The hospitalized child Flashcards
Why do children get stressed in the hospital?
- Stress represents a change from the usual state of health & routine
- Children have a limited number of coping mechanisms to resolve stressors
Infants understanding of health and illness
Separation anxiety
- protest (cry)
- despair (sad, lonely)
- detachment/denial (sad or withdrawn even with parent present)
Toddler and preschooler in hospital
all about routine
Adolescent in hospital
care about privacy
Stressor for all children
Loss of control, autonomy and privacy
Being subjected to painful and invasive procedures
Fear of bodily injury and disfigurement
Infant stressors
o separation anxiety**
o stranger anxiety
o painful, invasive procedures
o immobilization
o sleep deprivation
Toddler stressors
o separation anxiety**
o loss of self-control
o immobilization
o painful, invasive procedures
o bodily injury or mutilation
o fear of the dark
Pre-schooler stressors
o separation anxiety** and fear of abandonment
o loss of self-control
o bodily injury or mutilation
o painful, invasive procedures
o fear of the dark, ghosts & monsters
School aged child stressors
o loss of control
o loss of privacy & control over bodily functions
o bodily injury
o painful, invasive procedures
o fear of death
Adolescent stressors
o loss of control**
o fear of altered body image, disfigurement, disability, & death
o separation from peer group
Newborn and infant response to pain
Crying, facial appearance, generalized body response
No relationship b/n cause & response
Older infant response to pain
Crying; localized body response; expression of pain or anger; physical struggle
Young child response to pain
Crying & screaming; verbal expressions; thrashing; lack of cooperation; begging; anticipates pain
School aged child response to pain
Similar to young child; time-wasting behaviours; muscular rigidity
Adolescent response to pain
Less vocal; less physical resistance; more verbal; increased muscle tension & body control