The Industrial Revolution Flashcards
The domestic age industry
Before the Industrial Revolution (1750 & before), people made goods at home e.g. textiles were made using small spinning machines which people had in their houses or small workshops next to their houses.
Revolution in history means a dramatic, major change in the way something is done - usually government or economy.
Fabrics/ materials and items made out of these
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution is basically when the manufacturing of goods moved from people’s homes (cottage industry) into factories using huge machines powered by water and then steam. This completely changed the way people lived and worked.
To make goods.
Mass produce goods
To make and produce items on a large scale; to produce a large number in a short space of time. This happened once factories were created.
Connected to towns and cities.
Some people in the countryside did not like the changes to their way of life due to the Industrial Revolution & started to smash up the machinery that was taking their spinning and waving skill away.
Spinning frame
In 1769, a man named Richard Arkwright produced a machine called the ‘Spinning Frame’ which to fit into someone’s homes s new buildings, called factories, were constructed to house these new machines.
Water mill
Early factories were powered by water mills on rivers.
Robert Stephenson
In 1829, Robert Stephenson designed a new steam engine called the rocket. His technology was used to power the first locomotives. Railway lines were built across the UK, connecting industrial cities such as Manchester and Liverpool and enabling factory owners to move products around more quickly.
Cesspit 垃圾坑
Hole in ground for waste.
Cholera 霍亂
Disease caught from drinking water with sewage in it. It killed thousands of people in the 19th century. People had no idea what caused it until the work of John Snow.
Privy 廁所
Toilet; often used by many families in the street.
Water pump
People used to get water from a shared water pump in the street. Sometimes the water pumps were next the cesspits. Sometimes the sewage from the cess pit got into the drinking water & contaminated it