The Instructional Process Flashcards
What domain controls the development of emotions, values, and attitudes?
Affective Domain
What is the process of gathering data to determine the extent to which learning goals have been met?
What is behaviorism?
The theory that describes how rewards and punishments condition student behavior and learning.
What is Bloom’s Taxonomy known for?
Classifying the cognitive processes from simple to abstract.
What is constructivism?
Students construct their own knowledge through learning experiences.
What type of learning allows students to perform experiments or research new information?
Discovery Learning
What is the process of finding the answers to questions called?
What are the three domains of the Learning Domain?
- Cognitive; 2. Affective; 3. Psychomotor
What is a lesson objective?
It is what establishes the student’s learning goals for a lesson.
What is the practice of graphically organizing thoughts by starting with a main idea and organizing thoughts and ideas around the main idea?
What is it called when one demonstrates a skill for others, so that they can learn through mimicking?
What is problem-based learning?
Children learning by solving open-ended questions.
What domain controls motor skill development?
Psychomotor Domain
What is punishment used for?
It is used to penalize for the purpose of extinguishing behavior.
What theory by Albert Bandura states that behavior is determined by a combination of cognitive factors, the environment, and stimuli?
Reciprocal Determinism
What is reinforcement used for in education?
It is a process of strengthening behavior through rewards or consequences.
What is scaffolding?
The supports that allow a learner to work above his or her independent level. They are gradually removed as the learner gains mastery.
What is scope?
Outlines the learning objectives that will be taught to students, including all supporting standards and the level of complexity.
What is sequence?
The order in which learning objectives are taught to maximize student success.
What is standards-based education?
A set of learning outcomes set by the district and state that all students are expected to achieve.
What is the learning theory called that was developed by Albert Bandura and involves learning by observing the consequences to others that evokes emotion from the observer.
Vicarious Learning
What is the form of thinking that describes cognitive processes, such as brainstorming, that are designed to generate new thoughts, ideas, and solutions?
Creative Thinking
What is the form of thinking that involves looking at evidence from an objective viewpoint to make inferences or draw conclusions?
Critical Thinking
What is deductive reasoning?
Drawing a certain conclusion by using known information and narrowing it to a specific circumstance.
What is the form of teaching which is centered on the teacher and instruction is based on disseminating facts?
Direct Teaching
What is the opportunity called to learn objectives at a deeper level than outlines in the curriculum standards?
What is experiential learning?
Learning that happens through experiences and may include hands-on learning.
What are learning experiences called that are completed autonomously (by themselves) by the student?
Independent Learning
What is student-centered instruction in which the teacher facilitates opportunities for students to construct their own learning?
Indirect Teaching
What is inductive reasoning?
Likely conclusions that are drawn by putting together known concepts and applying them to a new situation.
What is integrative framework?
A plan for achieving goals in all subject areas by combining content across disciplines. (other subjects)
What is the learning process that relies heavily on social interaction and cooperative grouping?
Interactive Learning
What is the unit of study in which content from all subject areas is integrated?
Interdisciplinary Unit
What are manipulatives?
Items that students are able to move or change during hands-on instruction.
What is a model?
Things that include representations or examples.
Who is the person who assesses and provides treatment for the development of life skills among disabled individuals?
Occupational Therapist
What is a paraprofessional?
A trained teacher assistant.
What is the therapist called who evaluates and treats mobility issues?
Physical Therapist
What is planning in educational terms?
Forethought in implementation and design to achieve a desired outcome.
What is the process of finding answers to difficult questions called?
What is questioning in education?
Questioning involves inquiries that are used to help focus instruction and assess understanding.
What is recall?
The act of retrieving facts.
What is the term used for additional support provided to regular education students to bridge gaps in learning?
Who is the therapist who diagnoses and treats communication disorders?
Speech Therapist
What is a Thematic Unit?
A unit of study that involves integrating curriculum across content areas under a general theme.
What is the process of inspecting something critically?
What is a bias?
An unfair inclination toward a person or idea that invalidates objectivity.
What is the process of generating ideas related to a specific problem or concept?
What is the practice of sorting into groups by characteristics?
What is cloze procedures?
The practice of omitting words from the text as a reading comprehension activity.
What is it called when students note the similarities between two or more things?
What is computer-mediated instruction?
Learning activities that are facilitated through computer technology.
What is concept learning?
A form of learning that involves classifying information by topic.
What is the practice of using graphic organizers to present thoughts or information?
Concept Mapping
What is contrast?
When a student notes the difference between two or more things.
What is a debate?
A formal discussion about opposing arguments.
What is the practice called of providing evidence of an observable conclusion?
What is the type of learning called that involves provisions for educating students that are not in attendance at a school facility?
Distance Learning
What is it called when something or someone is assessed?
What is the term for teaching that centers on focused teaching of a specific skill or standard?
Explicit Teaching
What does it mean to generalize?
Applying what is known from a small sample and assuming it to be true about a larger group.
What is it called when students practice a new concept with scaffolded support from a teacher?
Guided Practice
What does it mean to infer something?
To draw a conclusion using reasoning skills.
What is a learning center?
Segments of the classroom in which independent learning activities are provided for the students.
What is a learning contract?
Agreements negotiated between a student and a teacher, designed for the improvement of an objective.
What is it called when the teacher talks while the students listen and possibly take notes?
Teacher-led instruction known as a lecture.
What are listening guides?
Statements or questions that provide instructional focus when listening to a lecture or other form of auditory instruction.
What is the type of instruction called in which a teacher works with one individual student on a concept?
What is the practice of using social interaction among students to promote learning goals?
Peer Practice
What does predict mean?
The act of anticipating what will happen.
What are reading guides?
Guides which include statements or questions that lead students through the text, providing instructional focus.
What is a research project?
Studies of specific concepts using scientific principles for gathering information.
What is a simulation?
A model that mimics real-world processes.
What is the instruction that is provided to a group composed of learners with similar instructional needs?
Small Group
What is it called when an individual provides a condensed version of a story or an explanation?
What does synthesize in educational terms?
Combining information from various sources and applying it to a new area.
What is a viewing guide?
A guide that includes statements or questions that provide instructional focus while students are watching films or clips.
What is the instruction called when the teacher delivers it to all of the students in the class at the same time in the same way?
Whole Class
What is Active Listening?
A technique which improves listening skills by structuring how a person listens and responds to the person who is talking.
What is the device called that amplifies the teacher’s speech so that it can be heard clearly by students?
Audio Aid
What is a gesture?
A movement that is intended to convey meaning nonverbally.
What is the memory in which information is stored for a long period of time and may be recalled?
Long-term memory
What is the cognitive process of storing and retrieving information that has been learned?
What is nonverbal prompting?
When the teacher uses gestures or other physical prompts to assist students.
What is it called when the teacher hears a speaker and then repeats back the meaning behind his or her words in order to clarify understanding?
Reflective Listening
What is role play?
Using play-acting to demonstrate a concept.
What is it called when information enters the conscious memory but is not stored for recall at a later time?
Short-term Memory
What is a teachable moment?
An unplanned event occurs, triggering interest in learning more about a related topic.
What is think time?
This is processing time that a learner takes after receiving new information before responding to it.
When a teacher uses words or beginning phonemes to assist students it is called____________?
Verbal Prompting
Something that can be shown to students to accompany text or speech in order to clarify meaning is called a ___________________.
Visual Aid
What is vocal inflection?
The change of pitch or tone to express meaning.
When one emphasizes a word or words to convey meaning it is called ________________________.
Vocal Stress
What is vocal tone?
A certain way of sounding that expresses meaning.