The hominins Flashcards
What is hominins
this group includes modern humans and their bipedal ancestors.
What is hominids
This includes human ancestors + great apes.
Natural Selection
in a group organisms characterisitics that are more favourable allow the to survive until repoductive age
Culture Evolution
Can be seen in the gradual improvement in tools, better methods for resources-> more higher complex culture
General use Tools
Allows species to exploit resources in a broader range of habitats
Gracile V Robust
Gracile-> lightly built, includes Australopithecus Afarensis and Australopithecus Africanus, Lived only in South Africa, may be the ancestors of genus Homo
Robust-> heavily built, includes paranthropus Robust and Paranthropus Boisei, Lived in both south and east africa, lived up to 1 mya- 1.5 mya-> thus no descendants left.
Australopithecus Afarensis
Description-> earliest/ most primitive form of hominin (lucy)
Time frame/ location-> 2.5 mya- 3.7 mya East Africa
General Size-> F: 100-110 cm M 140cm-150 cm 30-70kg
Skull features-> Prominent prognathism, Diastema present, lack of chin, lack of forehead (low) , larger teeth then modern humans, flared zygomatic arch.
Post Cranial Skeleton-> Adapted to bipeadilsm ( upright stance) , centrally placed foreman magnum, all post cranial skeleton adaptations for bipeadlism
Long arms are retained, curved fingers and toes ( possibly to retreat to higher ground/ trees)
Culture-> no evident culture ( human-like)
Diet-> mostly vegetarian
Hunting-> No proper hunting-> foraged for food-> possbily using non-durable material as simple pebble tools.
Use of fire-> none
Shelter-> dwells in trees and possibly home bases
Cranial capacity-> 400-500cm^3 ( small)
Australopithecus Africanus
TIme frame and location-> 2 mya- 3 mya, South africa
General size-> F: 110 cm M: 140-150cm. 30-55k ( light)
Skull Features-> Still has prognathism, low forehead, no more diastema, flare zygomatic arch, less browridge, smaller canines, smaller teeth then Afarensis
Post cranial Skeleton-> Adapted to bipedalism( upright stance), centrally placed foreman magnum, all post cranial adaptations are for Bipedalism.
less curved fingers and toes
Cultural-> none
Use of fire-> none
Huntin-> no hunting just foraging-> ocassional use of non- durable material to make simple pebble tools
Cranial capacity-> 420cm-500cm^3 slightly larger in size in comparison to A. afarensis.
Paranthropus Robustus
Time frame and location-> 1.5mya- 2.0 mya. Eastern and Southern Africa
General Size->Robust/ heavily built
140cm-170cm (tall). 40-80kg ( heavier)
Skull features-> sagittal crest on top skull ( attacment of jaw muscles), Less prognathism, brow ridges are still present, low forehead, with large/ robust molar and pre-molar teeth, flared zygomatic arch ( for large jaw muscles)
Post Cranial Skeleton-> Adapted to bipedalism ( upright stance), centrally placed foreman magnum, all post cranial skeleton adaptations are for bipedalism
Maintain long arms and less curved fingers and toes
Cranial Capacity= 530cm^3 ( larger)
Homo habilis
~ First maker of stone tools
Time frame and location-> 1.7mya- 2.3 mya Mainly Eastern Africa- can be southern Africa
Skull Features -> No diastema, smaller jaw, Larger brain= Larger cranium, smaller teeth ( more like modern day humans), flatter face, less browridge, slight swell on broca area= possbile indication of rudimentary language ( however larynx might not of been able to make complex sounds)
Post Cranial Skeleton-> Bipedalism ( upright stance)-> taller thus longer femurs, hands more human-like then ape-like, retained long arms and slightly curved fingers and toes.
Diet-> became omnivores ( mainly vegetarian however slight variation of meat into their diet-> due to them scavenging meat from carcasses-> use of scrapper and cutter tools
Introduction of meat into their diet-> may cause the increase in brain size-> more proteins and fats = more developed and complex brain= brain size increase?
Hunting-> scavenged meat thus first maker of stone tools; Oldowan tools-> pebble is struck with another pebble forming shaper edges-> some evidence of chisels and flakes.
Communication-> Rudimentary
Cranial Capacity-> 630 cm^3 (500-800)
Homo erectus
Ancestors of Homo sapiens
Key advancements-> Cooperative hunting, Fire, Shelters
Time frame/ location-> 1 million- 300,000 years ago Found in Asia and Africa ( possibly Europe)
Migration possibly due to change in diet)
Skull Features-> Large brain= larger cranium, Defined brow ridges, elongated skull ( more to occiputal), Small teeth, defined central ridge, Prognathism in upper jaw( less then habilis)
Post cranial Skeleton-> adapted for upright bipedalism-> increased in height
Diet-> introduced more meat into their diet ( more efficient hunting due to cooperation between individuals) -> now are omnivores.
Hunting-> Butchuring sites were discovered -> for larger animals
Hunting cooperation has increased ( Hunting- gatherer lifestyle)
use of Acheulean tools-> skillful crafting of stone tools; tear shaped hand axes ( secondary flaking) on edges
-> predetermined pattern with role in mind.
-> Hit one side then working down the opposite side creating a two face lump
Axes are used for stabbing and defense= increase survival rate= increse independance. ( systematic use of axe)
Use of fire= first to introduce fire.= started to use the fire to kill parasites
the protection and light produced by the fires increased the chances of migration.
Shelter-> digressed from trees and instead used shelters and hunts= this is too act as protection= increasing chances of survival.
Communication-> due to hunting cooperation. more complex communication is needed ( larger Broca area/ more swelling)
Social organisations become more complex-> hunter gathere life style is active, divison of labour is clear.
Cranial capacity-> 1020 cm^3
Homo Neanderthalensis
Description-> discovered as evolved in europe during ice age
Time frame/ location-> 30000-200000 years ago in Europe and middle east.
General Size-> 150cm-170cm. 70kg
Skull features-> Chin is more defined, slight prognathism , reduced brow ridge ( less then H. Erectus), large nose, cheek bones are swepted back, Large brain= large cranium ( possibly due to cold climate), depression at back of skull
Post cranial skeleton-> adapted to bipedalism ( upright position)-> increased height.
Limbs are shorter however robust joints, more powerful limbs, barrel shaped ribs, more leg musckles=> needed for more efficient hunting, required fpr the harsh conditions
Diet-> omnivore however leaned towards a more meaty
Hunting-> More skilled hunting force-> hunted large packs of animals= more complex is needed for mutual cooperation.
Use Mousterian tools-> stone tools but more refined then acheulean, more flakes included for more specific roles.
Trim specific rock until its disc shaped and struck by another rock creating flakes ( levallois) , leaving one side flat but had sharp edges ( some had hafting)
ritual-> cared for disabled and elderyly, had burial ceremoony, used pigmkentatioon as body decoration, ritaulistic cannabilsim
made clothing from hide skin.
Cranial Capacity-> 1500cm^3
Homo Sapiens
Description-> present day humans
300000 years ago till now ( may of coexisted with the homo- neanderthalensis)
Establishe in Europe 30,000 years ago
General size -> 175 cm 75kg
Skeletal features-> little to none prognathism, most domed shape, less brow-ridge, defined chin, equal teeth sizes, no diastema, flatter face, high vertical forehead
Post cranial skeleton- taller then neanderthalensis-> taller more slender
long legs in comparison to arms-> straight finger straigh toes, less barrel shape ( more gracile)
Diet-> omnivore ( balanced diet)
Hunting-> More specilisation -> improved hunting technique.
more consisten gathering of resources due to less harsh conditions.
Developemnt of punch corer technique-> uniform blades can be produce.
Specilized tools made made from bone and ivoy ( hooks , harpoons, spears and needls= indicate improved hunting ( hafting)
focused on rework for duribility and sharpness.
Aurignacian-> Solutrean-> magdalenian
Aurignacian ( blade tools )->
Used prepared core over crude flakes
parallel side
Solutrean->made through pressure flaking
Magdalenian-> made from bones, ivory, antlers using flint and stone.
-> made for burin, needles, fishing hooks
Shelter-> Permanent shelters-> introduction of villgers, towns, cities
Art-> introduction of portable and mural art-> sculptures, engravings, cave art ( possible way of communication), body decoration like pigmentation.
Rituals-> ceremonial belief, caraed for young, elderly and disabled.
Extreme complex spiritual and religious belief.
Agricutlure-> the agriculture revolution.
started 12,000 years ago
switched from a nomadic lifestyle to a permanent life style (farmer).
-> increase stable food supply= more people could be supported= increased survival= population increased.
-> changed from nomadic to permanent life style due to proper fertile soil, adequete rain fall, warming of climate.
Cranial capacity-> 1400 cm^3