The Haemoglobin Molecule and Thalassaemia COPY Flashcards
What is the role of red blood cells, what is it’s normal concentration and what does it contain
Carrys oxygen from lungs to tissue and CO2 from tissue to lungs
3.5-5 x 10^12/L
Contains haemoglobin (each cell= 640mil molecule)
No nucleus or mitochondria
Describe haemoglobin
Where is haemoglobin found, what is its normal concentration and how much is produced/destroyed every day
Found only in RBCs
normal conc. = 120-165g/L
Approx 90mg/kg produced and destroyed in the body every day
When does haemoglobin synthesis occur
During development of RBC and begins in pro-erythroblast
65% erythroblast stage
35% reticulocyte
Describe the structure of haemoglobin
4 polypeptide subunits of 2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains with a prosthetic haem group
4 haem+4 globin chains = 1 Hb molecule
Describe the synthesis of haemoglobin
haem - mitochondria
global - ribosomes
Describe the structure of haem
Same in all types of Hb
Combination of protoporphyrin ring with central iron atom (ferroprotoporphyrin)
Iron is usually in the ferrous form (Fe2+)
Able to reversibly bind to oxygen
Where else may haem been found
myoglobin cytochromes peroxides catalase tryptophan
Describe the synthesis of haem
Mainly in the mitochondria which contains the ALAS enzyme
more haem made = -ive feedback on enzyme activity
Iron is brought to the mitochondria (via transferrin) for haem synthesis
When are the genes coding for the globin in foetal haemoglobin switched off?
It is decreased towards birth and in the first year after birth.
After 1 year of life, the normal adult pattern of haemoglobin synthesis would have been established.
Describe the global gene clusters
Eight functional globin chains, arranged in two clusters:
beta - cluster (b, g, d and e globin genes) on the short arm of chromosome 11
alpha- cluster (a x2 and z globin genes) on the short arm of chromosome 16
Describe the gene expression and switching of globin
Main site of RBC production at first is the yolk sac, then liver, then spleen
After birth, main production is the bone marrow
1. zeta and epsilon globin chains immediately
2. switch to alpha and gamma (3-6 months of life)
3. Then alpha and beta
Little delta globin synthesis
What makes up Hb A and what is the normal percentage
What makes up Hb A2 and what is the normal percentage
What makes up Hb F and what is the normal percentage
Describe the secondary structure of globin
75% alpha and beta chains in helical arrangement
Describe the tertiary structure of globin
approx sphere
Hydrophilic surface (charged polar side chains) and a hydrophobic core
Haem pocket
Describe the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve
Sigmoid shape
Binding of one molecule facilitate the second molecule binding (cooperativity)
P 50 (partial pressure of O2 at which Hb is half saturated with O2) 26.6mmHg
What does position of the Hb-oxygen dissociation curve depend on
Concentration of 2,3-DPG
H+ ion concentration (pH)
CO2 in red blood cells
Structure of Hb
What causes right shift on the oxygen-dissociation curve
High 2,3-DPG
High H+
High CO2