The impact of sport on society and of society on sport Flashcards
- an organised group of people associated with for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest
- can be viewd as the sum total of all the relationships in a given space
- the success in sport on a global scale can reflect on a nation through national pride or identity
- a lifelong process where members of a society learn from its norms, values , ideas and roles in order to take their place in society
primary socialisation
- socialisation during the early years of childhood
- immediate famliy
- internalisation - where individuals absorb and accept social norms and values
- occurs as a young child when families and friends teach basic values and behaviours
secondary socialisation
- occurs during later years (teens and adults)
- family is less involved
- influences from peer groups , teavhers
- school is important part of socialtion , learning important moral skills such as co-operation, team work and learning to take responsibility
social process - social control
- a concept that refers to the ebay in which peoples thoughts feelings, appearance and behaviours are regulated in social systems
- society is made up of various institutions (immediate family) that benifit society
- social pricesses thatact as constraints and limit oppurtunities (women in sport)
- mild disaproval from male partner - stop women getting invloved
- ‘take place in socially acceptable sports’
- social control to look more feminine may not women as sport is ‘unfemine’ - rugby , weightlifting , boxing
- women are made to feel guilty about leaving their babies may limit particaption
social processes - social change
- an alternative in the social order of society e.g significant changes in social behaviours and/or cultural values over time leading to long term effects
- difficult for a social group to bring about change without having strong influences from the decsion making group
- meet the new needs in the group (women , ethicicty)
- sports can use specialist programmes to bring change ina postive way
- sport england launched ‘this girl can’ to attempt to bring social change for women in sport
- ‘kick it out’ campaign ethinity awarness
social issues - causes and consequences of inequlity
- lack of money/high cost for particaption
- lack of confidence/self esteem
- lack of role models to aspire to (coaches, leaders)
- myths and sterotypes aout capabilites
social stratification
- a type of social inequality , where society is divided into different levels on the basis of social characteristics such as welath or status
social differences
upper/middle/lower class
wealth as a stratification
- greater access to resources
- disposable income - influences particaption
stratification at school (state v private)
- facilties , activites , time , teaching
- national curriculm for pe
social stratification in sport
- nature of sport
- expense of some sports - running vs skiings
- associted sports with different classes (real tennis vs mob football)
- aports clubs/gyms - david llyod vs pure gym
- under represented groups - lower classes , individuals with a disability
social action theory
- a way of viewing socialitsion , emphsasiing social actions
- individuals interact within society/interactonist theory
- individuals/society/sport can change to influence involement in sport - changing to meet social needs
eqaul opportunites
the right to access the same opportunities , regardless of factors such as race, age , sec , mental and physical capabilit
- to inform an unfavourable opinion of an individual , often based on inadeqaute facts
the unfair treatment of a person or minoirty group; to make a distinction and act on prejudice
- a standardised image; making simple generalistions about all member of a group which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly
barrier to particaption
- lack of time - add physcial activity to a daily routine eg. walk or cycle to work
- negative social influence, poor pe exercise - invite family and friedns to exercise with you, join a club that involves PA
- lack of motivation - invite a friend to exercise with you dailey , join an exercise group
- lack of skill - select activites that require little skill , running or walking
- lack of resources/high cost - select activites which require few facilites/limited equipment
- family obligation/domestic responsibilites - exercise with the children
barriers to particaption for under reprosented groups - disability
- confidence , facilties , organised programees
- more oppurtunites , investments , transport
barriers to particaption for under reprosented groups - ethnicity
- conflict , value placed on education , racism , role models
- training more coached , punishment for racism
barriers to particaption for under reprosented groups - gender
- sterotypical myhts , media coverage , income
- social acceptance , sponsourship , education
benifits of rasing practicaption - health benifts
- decreased risk of heart disease / stroke
- avoidance of high/low blood pressue
- decreased risk of type 2 diabetes
- maintaining a healthy weight/ decreased obsity
- strengthening of bones and muscles
- improved mental health and stress managment
- decreased risk of some cancer - colon and breast
sport england
- ran by the governemnt
- looks over national governing bodies
- works to get more children into sport
- 5 main outcomes; phsycial wellbeing , mental wellbeing , individual development , social community development , economic development
how will sport england achieve more children in sport
- focusing more money
- build postive attitudes
- helps those to carry in particapting
- help sport become more welcoming and inclsuive
- encouraging innovation
nationally funded partners
- english federation of disability sport - increasing particaption for disabled people
- sporting equals - disadvnatged communities
- women in sport - women and teenage girls
- street games - disadvantage communities