increase invasions by aggressors = capture more territories = more resources to wage war
(5) Increasingly view Britain and France as weak - therefore, Increase confidence to wage war
The League of Nations failed to get countries in Europe to disarm. The failure of LON’s World Disarmament Conference (1932-34) led to WWII because Hitler started to increase the military strength of Germany, his increased aggressiveness led to increase tensions with countries in Europe.
Why did the World Disarmament Conference fail? Provide 2 reasons.
(1) Germany demanded Britain and France to have equal military strength with Germany or it will leave the LON
(2) France refused to limit their own armaments
(3) Britain not prepared to guarantee France’s security if France limit its armaments
(4) Hitler withdrew from both the conference and the LON
The LON failed to stop aggressors with their peacekeeping measures and collective security. This led to WWII because aggressors became increasingly more aggressive, increased their invasion of other countries and increasingly more confident to wage war.
What peacekeeping measures were used to stop Mussolini when he invaded Abyssinia and failed?
(1) LON imposed ban on arms sales, loans and exports of rubber, tin and metals to Italy while allowing arms to be sold to Abyssinia.
(2) Although they ban sale of oil to Italy, this was delayed.
In 1936, sanctions against Italy were abandoned.
Why did collective security (Countries coming together to stop Mussolini) failed in the case study of Abyssinia?
Provide 2 reasons.
(1) Britain & France, who owned the Suez Canal, did not close it to Italian ships. Italy continued to ship war supplies to Abyssinia.
(2) France and Britain negotiated with Italy and made a secret deal to offer half of Abyssinia if Italy stop - Hoare-Laval Pact. Almost immediately details were leaked to the press, causing a public outcry. The plan was abandoned.
(3) Countries who were not members of the LON such as USA and Germany continued to trade with Italy.
Define Appeasement.
The policy of negotiating or giving in to aggressors’ (Hitler) demands to avoid war.
A policy adopted by Britain and France in the 1930s
Hitler’s policy was aggressive expansionism. What was included in his expansionist policy?
Provide 3 examples.
(1) Lebensraum (Living space)
To expand to exercise its superiority
(2) Annexation
To take over or annex other countries and incorporate that territory into their nation
(3) Militarization
To expand, Hitler prioritized the build-up of his size of his military
(4) Aggressive
Only sign treaties/agreement that will help Hitler win the war
Hitler’s mililtarisation of Germany from 1934 led to WWII because it gave him increased military strength and confidence to wage war.
What did Hitler do from 1934-36 to militarise Germany? Provide 2 examples.
(1) From 1933 to 1934, Nazis stepped up their secret rearmament and conscription program
(2) By 1935, Germany possessed a 2500 plane Luftwaffe and 300, 000 strong army. There were plans for the army to be expanded to 500, 000.
(3) 1936: Germans spent a great amount on military production
In 1935, Britain & France failed to take action to stop Hitler from rearmament & instead allowed Hitler to rearm through the Anglo-German Naval Treaty. This led to WWII because Hitler had a larger navy, military strength and confidence to wage war.
What was the Anglo-German Naval Treaty?
Britain and France allowed German naval rearmament up to 35% of British strength.
Why did Britain and France not stop Hitler from rearming Germany?
Britain and France were still in a Pacifist mood (do not want to start war and still recovering from impact of Great Depression) – they only made verbal protests instead of imposing sanctions on Germany.
In March 1936, Hitler remilitarised of the Rhineland. Why was Rhineland important for Hitler?
Provide 2 reasons.
(1) Rhineland was important for coal, steel, and iron production.
(2) Rhineland was demilitarised as part of TOV as it was supposed to act as a buffer between Germany and France. Remilitarising Rhineland will make it easier to attack France.
In March 1936, Hitler ordered German troops to remilitarise the Rhineland, saying that Germany was now under threat from France and the USSR and should be allowed to defend its borders.
How did remilitarisation of Rhineland lead to WWII? (hint: content concept)
Remilitarisation of Rhineland led to WWII as it INCREASED Hitler’s resources to wage war, INCREASED his aggressiveness and confidence.