The Hamiltonian Flashcards
How can we use the Hamiltonian in the roller coaster example looked at before?
- Compute the Hamiltonian from the Lagrangian found before
- Since L(s,s’), dL.dt = 0, so dH/dt = -dL/dt = 0: E is conserved
How can we use the Hamiltonian for special relativity?
- Find Hamiltonian from special relativity version of the Lagrangian
- Find again that dH/dt = 0 so E is conserved
How do we determine how many coordinates we need?
If we have a particle in 3D, we need 3n coordinates.
What is the generalised version of the E-L equation?
dL/dqi - d/dt(dL/dq’i) = 0
What is the generalised version of the Hamiltonian?
H = sum over i of q’i * dL/dq’i - L
What would the Lagrangian be a function of for 2 particles in 1D?
L(x1, x2, x1’, x2’)
What is the canonical momentum and whta is its equation?
The generalised momentum: pi = dL/dq’i, where qi is a general coordinate
What is the equation for the canonical force?
Fi = dL/dqi, where i could be x, y, theta etc.
What is the equation for the kinetic energy of a mass with more than one coordinate?
T = 1/2 * m *(x’^2 + y’^2)
How do we allow for a small deviation from the optimum path in 2D?
(x(t), y(t)) -> (x(t), y(t)) + a(t), where a(t) is a small vector deviation
What are the boundary conditions for this vector deviation?
a(t0) = a(t1) = (0, 0)
What does the Lagrangian become a function of for more than 1 coordinate?
L(x+ax, y+ay, x’+ax’, y’+ay’)
How do we expand the Lagrangian for more than one coordinate?
1st order taylor series: L(x,y,x’,y’) + axdL/dx + aydL/dy + ax’*dL/dx’ + ay’ * dL/dy’
What is the equation for the change in action 𝛿A for multiple coordinates?
𝛿A = integral from t0 to t1 of dt[axdL/dx + aydL/dy + ax’dL/dx’ + dy’ * dL/dy’]
What do we do with the equation for 𝛿A?
Integrate the last 2 terms by parts and get 2 E-L equations.