the integumentary system Flashcards
inner core of an organ
hair follicle
an accessory structure of the integument; a tube lined by a stratified squamous epithelium that begins at the surface of the skin and ands at the hair papilla
the connective tissue layer beneath the epidermis of the skin
a chemical agent that selectively kills pathogens, primarily bacteria
dendritic cells
cells in the epithelium of the skin and digestive tract that participate in the immune response by presenting antigens to t cells
a yellow-orange pigment that the body converts to vitamin A
tissue transplant between members of the same species
a nonspecific defense mechanism that operates at the tissue level
a small, conical projection
the skin
third degree burn
involves the entire thickness of the skin and extends into the subcutaneous tissue, muscle and bone, causing scarring
cutaneous membrane
the epidermis and the papillary layer of the dermis
layer of dead, keratinized cells that surround the shaft of a hair
rule of nines
method used to calculate the total percentage of surface area involved in burns; the body surface of an adult is divided into multiples of 9
yellow-brown, brown, or black pigment produced by melanocytes
the tough, fibrous protein component of nails, hair, calluses, and general integumentary surface
arrector pilli
smooth muscles whose contractions force hairs to stand erect
an abnormal bluish coloration of the skin due to the presence of deoxygenated blood in vessels