The heart as a Pump Flashcards
Chamber contracts and ejects blood
Relaxation Phase
*when HR increases, diastole is most affected.
Specific sequence of events
Atrial Systole Isovolumic contraction Rapid Ejection Reduced Ejection Isovolumic relaxation Rapid Filling Reduced filling
Atrial Systole
Soon after the start of the “P” wave; Atrial Depolarization
- top-up ventricles by contracting, completes filling
- Responsible for small increase in A/V pressure and venous volume.
- ‘a’ wave
When is atrial contraction really necessary?
-Contraction not usually necessary as much filling is passive. But at high HR, extra boost is important
Isovolumic Contraction
- Phase between the start of ventricular systole and the opening of the Semilunar valves
- Onset coincides with R-wave peak
- Volume constant but Pressure steeply rises
- c-wave
Rapid Ejection
Semilunar (aortic and pulmonary) valves open
- Rapid increase in aortic flow
- Rapid drop in LV volume
- Atrial pressure drops; base moves towards apex and stretches atria
- Sharp increase in LV and Aortic pressure
Reduced Ejection
-Runoff from aorta to periphery exceeds LV output> aortic P drops > aortic flow drops
- Aortic pressure just > LV pressure
- Forward momentum continues ejection
- Atrial pressure rising (filling from veins)
How much blood is ejected from LV
Isovolumic Relaxation
- Aortic valve closes due to Pressure-Gradient Reversal. Semilunar also closed
- Incisura
- 2nd heart sound
- Rapid fall in LV pressure, no change volume
- Aortic Pressure remains high
Incisura/dicrotic notch
Small notch of aortic pressure during isovolumic relaxation
-coincides with SL valve closure, as the blood reversal occurs and blood tries to flow back into the LV, there is a increase in Aortic presure due to the elastic recoil of the artery
Rapid FIlling
Major part of V filling
LV rapid increase in LV volume, as blood flows from the atria > ventricles
V pressure is still dropping
3rd Heart sound sometimes heard
Slow filling
- Equalised pressures, slow rise in A and V and venous pressures, and ventricular volume
- Blood returns from peripheral veins > RV and blood from lungs > LV
What are heart sounds?
Due to turbulence cause by valves closing