The Heart And Mediastanium Flashcards
Base of the Heart direction
backward to right+upward
Apex location
lies in the left 5th intercostal space, 9 cm from the midline.
What does Anterior interventricular sulcus contain
anterior interventricular artery
coronary sulcus contains
(right coronary artery and coronary sinus).
Tough external layer of pericardium known as
Fibrous Pericardium
transverse pericardial sinus location
anterior to the superior vena cava and posterior to the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk.
can be used to identify and subsequently ligate the arteries of the heart during coronary artery bypass grafting.
transverse pericardial sinus
oblique pericardial sinus
lies posterior to the heart
between the left atrium in front and the fibrous pericardium behind.
Endocardium histology
single layer of simple squamous epithelium resting on a thin layer
of loose connective tissue.
Type of connective tissue in epicardium
Fatty not loose
Smooth posterior sinus venarum receives blood from
SVC, IVC, and coronary sinus.
Atrium proper is part of
Rough anterior of right atrium
Depression of septal wall in the right atrium
Fossa Ovalis
Right Atrioventricular Orifice and Tricuspid Valve location
2.5 cm. in diameter, situated behind the midline of
the sternum, opposite the 4th intercostal space.
What forms right pulmonary surface of heart
Right atrium
Which ventricular groove is seen from the diaphragmatic surface
From when the left atrium is seen
Base(forms most of it)
Left pulmonary surface( small part)
sternopericardial ligaments function
Attaching Fibrous pericardium to the posterior surface of the sternum
(?) is fused to and inseparable from the fibrous pericardium
Outer parietal layer of serous pericardium
Inner layer of pericardium (outer most of heart wall ) known as
Visceral layer or epicardium
What lines cavities of heart
Endocardium which consists of simple squamous epithelial layer supported by loose CT
crista terminalis is
muscular ridge that divides interior of right atrium into 2 parts
Atrium proper location and structure
located anterior to the crista terminalis, and includes the right auricle. It has rough, muscular walls formed
by pectinate muscles.
Smooth posterior part of right atrium is called
sinus venarum
Fossa Ovalis is a remant of
Foramen ovale
Structure above fossa ovalis
Limbus Fossa Ovalis.
The orifice of the coronary sinus in the right atrium is located between
Orifice of IVC and right atrioventricular orifice
Right ventricle is devided according to what and by what structure
According to blood flow ( inflow and outflow) by supraventricular crest.
Outflow portion of the right ventricle name
(Conus arteriosus or infundibulum)
Outflow portion of right ventricle is located?
Above supraventricular crest and flows to pulmonary artery (trunk)
Physiological function of the fibrous ring is
Keeping the Atrial electrical activity separated from the Ventricular electrical activity
Tricuspid auscultation sound location
Left to sternum of 4th intercostal space
Rough anterior part of left atrium includes
left auricle lined by pectinate muscles
left atrioventricular orifice guarded by
Bicuspid valve (mitral)
Papillary muscles number in left ventricle
Which ventricle has more trabeculae
Why left ventricle has 2 papillary muscles
Cause the valve is bicuspid
Outflow portion of left ventricle name is
Aortic vestibule