The "Ism's" Flashcards
1920 c. arch style in which a single piece of work is a mixture of elements from previous historical styles
- art movement
- founded by Corbu
- critics Cubism
- Characterized by embrace in technology and produce a timeless and classical quality
-brings out abstraction, geometry, symbolism, distortion and fragmentation
- builds are characterized by sharp clear lines
Following Greek or Roman principles of harmony, restraint and adherence to form and craftsmanship
- Western cultural movement in the decorative form
- Attitude based on arts of greek and Roman antiuitey
- embraced thought that privileged scientific reason
- arch style that is based on new technology of construction and the use of new materials
- (functionalism , minimalism, rejects ornamentation)
- demonstrating technology advancement
-system scientific rational thought
- draws inspiration from recreating historic styles
- (revival architecture) (think neoclassical arch in gov’t (Washington))
emphasize real nature of building forms and materials
Sachlichkeit (realism in German)
- Focused on needs of man through structure, functionality, materiality, cost, and space needs
-critiqued Baroque and Renaissance
-Head Otto Wagner
Baukust (Scientific Sachlichkeit)
- strict Sachlichkeit
- abstained from any ornamentation
- only form and purpose
- social agenda middle class and creating a comfortable way of life
Avant- Guard
innovative radical
Neo Avant- Guard
- Rise of ideas of the ecology of a building
- Utilizes digital technology
- Occurred during 1960s because of the rise of youth and populist culture
Sought to define industrial craft and aesthetic standards, while integrating traditional crafts and industrial mass production
Critical Regionalism
- Approached to arch that critiques international style for its lack of identity
- Rooted in modern tradition, but tied to geographical context
- Movement in Europe characterized by novel materials, formal innovation, and unusual massing (biomorphic)
Characterized by long dynamic lines suggesting speed, motion and emergency
De Stiji
Arch style from Netherlands characterized by primary colors, rectilinear shapes
- influenced by Henry Ford’s assembly line
-Scientific efficiency in European production
- umbrella term to describe buildings constructed that facilitate the heads of an industrial situation
- constructed for efficiency and safety processing raw materials into new products
-critiquing post modern philosophy
-promotes critical regionalism
-experimental orientated
New Urbanism
- viewed post modernism as elitest
-strategy that grew from history without a recourse to Regionalism - Pedestrian pocket, Beachside, Florida
- Dense neighborhoods
-environmental movement
- nature
-set out to describe political ecology set out to describe political ecology that was destructive to ecology
Post Humanism
- Rooted in science two social cultural context
- Skeptical of nature
- highlights greater role of technology in the environment
Emphasizes large scale urban order and planning
Ex. Beachside, Florida