Dates (1949-1955) Flashcards
When was the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship signed?
February 1950
When was the San Francisco Peace Treaty signed?
September 1951
When was the US-Japan Security Treaty signed?
September 1951
When was the NSA (National Safety Agency), the Japanese army, established?
August 1952
When did the Chinese Civil War end?
October 1949
When was NATO established?
April 1949
When did the Sino-Soviet split begin?
February 1956
When did the Sino-Soviet split complete?
October 1962
When was the Defensive Perimeter Strategy launched?
January 1950
When did the Korean War break out?
June 1950
When did the Korean War end?
July 1953
When did US nuclear monopoly end, through the testing of Soviet atomic weaponry?
August 1949
When is MacArthur sacked by Truman?
April 1951
When was the Autumn Uprising?
Autumn 1946
When was the Jeju Uprising?
April 1948
When was the Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion?
October 1948
When did North Korea capture Seoul?
June 26th, 1950
> One day after the start of the Korean War
When was the Inchon Landing, orchestrated by General MacArthur?
August 1950
When did the US capture Pyongyang?
October 1950
When did the US push up to the Yalu River?
November 1950
When did China join the Korean War?
November 1950
When do peace talks begin in the Korean War?
February 1951
When was ANZUS established?
September 1951
When was the end of McCarthyism marked, after McCarthy went after the US Army?
December 1954
When was Alger Hiss convicted of perjury after his accusal of being a communist?
January 1950
When was the UN Charter agreed?
June 1945
When was Eisenhower elected, and when was he sworn into presidency?
Elected in November 1952
Sworn in January 1953
When did Stalin die?
March 1953
When did the joint-leadership between Krushchev and Malenkov end?
Late 1955
When was John Foster Dulles Secretary of State from?
When was the NSC 162/2 report made?
October 1953
When did the ‘bomber gap’ rumour spread?
When was SEATO founded?
September 1954
When was CENTO founded?
February 1955
When did Dulles announce the ‘massive retaliation’ strategy?
January 1954
When did West Germany join NATO?
May 1955
When was the Warsaw Pact established?
May 1955
When was the First Taiwan Straits Crisis?
September 1954-May 1955
When was the Second Taiwan Straits Crisis?
August-October 1958
When was the First Indochina War from?
When did Ho Chi Minh win the First Indochina War?
April 1954
When was Truman re-elected as President?
November 1948
When was Eisenhower elected and re-elected as President?
November 1952 (Jan 53’)
November 1956
When was JFK elected as President?
November 1960 (Jan 61’)
When was Mosaddegh overthrown by the CIA?
August 1953
When was the Shah of Iran eventually forced into exile?
January 1979
When was Arbenz overthrown by the CIA?
June 1954
> Armas replaces him in July 1954
When was Lumumba overthrown by the CIA?
September 1960
> Executed in January 1961
When was the Geneva Conference?
April-July 1954
When did the Vietnam War begin, following the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam by Diem?
November 1955
When did the US developed the hydrogen bomb, increasing the destructive capacity of the Cold War?
November 1952