The Holocaust Flashcards
What is the Holocaust?
The Holocaust (1933-1945) was a systematic form of genocide, under Nazi authority, of people considered undesirable such as gypsies, roma, black people, disabled people, homosexuals, Jehovah witnesses and famously Jews.
By the end of the Holocaust, how many Jews had been killed?
6 million Jews had died
Name 3 concentration camps
Dachau, Auschwitz and Ravensbruck
Define Final Solution
The final solution was a Nazi systematic plan to wipe out all Jews across Europe through mass murder.
When did the Holocaust start and finish?
What kind of experiments did the Nazi’s do?
Freezing experiments, experiments for treating injuries and illnesses, and experiments proving that Nazi’s were the superior race.
How many people lived after Mengele experimented on them?
200 people
Why were gas chambers disguised as shower rooms?
So prisoners would go in willingly
What is anti-Semitism?
Hatred of Jews
Who were the SS (Schutzstaffel) and what did they do?
A paramilitary organisation under the Nazi Party. They enforced forced labour, shootings, and punishments in concentration camps.
When was Adolf Hitler born?
April 20, 1889 in Austria
What symbol was mandatory to be worn by Jews?
Star of David
What kind of gas were used at Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau?
Zyklon-B gas
What is Einsatzgruppen?
The special killing groups developed by Hitler, to kill large groups of people thought to be undesirable.
What were the conditions in ghettos?
Overcrowded, lack of water and food and forced labour.
What does the term annihilation mean?
In this context, it refers to the mass extermination of Jews and other undesired groups
What is operation T4?
Operation T4 was the Nazi plan to exterminate those with disabilities, mental disabilities and serious health problems. Initiated in the early 1930s , this operation killed approximately 70 000 individuals through gas chambers, lethal injections and starvation.
Who were the Kappos?
Kapos were prisoners in Nazi concentration camps whom the SS forced to oversee other inmates. They received better clothing, food and housing then the other prisoners.
Who were the Zonderkommandos and what did they do?
The Sonderkommandos were Jewish inmates forced to perform their duties in concentration camps. Some of their duties were shaving hair, searching the prisoner’s bodies for hidden possessions (gold teeth), carry burning bodies in the ovens and dispose ashes (to hide evidence).
Why were synagogues burnt?
Because they were are place of worship for Jews.
What were the conditions in the concentration camps?
Similar to ghettos, extermination camps, overcrowded, lack of food (malnutrition) and water, forced labour, medical experiments, lack of healthcare, lack of hygiene, sicknesses like typhoid, and violence.
What is the meaning of communism?
Social system based on common ownership
What is the meaning fascism?
Government system led by a supreme dictator. Centralised control over all aspects of life
What is the meaning of liberation?
Freeing of concentration camps
what is the meaning of mischling?
Mixed blood -both Aryan and Jewish ancestry
What is propaganda?
Information and ideas intentionally used to spread ideas
What is usury?
illegal/immoral money lending at very high rates of interest
What did the Nazis do with dead bodies?
Bodies were lotted of gold and thrown into large mass graves
How long did the prisoners usually have to work?
11 hours
What kind of method of gassing took place at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka?
Exhaust fume gassing
What does Mischling mean?
mixed “Aryan” and “non-Aryan”, such as Jewish, ancestry
Passed in September 1935, the Nuremberg Laws contained how many pieces of legislation?
consisted of two main pieces of legislation: the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor and the Reich Citizenship Law.
In what month did the Nazis carry out the anti-Jewish pogrom dubbed by Kristallnacht?
The Nazis carried out the anti-Jewish pogrom known as Kristallnacht on November 9th-10th 1938.
Kristallnacht is believed to have been instigated by a speech given by which Nazi leader?
Joseph Goebbels
Approved at the start of WW11, Aktion T4 was a campaign largely concerned with…..?
systematic mass murder of people with physical, mental and emotional disabilities. It was framed as euthanasia
TRUE or FALSE: During the Wansee Conference, the Nazi’s decision to exterminate the entire Jewish population
TRUE. The Wannsee Conference, held on January 20, 1942, was a meeting of senior Nazi officials where they coordinated the implementation of the Final Solution
Of the 9 million Jews, who lived in Europe an estimate of ______ were murdered
6 million
Mobile killing squads were known as the what?
What word describes the closure of the ghettos?
Who was known as the brown shirts?
Who were the secret state Nazi police notorious for its brutal methods and operations?
the elite black shirts were_____
known as a truce were?
What is the Jewish term for Holocaust?
When did the war start?
Sept 1st 1939, when Germany invades Poland, appeasement, ineffectiveness of the League of Nations