The Immune System Flashcards
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Patho:
- reduction in CD4+ helper T cells resulting in lymphocytopenia
- a retrovirus replicates in reverse fashion and code is transcriibed into DNA
- transmission through blood, saliva, genital fluids, or breast milk (not human waste)
- risks: unprotected sex, contamin. needles, maternal-fetal transmission
- Sympto
- Diagnosis
- CD4 count 500-1200 cells.mm3
- HIV-1 Antibody test (ELISA)
- plasma HIV RNA test
- Rapid HIV antibody test
- Western Blot test
- aids:
- +HIV blood test >200 cells/mm3
- AIDS related complex (ARC)
- Medical:
- Antiretroviral Therapies (ART)
- Treatment:
- education to prevent spread of infection
- treat opportunistic infections
- supportive care
- respiratory if needed
- functional mobility/safety
- PT
- standard precuations
- aerobic/resistance exercise
- activity pacing
- energy conservation
- stress management
- neurological rehab
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Complex chronic syndrome characterized by overwhelming fatigue and other symptoms
- diagnosis by exclusion
- new onset of persistent or relapsing fatigue;
- must be present for atleast 6 months
- does not resolve with bed rest
- reduction in daily activity by 50%
- Symptoms
- profound fatigue
- sore throats
- tender lymph nodes
- myalgia
- sleep that is not refreshing
- HA
- multijoint pain
- impaired STM or concentration
- Medical intervention
- no cure,
- treat symptoms
- nutrition
- psychological support
CFS PT Evaluation and Treatment
- Evaluation
- exercise tolerance levels
- posture and movement patterns
- activity levels/degree of fatigue
- depression
- Treatment
- activity reduction when fatigue is maximal
- exercise recommendations prevent deconditioning
- F: 3-5 days/wk
- I: low to mod (RPE 9-12/20)
- T: 5 min/session to 40-60 min
- maintain flexibility
- maintain/improve ms strength
- maintain/improve function
- avoid over exertion
- activity pacing
- energy conservation
- stress management
disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue with sleep, memory and mood disturbance
- myalgia
- generalized aching
- multiple tender points
- additional signs
- visual problems
- mental and physical fatigue
- spasm
- cold intolerance
- HA
- irritable bowel or bladder
- atypical patterns of numbness
FIbromyalgia Treatment
- see chronic fatigue syndrome
- focus on aerobic training mild to moderate intensities 2-30 min 2x/wk
- protection strategies
- aquatic therapy
- stress management
- tai chi and yoga**
- support groups