The Hunter(s) Flashcards
Summerise the book the hunter
- a psycholgical thriller
- set in tasminai gothic wilderness about locating the last thylacine
- in a poltical social commentary on huamns relationship with teh enviroment
summerise the movie the hunter
- a family drama about martin
- on Tasmanian backdrop to hunt
- whilst staying with a dysfunctional but lovable family
what are key themes of the book
- the battle for dominace between humans or in nature
- the natural man (perfect or obscene)
- time/space (manipulated and lost, out of conrtrol)
- fairtytales (fantastical elements of nature against practicality of man)
what are key themes intriduced in the movie
- water (bath, drinking from, cold, controlled)
- fire (warm, unctrolled, naturally moving, consuming)
- miror (cinematics, evolution, introspective, duality)
what is julia leighs context
- a female portaying masculinty
- majored in philosphy
- austlian
what is daniel nettheims conext
- male
- filmamker, needing money adn studio support
- austlian
what was julia leighs auidnce and prupose for writing
writing to explore hyper masculinity & romantisation and power of wilderness
what was nettheims aduince and who was he trying to achive
the broadest possible audience
- familys, sanitised
- those invested in the environmental conflicts
- those wanting action packed Willem Defoe film
how did the changes in audicnee effect the characters
- took M’s intorspective & judgemental nature
–> - to more expressive & collbative (exposition reuqired) & less steadfast in unlikable traits
how did the changes effect the plot
sanitised the most striking elements
- making M more likable (defeating hypermasculine nature)
- psychogical drama –> standard charcter drama
- more extrenal
- more accesable & poltical-soical commnetary reduced (men as whole –> loggers)
how did the changes effect the tone/atmosphere
- bleak
- slow burn
- msyerrious
- hypermascline with fairytales interspersed
–> - more succinct (time & sanitisation)
- faster paced
- straightforward
- morally correct with happy endnigs
what was added in film
- a prologue to give background, bad guy & exposition
- a love triangle & romantic tension
- conflict with loggers & assassins
what was lost in transition
-naunce was lost, things were sanitised
- closeness/familiarity with M specifaclly, creating a far borader focus
- long sequences in nature were replaced with breif montages
- poltiocal social commentary
how were the main changes made
- shifting the focus of the story
- reducing extended periods with M in nature
- giving each person a clear purpose & (cliche) character arc
what a book codes and conventions and how are they used
- detailed decription of setting & people
- close third person perspective (detached but tied to central character)
- distortaion of time, unpredictable/uncontrolable - psycholgclly troubling