The Korean War, 1950-1953 (S2.6) Flashcards
When did the Korean War start and end?
25 June 1950 - 27 July 1953
What created the power vacuum in Korea which led to the split?
The Japanese Empire had occupied Korea since 1910
> Sudden collapse of Japanese power at the end of WWII left a power vacuum
What two sides and two leaders filled the power vacuum?
South Korea
> Authoritarian, pro-capitalist Syngman Rhee
North Korea
> Communist, nationalist Kim Il-Sung
What happened in the winter of 1951?
50,000 to 90,000 South Korean National Defense Corps soldiers starved to death while marching southward under the Chinese offensive when their commanding officers embezzled funds earmarked for their food.
> National Defense Corps Incident
How many civillians and soldiers died in the Korean War?
3.5-4 million Korean civilians
1.2 million combatants from all sides (could be as high as 1.75 million due to Mao deflating figures)
In mid-1951, what did one American report about the Korean War?
“almost the entire Korean Peninsula is just a terrible mess. Everything is destroyed.”
How many tons of bombs and napalm did the US drop on Korea?
U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of bombs—including 32,557 tons of napalm—on Korea
> More than they did on its Japanese enemy during the whole Pacific campaign of World War
What was the result of the Korean War?
- A new boundary across the 38th parallel and a 2-mile wide ‘demilitarized zone’
> Effectively changed nothing; border basically stayed the same
How much did the US spend on the Korean War?
$18 billion
How much did the US spend on the Chinese Civil War?
$2.8 billion
What are the key traits of Kim Il Sung?
- Skilled guerilla fighter; groomed for power in Moscow
- Stalinist, communist; authoritarian
- Korean self-determination; nationalist; land reform based on need
What are the key traits of Syngman Rhee?
- Anti-nationalist; against land reform; pro-USA, anti-communist
- Not known in Korea; spent most of earlier life in USA
- Lenient to those wealthy under the Japanese imperialists
- Unpopular with US State Department; MacArthur loves him
How does Truman justify the Korean War?
Calls it a “police action”
> a US President cannot declare war without a majority of Congress
> Instead, went to war through the U.N. Security Council under the UN flag (as Stalin had been boycotting it)
What happens to MacArthur by April 1951?
Publicly seeks to expand the Korean War into a major conflict by calling to drop the atomic bomb on China, making the war nuclear
> Sacked by Truman; exposed divisions in the US elite
How many times did Kim Il Sung ask to invade South Korea?
49 times.
What are the two arguments for what caused the Korean War?
- Cold War superpower politics caused the war.
- Conflicts rooted in Korean Society caused the war.
What is the argument for the idea that Cold War superpower politics caused the war, in terms of the USSR’s policy?
USSR’s support of Kim Il Sung in the North that encouraged the North to invade the South, triggering the war
> Due to the nuclear bomb test (August 1949), America not intervening in the victory in China (October 1949), Stalin calculated that the Americans would be even less willing to fight in Korea, which had seemingly much less significance than China.
What is the argument for the idea that Cold War superpower politics caused the war, in terms of US policy?
The Americans had not given Rhee in the South much indication that the USA would militarily support him in the case of a northern invasion.
> Stalin’s belief that USA wouldn’t support the South made the USSR try to establish a totalitarian dictatorship over the whole nation.
What are the strengths of the interpretation that Cold War superpower politics caused the war?
It is true that the North’s perception that the USA wouldn’t help the South encouraged them to invade the South in 1950