What are the two ways of measurement called?
AU and Ly
What does the measurement Ly stand for?
Light Year
What does the measurement AU stand for?
Astronomical Unit
What is the measurement “AU” used for?
AU is used to Measure the distance between the earth and the sun.
What is the measurement “Ly” used for?
Ly is a unit of measurement that is equal to the distance light travels in one year.
Name the seven celestial objects
- Asteroids (huge space rocks)
- Stars (they emit there own light)
- Comets (combo: space rocks + ice + dust)
- Planets (objects that orbit a star in a fixed time and path)
- Satellite (objects that revolve around a planet with a fixed time and path)
- Dwarf planets (small planets)
- Meteroids (space rocks smaller than asteroids in space)
What is a meteor?
A meteor breaks into pieces and enters the atmosphere.
What is a meteorite?
They do not break, they enter earths atmosphere and create huge crater impacts.
Name all the planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What’s an acronym to help remember the planets.
My Very Earnest Mother Just Served us Noodles
What’s a known(s) thing about mercury?
Mercury is the smallest and closest to earth and is it terrestrial.
What’s a known(s) thing about Venus?
Venus is the hottest and its terrestrial
What’s a known(s) thing about earth?
Earth is life supporting and terrestrial.
What’s a known(s) thing about Mars?
It’s a red plant and the soil contains iron. It’s terrestrial.
What’s a known(s) thing about Jupiter?
Jupiter is the biggest planet and it’s a gas giant.