Important People Flashcards
- father of Renaissance
- wanted architecture to be an intellectual an social discipline
-Founded the Royal Academy
-becomes the center for arch theory and sets tone for it
- Primitive Hut (structural clarity)
-apply rational decisions to natural materials
Otto Wagner
- Founded Werkbund
- architecture is rooted in program, not history
- major themes:
- simplicity in accommodation
- artistic and ethical ruin of eclecticism
- demand for new style based on present technological and constructional methods
-Modern Architecture (book) : architecture would no longer be based on symbolic form, but resulted from construction and technology
Herman Muthesius
- wanted to turn away from decoration
- art should engage in role of creating a meaningful environment
- architecture has a social agenda
- simple and natural
- Like English house because straightforward approach to design needs of health, material, and construction
- started Werkbund
Henry van de Velda
- believed in individuality
- wanted artists to have freedom to express themselves
- artists should not just be part of capitalist society
Clement Greenberg
- philosopher
- wanted architects to address mainstream architecture in a critical way
Bruno Tout
- Architect
- talked about how there is nothing to build, and the current architecture made him sick
- Glass Pavilion , Crystal Palace
THEORY: new materials that had no precedent
Walter Gropius
- Founded Bauhaus
- Initiated the change to make the school more tech oriented
- focused on production of commodities
- taught idea of hand crafts then transitioned to modern arch
- taught at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna
- brought modernism into school
Le Corbusier
- becomes interested in Taylorism, becomes guiding principle in his new look
- Taylorism became embedded in Purism
- ” Toward a New Architecture” (book) : talks about how architecture will redeem society and create social order
- Housing should be massed produced like cars
- no need for symbolism
- comes up with five points of architecture
- open floor
- ribbon window
- piloti
-roof garden - free facade
Mies van der Rohe
-Less is more
- Final director of Bauhaus
- skin and bone architecture
- wanted students to work with materials such as wood, stone, reinforced concrete
- Barcelona Pavillion, Crown Hall (IT, Chicago )
- emphasizes volume over mass
-strip down architecture to its purest dorm
-take advantage of material and engineering
-introduces world to international style
- Le Corbusier’s group to argue the cause of modernism so there could be a fundamental change
-International Congress of Modern Architecture - CIAM 4 : Athens charter
- CIAM 9: intense modernism theories begin to crumble
- CIAM 10 : Team X . The Smithsons (scale) ( house, street, district, city)
Buckminster Fuller
- architect : work tends to be “dynamic”
- idea of ecology and the ecology architecture created
- how engineering plays a role
- mobile lifestyle
- radical forms of transformation
Reyner Banham
- architectural critic
- architecture could emerge as an infrastructure to life
- movement is a constant feature of life
- introduced time into architecture
Robert Venturi
- complexity and contradiction
- “Less is Bore”
- Duck vs. Decorated Shed
- Populism : merging arch with large scale urbanism
- critique on modernism, more ways to look then simplicity
- 4 themes of city
-modern image
Aldo Rossi
- “The Architecture of the City”
- focused on European City
- Emphasis on exposition that endowed each city with a “Lived consciousness”
- “City for the Dead” : fight against capitalism architecture and make to look like ruins
Peter Eiserman
- student of Colin Rowe
- House 1
-Cardboard architecture
-no meaning - neutral colors
- one action repeated, created structure where structure wasn’t needed
- abstract
- Colin Rowe hated because had no social agenda
Colin Rowe
- created city collage: can’t solve w/ one solution but smaller individual ones
- didn’t like Eiserman’s cardboard box arch
- mathematics of a villa (book) : modular architecture
Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano
- worked on the Pompidou Center
- stands out from Urban fabric
- based info from form
- high tech arch ( exoskeleton)
- reflects new culture of info: open floor plan
- complexity amplifies with adaptation and change
Kenneth Frampton
- Baukust
- using regional materials, construction methods, and building types
Bernard Tschumi
- designed entry for parc de la villette
-non linear grid w/ 25 intersection points - wrote article on eRUTism: arch is brutal to people and there space around them (ex. Pruitt Igoe)
- wrote Manhattan Transcript : broke city into 4 episodes ( park , street, toner, housing block )
Rem Koolhaas
- said Manhattan has alot of evidence but no manifesto
- loved manhattan was congested
-wrote Delirious New York
- arch focused on innovation and study
- taught studios around data and research
-concerned with sociology
Zaha Hadid
- worked under Koolhaas
- entered Hong Kong competition with peak leisure club
- handed in paintings instead of floor plans
- executes mountain and then polishes it
- pushed beyond constructivist and supremist ideas
Daniel Libes Kind
- “Robe Goldberg Machine”
- complexity and contradiction
- memory machine complex machine for reading
-Jewish museum in Berlin ( put plans on music sheets, symbolizes emotion and intellect ) - Kay Michael Hayes ( complexity, opsitional knowledge, incomplete causes collision and diversity)
Grey Lynn
- Eiserman’s Student
- did complex things through digital technology
- organic
-bridge gap between man made and natural
Cecil Balmond
- created parametric design
- organic but fluid
-Yokohama ports terminal foreign office architects - hallow and diagonal structure
- inter wooven pathways
John Simpson
- agreed with traditionalism ( prince Charles)
- in-charge of renovation of St. Peters Cathedral
- inspired by Beachside, Florida