The Hip Joint Flashcards
What is the hip joint?
Ball and socket (enarthrodial)
Comprised of: head of femur & acetabulum of pelvic girdle.
What does the pelvic girdle consist of?
Ilium, Pubic, Ischium are fused to form the pelvic bone (innominate bone or os coxa) and sacrum
What is the largest, heaviest, and longest bone in the body?
Femur (not in the leg thought)
The two pubic bones articulate at which point? ANd what type of articulation is this?
Pubic Symphysis
Amphiarthrodial articulation
Where does the sacrum attach to the iliac bones?
Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint)
Is there any movement at the SI joint?
Yes a little (syndesmotic and synovial joint)
T/F the hip has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body
What is the primary fx of the acetabulofemoral joint?
To support the weight of the HAT - head, arms, and trunk; and to allow mobility for ambulation.
T/F Just like the upper extremity, the lower extremity often functions in a open kinematic/kinetic chain.
False, It often functions in a closed kinematic/kinetic chain
Anatomical Landmarks of pelvis bone?
Iliac crest, ASIS, AIIS, acetabulum (2/5 ilium; 2/5 ischium; 1/5 pubis), pubic crest, pubic sup/asc ramus, pubic inf/desc ramus, ischial ramus, ischial tuberosity, obturator foramen, ischial spine, sciatic notches (greater & lesser), PSIS, PIIS.
Anatomical Landmarks of the femur bone?
Femoral head and neck, greater and lesser trochanter, line asper.
Angle of inclination
viewed from the front, the angle found between the line of the femoral shaft and the line that runs through the femoral neck…normal adult 125deg.
Angle of torsion
viewed from above, the head and neck of the femur are not supposed to be parallel with the femoral condyles. The femur is twisted…that is the superior femur is twisted laterally so that the head is more anterior than the neck and greater trochanter. The angle formed by a line that passes throughout the head and neck and a line drawn along the posterior aspect of the femoral condyles. Normal = 15 deg
femoral anterversion
Significant increase in angle of torsion
femoral retroversion
Significant decrease in angle of torsion
With a pathological anterversion, which motion is usually accompanied with it?
Internal Rotation of the femurs. This will affect the kinematics of gait.
With a pathological retroversion, which motion is usually accompanied with it?
External Rotation of the femurs. This will affect the kinematics of gait.
Sometimes the angle of torsion is called by another name, what is it?
Angle of anteversion
T/F Both the angle of inclination and torsion increase as one ages.
False, they both decrease
Name the muscles that are biarticulate about the hip and knee.
Sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, gracilis, hamstring group, and rectus femoris.
Name all the anterior muscles of the hip which produce flexion primarily
Iliopsoas (combination of the iliac us, psoas major & psoas minor; MOST IMPORTANT HIP FLEXOR), Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, Tensor Fasciae Latae
Combination of iliacus, psoas major & minor (most important hip flexor)
O: Inner surface of ilium; lateral aspect of bodies of T12 - L5
I: Lesser trochanter femur & femoral shaft just below
A: Big time hip flexor - pulls lower back into lordotic position or anterior pelvic tilt
WR: Straight-legged leg raises
Rectus Femoris
(most auspicious position when the hip is in anatomical position or slightly hyper extended)
I: Patellar tendon (ligament) to tibial tuberosity
A: Flexion of hip; EXTension at knee
WR: Squats; leg extensions; straight-legged leg raises
I: Anterior portion of the Medial Condyle of tibia
A: Flexion at hip; flexion at knee; EXTernal rotation of thigh
Tensor Fasciae Latae
(this muscle seems to be expendable)
O: Ant. iliac crest
I: Iliotibial tract which attaches to lateral femoral condyle, fibular head, & lateral tibial condyle
A: Horizontal ABDuctor hip; ABDuction hip; Flexion hip; INTernal rotation thigh
WR: Nautilus Hip ABDuction machine; low cable ABDuction