The Heart as a Pump Flashcards
Where and how does systemic circulation occur?
Left heart: contraction of left ventricle pumps blood into aorta
Where and how does pulmonary circulation occur?
Right heart: contraction of right ventricle pumps blood into pulmonary arteries
Why must cardiac output be the same in both systemic and pulmonary circulations?
Otherwise blood will gradually accumulate in one and be removed from the other
How does the left heart function?
Pumps into the aorta and systemic circulation.
The blood pressure in the systemic circulation has to be kept high so that efficient distribution of blood to different organs of the body can occur.
It is like the mains water supply: wherever you turn a tap on in the house, water should come out at a rate determined by the tap opening.
The same is true in the systemic circulation; blood flow to organs is normally determined by the state of constriction of muscles around the small arteries feeding that organ
How does the right heart function? (particularly in terms of pressure)
The right heart pumps into the pulmonary artery and pulmonary circulation.
There is no need for a high pressure here as no distribution of blood to different organs is needed- only the lungs are involved.
The lungs are efficiently perfused at a lower pressure because the pulmonary vascular resistance is much lower than the system vascular resistance.
Pulmonary arterial pressures are lower because the total vascular resistance in the pulmonary vascular bed is much lower than that in the systemic circulation. With a lower vascular resistance a lower pressure is needed from the right heart to push the cardiac output through the pulmonary vessels.
What is Starling’s Law of the Heart and what does it mean?
“Ventricular contractile force increases with increased end diastolic volume”
The fundamental concept here is that when working normally the ventricles will pump out into the aorta whatever volume of blood is delivered to them by the atria.
Thus if more blood is delivered, the ventricle expands to a greater diameter and this makes it contract more strongly.
This concept is incorporated in the idea of cardiac output controlled by preload.
What is preload and what does it determine?
This is the volume of blood delivered to the heart by the superior and inferior vena cava during each diastole.
Thus the preload determines the end diastolic volume (EDV) of the ventricles.
In a normal heart where Starling’s law applies, this in turn determines the stroke volume, i.e. the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per beat.
The stroke volume for a normal healthy adult male at rest is about 70 ml.
The stroke volume is not the same as the end-diastolic volume (ESV), as there is always some blood left in the ventricle at the end of systole.
This blood makes up the residual volume.
In a typical heart, the EDV is about 120 mL and the ESV about 50 mL.
The difference in these two volumes, 70 mL is thus the stroke volume.
How does Starling’s Law relate to preload?
An increase in preload increases end-diastolic volume and thus end-diastolic myocardial muscle fibre length. This stretching increases the force of contraction of the muscle fibres and thus the heart contracts more strongly, expelling the extra volume of blood. The Starling Law is a primitive mechanism that works even in a denervated heart.
Why is an enlarged heart a bad sign?
A heart with enlarged ventricles (where there is no corresponding increase in ventricular wall thickness) will contract more weakly than a smaller heart, as the muscle fibres are stretched to a point where the Starling mechanism no longer works.
A larger end-diastolic volume (EDV) now produces a smaller not a larger stroke volume
When this happens, there is ‘heart failure’
What is the mechanism underlying Starling’s Law?
Cardiac muscle is striated like skeletal muscle.
The contractile mechanism is actin and myosin filaments. One theory is that the filaments have “excess overlap” at low end diastolic volume (EDV); stretching increases the amount of overlap of the active region of the actin and myosin filaments and thus increases the force of contraction
What is afterload?
Afterload is the effective impedance* (dynamic resistance) to flow of the aorta and large arteries. The resistance of the aorta to fluid flow along it depends on the diameter, but it also depends on the elasticity of the tissue. In a dynamic situation like the heartbeat, where the pressure is constantly rising and falling, we should talk about the impedance rather than resistance to flow.
*The reciprocal of impedance is compliance. The higher the compliance of the aorta the lower the afterload, and thus the less work the heart has to do to generate a given cardiac output.
How can you summarise the relation of afterload, preload and contractility to stroke volume?
Increased preload and increased contractility increase stroke volume
Decreased contractility and increased afterload decrease stroke volume
What factors can raise preload? What effect does this have?
Raised due to: - fast filling time - increased venous return Increase end diastolic volume Increase stroke volume
What factors can lower preload? What effect does this have?
Lowered due to: - decreased thyroid hormones -decreased calcium ions - high or low potassium ions - high or low sodium - low body temperature - hypoxia - abnormal pH balance - drugs (i.e. calcium channel blockers) Decreases end diastolic volume Decreases stroke volume
What factors can raise contractility? What effect does this have?
Raised due to: - sympathetic stimulation - epinephrine and norepinephrine - high intracellular calcium ions - high blood calcium level - thyroid hormones - glucagon - beta adrenergic agonists (eg adrenaline) - drugs which stimulate calcium entry into myocardium (eg levosimendan) - cardiac glycosides (eg digoxin) Decreases end systolic volume Increases stroke volume
What factors can lower contractility? What effect does this have?
Lowered due to: - parasympathetic stimulation - acetylcholine - hypoxia - hyperkalaemia Increases end systolic volume Decreases stroke volume
What factors can raise afterload? What effect does this have?
Raised due to: - increased vascular resistance - semilunar valve damage Increases end systolic volume Decreases stroke volume
What is inotropy? How does it effect stroke volume/end diastolic volume?
This is the contractility (force of contraction) of the ventricular muscle. This can vary widely due to the influence of neuronal and hormonal factors. An increase in contractility will decrease residual volume and thus increase stroke volume at a given end diastolic volume.
What factors can lower afterload? What effect does this have?
Lowered due to:
- decreased vascular resistance
Decreased end systolic volume
Increases stroke volume
What keeps the heart valves in position when closed? What are these attached to?
Heart valves kept in position when closed by the chordae tendineae (fibrous tendons which attached to the valves)
Chordae tendineae are to papillary muscles
What are the papillary muscles and how do they work?
The papillary muscles are the first part of the ventricles to contract during systole. They pull on the chordae tendineae and pull the valves closed.
Rather like the strings on a parachute hold the canopy in a particular position against the wind, the chordae hold the rather ‘floppy’ valves against the pressure of the contracting ventricles
What are the 6 stages of the cardiac cycle?
- Atrial systole begins: atrial contraction forces small amount of additional blood into relaxed ventricles
- Atrial systole ends, atrial diastole begins (100 ms)
- Ventricular systole - first phase: ventricular contraction pushes AV valves closed but does not create enough pressure to open semilunar valves
- Ventricular systole - second phase: as venticular pressure rises and exceeds pressure in the arteries, the semilunar valves open and blood is ejected
- Ventricular diastole - early: as ventricles relax, pressure in ventricles drops; blood flows back against cusps of semilunar valves and forces them closed. Blood flows into the relaxed atria. (375 ms)
- Ventricular diastole - late: all chambers are relaxed. Ventricles fill passively. (ends at 800 ms)
How do the valves function in the cardiac cycle?
At start of systole as left ventricle starts to contract mitral valve closes, then as pressure rises above diastolic aortic valve opens.
At end of systole pressure in ventricle decreases & aortic valve closes.
Finally, when pressure is near zero mitral valve opens.
Similar sequence in right heart.
Why is atrial contraction (systole) not essential for normal cardiac output at rest?
The ‘elastic recoil’ of the ventricular walls as they enlarge during diastole is enough to suck blood into the ventricles without atrial contraction.
What is atrial fibrillation and how is it detected? What does it look like on an ECG?
Atrial - Atrial fibrillation (asynchronous contraction of atria) is a common condition in the over 60’s, and is often detected only by the patient feeling dizzy or breathless during exercise. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is easy to spot in an ECG as there is an absence of P waves but normal QRS waves.
When is atrial contraction necessary and why?
. Atrial contraction is necessary to fill the ventricles during exercise, as diastole is shortened with the increased heart rate. The atria give the blood an extra ‘push’ which helps fill the expanding ventricles.
What causes heart sounds? Which heart sounds are usually heard?
Heart sounds are due to turbulent flow of blood that occur mainly during closure of heart valves
The first heart sound “lubb” is heard when atrioventricular (AV) valves close. Splitting of the first heart sound is defined as an asynchronous closure of the tricuspid and the mitral valves.
The second heart sound “dupp” is heard when the aortic and pulmonary (semilunar) valves close
What is the third heart sound S3, and why might it be heard?
A faint low-pitched sound is heard about one-third of the way through diastole in many normal children and young adults. This is the third heart sound S3. It is due to turbulent flow during rapid filling of the ventricle in early diastole.
A third heart sound may also be heard in adults with heart disease, and may be a sign of heart damage, possibly damaged heart valves.
When and why is a fourth heart sound S4 sometimes heard?
A fourth heart sound S4 is sometimes heard immediately before the first heart sound; it is due to turbulent flow in the ventricle during late filling. It is a sign of decreased ventricular compliance
What are S3 and S4 sometimes called and how can they be investigated?
S3 and S4 are sometimes called gallops. Gallops are sounds that are associated with diastolic filling. To investigate heart sounds in detail they can be recorded and amplified to give a phonocardiogram
Why are there no valves between the vena cava and the right atrium,or the pulmonary veins and the left atrium?
This is probably because flow here is at such a low pressure that the apparatus of a valve would significantly increase the resistance to flow.
What does the lack of valves at the beginning of the right atrium cause?
As there are no valves, when the right atrium contracts a backpressure occurs in the jugular vein. This can be felt as a faint pulse, the jugular venous pulse.
There are three peaks in the venous pulse, ‘a’, ‘c’, and ‘v’.
The ‘a’ wave is due to atrial contraction before the tricuspid valve closes, the ‘’c’ wave is due to the pressure briefly rising in the atrium after the tricuspid closes because the valve bulges back into the atrium, and the ‘v’ wave occurs as the valve bulges again as the ventricle reaches the peak of its contraction.
What is the pressure gradient from the venous end of systemic capillaries to the right heart?
Mean right atrial pressure is about 2 mm Hg, whereas the pressure at the end of capillaries is about 10 mmHg
Aside from the pressure gradient which two other factors contribute to venous return to the heart?
- Muscular pumps combined with one-way valves in the veins. As muscles in the limbs and abdomen contract they squeeze the blood in the veins and because the veins contain one-way valves, it is propelled upwards to the heart. Lack of muscle activity in the legs can lead to pooling and stasis of blood in the legs, which can lead to clot (thrombus) formation.
- Thoraco-abdominal pump. During passive expiration pressures in the abdominal cavity decrease as the diaphragm rises; this pulls blood into abdomen from the legs.. On inspiration the diaphragm descends and increases the pressure in the abdomen, forcing the blood up into the thorax and inferior vena cava.
What waves on the ECG to the first and second heart sounds correspond to?
QRS complex occurs at time of first heart sound, when ventricles are starting to contract
T wave precedes the second heart sound