The human body Flashcards
Soma, somatos (body) - 7
- psychosomatic - a physical illness that results at least in part from mental causes
- somatic - relating to, or affecting the body
- somatization - conversion of emotional states into physical symptoms
- chromosome - tiny, threadlike structures inside most cells of every organism
- trisomie (trisomy) - a genetic condition where there is an extra copy of a chromosome
- somatomegaly (“gigantism”) - a condition characterized by excessive height growth
- somasthenia - a condition of chronic physical weakness and fatigability
Kephale (head); Enkephalon (that within the head, the brain) - 10
- acephalous – headless, lacking a distinct head
- acephaly - the congenital lack of a head
- dicephalous – having two heads, two-headed
- diencephalon - a division of the forebrain
- cephalalgia – pain in the head
- cephalopod - any member of the class Cephalopoda, it means “head foot” in Greek, a reference to the way the cephalopod’s head connects to its many arms
- cephalic – relating to the head
- encephalogram - a test that measures electrical activity in the brain
- anencephaly - occurs when significant portions of the brain and skull are missing
- electroencephalogram - a recording of brain activity
Thalamos (inner room, chamber, marriage) (anterior portion of the brain stem) - 3
- thalamus - walnut-sized structure located in the forebrain
- hypothalamus - small area in the center of the brain
- epithalamium - a song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom
Ophthalmos, ops, opos (eye); Opsis (sight); optos (visible) - 10
- ophthalmia – inflammation of the eyeball
- endophthalmitis - an inflammation of the inner coats of the eye
- enophthalmos - a sinking of the eyeball into the orbital cavity
- ophthalmoscope - a tool used in medicine to examine the interior of the eye
- ophthalmotropometer - an instrument for measuring ocular movements
- xerophthalmia - ocular disease caused by severe Vitamin A deficiency
- buphthalmos - congenital condition characterized by the enlargement of one or both eyes
- optic(s) - the branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light
- optician - someone whose job involves testing people’s eyesight and making and selling glasses and contact lenses
- amblyopia - weakening of the eyesight
Rhis, rhinos (nose) - 8
- rhinitis - inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose
- rhinal - relating to the nose, nasal
- rhinology - the study of the nose and diseases of the nose
- rhinorrhea - a mucous discharge from the nose
- rhinoscopy – the examination of the nose
- rhinoplasty - surgery to change the shape of your nose by modifying the bone or cartilage
- rhinotheca - the covering of the upper part of the beak in birds
- rhinoceros - large, heavy animals with thick gray or brown skin, short legs, and one or two horns on their nose
Stoma, stomatos (mouth) (an outlet, opening) - 6
- stomach - a muscular organ that digests food
- stomatitis - a sore or inflammation inside of the mouth
- gastroenterostomy - surgical formation of an artificial opening between the stomach and the small intestine
- gastrostomy - a method of inserting a tube transabdominally into the stomach to provide nutrition, decompress, and/or administer medication
- macrostomia - congenital deformity
- xerostomia - abnormal dryness of the mouth
Odous, odontos (tooth) - 8
- odontalgia - toothache
- anodontia - complete absence of teeth
- cacodontia - the condition of having diseased or malformed teeth
- endodontics – root canal treatment
- orthodontia - treatment for the correction of irregularly aligned teeth
- periodontal - inflammation and infection of your gums and the bone that supports your teeth
- pedodontics - pediatric dentistry
- glyptodon - a large, armored mammal that resembled and was a relative of the armadillos
Glossa, glotta (tongue) - 10
- aglossia - congenital absence of the whole tongue
- gloss - interpretations, explanations or translations
- glossator - a person who writes glosses, glossarist
- glossography - the art of writing textual glosses or commentaries
- glossary - a special section that provides definitions for complicated words
- glossalgia - pain localized in the tongue
- monoglot - someone who can only speak or understand one language
- diglot – bilingual, the ability to communicate in two languages
- polyglot - a person who speaks or understands many languages
- isogloss - an imaginary geographical line that separates two linguistic features
Larynx, larynges (the organ of voice at the upper part of the trachea) - 5
- endolaryngeal – situated within the larynx
- laryngitis – inflammation of the voice obx (larynx)
- laryngotracheitis - a viral respiratory tract infection of chicken
- laryngeal – relating to the larynx
- otorhinolaryngology - medical specialty that deals with diseases of the ear, nose and throat
Amygdale (almond) (tonsil) - 3
- amygdala - the part of the brain that’s most closely associated with fear, emotions, and motivation
- amygdalectomy - the surgical removal or destruction of the amygdala, or parts of the amygdala
- amygdalopathy - any disease of a tonsil
Ous, oto (ear) - 8
- anotia - absence of the external ear
- macrotia - congenital deformity that makes the ear grow vertically
- otalgia – ear pain
- otitis media - inflammation or infection located in the middle ear
- otolith - a calcium carbonate structure in the saccule or utricle of the inner ear
- otorhinolaryngology - medical specialty that involves the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic medical disorders of the head and neck
- otorrhea - indicates inflammation of the external or middle ear or both
- parotid - gland situated near the ear
Tympanon (a drum) (ear-drum) - 4
- tympanum - the cavity of the middle ear
- tympanitis - inflammation of the eardrum
- tympanosclerosis - scarring of the eardrum following trauma, infection, or surgery
- tympanostomy - surgery to place ear tubes
Labyrinthos (a maze or system of intercommunicating passages) (the internal ear) - 3
- labyrinth - a structure with many connected paths or passages in which it is hard to find your way
- labyrinthitis - inflammation of the labyrinth - part of the inner ear
- labyrinthectomy - a surgery to remove the labyrinth in the ear
Kardia (heart) - 9
- cardiac – anything related to the heart
- cardiology – the study of the heart
- electrocardiogram - quick test to check the heartbeat
- endocardium - the innermost layer of the heart
- epicardium - the outermost protective layer of the heart
- hydropericardium - water in pericardium
- myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle
- pericardiostomy – invasive procedure
- pericardium - a protective, fluid-filled sac that surrounds your heart and helps it function properly
Hepar, hepatos (liver) - 5
- hepatitis - inflammation of the liver
- heparin - substance found in the liver, lungs and other tissues
- hepatoduodenal – ligament which extends between the liver and the first portion of the duodenum
- hepatomegaly - an enlarged liver, which means it’s swollen beyond its usual size
- hepatopathy - an abnormal or diseased state of the liver
Chole (bile, gall) (bitter anger) - 9
- cholagogue - a substance or agent that stimulates the production and flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into the small intestine
- cholitis (colitis) - inflammation in the colon
- cholera - bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated water
- choleric - easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger, hot-tempered
- cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder
- cholesterol - a type of fat found in your blood
- cholic - one of the two major bile acids produced by the liver
- hypercholesterolemia - high levels of cholesterol in the blood
- melancholia - describes a condition characterized by markedly depressed mood, bodily complaints, and sometimes hallucinations and delusions; black bile in Greek