The Internet Layer Flashcards
The Internet Layer provides protocols for:
1 addressing: How do we know where we are sending packets
2 forwarding: How do we move them on their way
3 routing: How to decide which route to take
4 reporting: How do you signal at the lowest level that things have gone wrong
The Internet Protocol (IP) gives :
every host and router network interface an address
The most important fields of an IP datagram header:
the source address and destination address
what is the internet?
interconnection of different types of connections
What is a router?
a router exchanges forwarding tables that determine the next best hop route
What is a header in the network packet?
its the front
An IP address is divided into :
a network prefix
a host suffix
written network / host
What is the dotted decimal notation?
It is a way to write IP addresses: bytes are written as decimal numbers, separated by dots
What private addressed may not be used on the public internet:
- 0.0.0/8 —
- 16.0.0/12 —
- 168.0.0/16 —
What does an IP router do?
when a packet is coming from a router it comes in a particular interface but it must go out in another and not the same one otherwise it would start looping.
so a router forwards packest on the appropriate interface.
stores a forwarding table which gives an interface for each possible destination address
periodically exchanges forwarding tables with its neighbours, and then recomputes its own.
What does an IP router use?
An IP router uses longest prefix address matching, and
benefits from addresses being assigned in hierarchical
What is ICMP?
Internet Control Messaging Protocol
What does the ICMP do?
allows hosts and routers to communicate (often error) information to each other.
So the Internet Control Messaging Protocol is a low-level protocol that enables a router to signal back that a packet cannot be delivered. (It makes no attempt to recover it )
ICMP Messages:
ICMP Type Code Description
0 0 echo reply
3 0 destination network unreachable
3 1 destination host unreachable
3 2 destination protocol unreachable
3 3 destination port unreachable
3 6 destination network unknown
3 7 destination host unknown
8 0 echo request
What does a router do if it doesn’t know what port to forward a packet to?
Sends it to a default one