The influence of childhood on adult relationships Flashcards
Childhood experiences AO2/AO3
. Fraley (1998) meta-analysis - correlations +0.1-0.5 early attachment type/later relationships, insecure anxious = unstable BUT ARE ANY STABLE? attachments based on current relationships explains secure married couples etc
. GENDER DIFFERENCES - Richard and Schneider (2005) girls > intimate friendships
Childhood experiences AO1
. Shaver 1988 - integration of attachment + caregiving + sexuality systems = romantic love
. Bowlby’s INTERNAL WORKING MODEL - later relationships are continuation of early attachment styles, what we expect from primary care giver
. ATTACHMENT DISORDERS - abused/neglected children lack someone to confide in etc -> disturbed way of relating to others (lack of responsiveness/over familiarity)
. Nangle (2003) friendships = training grounds for relationships - qualities like secret sharing, affection etc important in both
Adolescent experiences AO1
. Allen and Land - internal model based on own parent/child relationship and current relationships
. FORMAL OPERATIONAL THINKING - view relationships more objectively, make comparisons etc
. Romantic relationships - help separate from parents & different type of physical/emotional intimacy
. Madsen (2001) moderate/low dating frequency = high quality adult relationships but high dating frequency = poorer quality, maladaptive
Adolescent experiences AO2/AO3
. Larson - < family time but time spent with each individual parent stayed the same - adolescent relationships supplement not replace parent ones
. Haynie (2003) increased deviance
. Neemann et al (1995) < academic achievement > conduct problems
. DETERMINISTIC - very early experiences have fixed effect - insecure attached children are doomed to have unsatisfactory relationships etc